A Witch’s Comeuppance (Soul Eater)
A/N: A Witch's Comeuppance was a one-shot commission originally written back in March of 2019. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!
Summary: Medusa resurfaces, intending to take Crona and reforge him into a weapon for her. But she bites off far more than she can chew when she threatens his new friends.
Themes: Rough Sex, Mind Break, Big Dick
It was a quiet night at the Death Weapon Meister Academy, otherwise known as the DWMA for short. At least, it was a quiet night for one Crona, who was fast asleep in his bed. The young Sword Master had been almost happy of late, everything going much better than it had any right to. He was making friends, and he was… content, if not exactly ecstatic.
But of course, all good things have to come to an end, don't they? As Crona slumbers, a dark shadow begins to take shape in the corner of his room. Bit by bit, something, no, someone begins to rise from the darkness, forming out of seemingly nothing. This someone then steps forward, revealing straw-blonde hair and feminine features as she looks down upon her son.
Medusa Gorgon sniffs daintily, staring down upon Crona's sleeping form with disdain. Then, she reaches out, and with a twist of her power, the witch captures Crona in shadowy bondage, lifting him up out of his bed and waking him as he cries out in pain and discomfort.
"Shush child. Calm yourself. It's not like anyone can hear you anyways~"
Crona's struggles cease for a moment as he freezes up and just stares at her in fresh, dawning horror. The boy is surprised to see his mother again, of course, given the hand he'd played in defeating her. And terrified, for similar reasons.
"Y-You… go away! I don't want anything to do with you anymore!"
It's a testament to how far Crona has come that he's even able to get those words out. They still come tumbling out sounding quite whiny, rather than overly confident. Still, Ragnarok, his Demon Sword, is there to back him up.
"Yeah! Crona is mine! Get out of here, you hag!"
Medusa's casual smirk becomes a crazed grin in an instant, and a vector arrow suddenly slams into the wall behind Crona's head, the line cutting his cheek as it flits past.
"It seems my tool has gotten uppity! And you ARE my tool, the both of you! You will always be my tools, it's why you were born in the first place!"
Another two vector arrows slash out, and Crona shouts in agony as they cut into him, his own mother beginning to torture him. Ragnarok feels it as well, grimacing even as he tries his damnedest to break free. But neither of them are any match for Crona's mother. Medusa is not a witch so easily trifled with, and right now she has absolute control over the situation at hand.
"All you had to do was obey me, sweet Crona. But instead, you betrayed me. My own weapon, turning and cutting the woman who forged it. How could this be? But don't worry… once you break, I will build you back up into exactly what I need you to be. You will be my weapon once again, soon enough."
And then the crazed witch settles in and goes about carrying out her threat. Her words about no one being able to hear them are proven true in short order, because no one ever comes as minutes turns into hours. Several hours go by as Medusa tortures her own son, hurting Crona in every possible way she can. And yet, he does not break. The young man has grown strong in her absence. He's made friends while she's been away.
This realization, that it's the bonds he's made with others that give him strength… it's what Medusa needs to finally know how to break him. Crona is covered in blood by this point, as is his bed. His pajamas are cut to ribbons and barely maintaining his modesty, let alone covering his body at this point. And yet, still he has not broken. Medusa can feel it. He's still fighting her, still holding her back. He hasn't begged for mercy, not even once.
She needs a final push, and she thinks she has it. Drawing Crona close to her, using the vector arrows littering his body to reel her son in, Medusa places a hand around the boy's thin neck and forces him to look into her eyes. Reaching out with her other hand, she slowly caresses his bloodied cheek.
"Crona… sweet Crona. Imagine the fun we'll have once you're mine again. Wouldn't it be better to just… break? Become my weapon, and I will no longer have reason to hurt you. Instead, you will hurt others. Doesn't that sound fun? You and Ragnarok will kill MILLIONS for me. Mm, and all while I'm playing with that stupid little chit, Maka."
Crona's eyes widen and for the first time in hours, Medusa sees some life in them. He may not have been listening before, but he is now. Grinning evilly, the witch presses on this particular button as hard as she can.
"Oh? Did you think I didn't know what my sweet baby boy has been getting up to while I was gone? Maka Albarn… I should pay her a visit, once I'm done with you."
For the first time in a long while, Crona struggles anew. His struggling isn't any more effective than before, but it shows just how much he cares. Medusa lets out a breathy sort of giggle and turns her caress of his cheek into a gripping of his jaw.
"Or perhaps… I'll have you do it. Would you like that, my baby boy? Come back to me. When you break, after I've reforged you into my weapon, the first I shall turn you on is that bitch, Maka. You'll go to her as a friend… and then you'll do the most vile of things to her. You'll rape her. You'll tear her to pieces. You'll destroy her. It will be… fantastic."
Crona is hyperventilating now, and Medusa can't help but feel that he's close. Then, quite suddenly, he goes limp, and Medusa blinks in surprise. Ragnarok, meanwhile, goes stiff.
"… Oh, you've done it now."
That's the last thing the Demon Sword says before vanishing. Medusa furrows her brow, trying to figure out what's happening. But then she decides, ultimately, this must be her victory, right? She's done it. She's broken her son and is going to get her weapon back. Pulling her vector arrows from his flesh, Medusa watches with glee as Crona rises despite his wounds, showing an indomitable will. Cackling, Medusa spreads her arms wide as he steps off the bed towards her.
"Yes! There you are! You have finally awoken, my Kishin, my-MMPH!"
She's stopped quite suddenly when Crona plants a hand over her mouth and slams the witch up against the nearest wall. Medusa's eyes widen, and for a moment, she's so stupefied that she doesn't even defend herself, instead staring into Crona's cold eyes.
"You will not hurt Maka."
His voice is equally cold, and a moment later, something happens, something changes within him even further. His skin turns pitch black, the same color as the black demonic blood that flows through his veins, that SHE gave him. And then there's a ripping sound as the last remnants of his dignity are destroyed by something growing down between his legs.
Both Crona and Medusa stare down at the effeminate boy's crotch, where a massive girth, the biggest cock either of them has ever seen, is still rising, still growing, still hardening. His pajama bottoms have given up the ghost, leaving him completely exposed to his mother, his giant phallus rising to prod against her belly as he holds her up against the wall.
"… Now look what you've gone and done, mother. I hope you plan to fix this."
Medusa's eyes are wide as she sputters behind her son's hand, but he's so much stronger now. Stronger than she ever could have imagined. Even as she struggles to break free, he isn't letting her. Even as the witch pulls on her power to beat him back… it sputters out, as if fleeing from the monster before her like she herself wants to. Crona grins, seeming to sense the change.
"Feeling… powerless, mother?"
Reaching up with his free hand, Crona doesn't wait for a response before grabbing the front of Medusa's dress and ripping it off of her body. The rest of her clothes go with it, leaving her sexy, voluptuous form on full display. From her large breasts to her thin waist and wide hips, she certainly looks like a MILF, once you removed the dark, witchy clothing.
Leaning forward, Crona takes his pleasure from his mother's teats, something that was never afforded to him as a baby, an infant in need of parental affection and love. He slurps and sucks at her breasts for a good few moments, trading between one and then the other. His tongue writhes this way and that, and then he bites down, practically gnawing on her titflesh as she whimpers beneath the hand that's still covering her mouth and gripping her jaw, holding her in place.
Eventually though, Crona pulls back from her tits, each of them red and covered in bitemarks and saliva by the time he's done. He looks at her for a moment, and then finally withdraws his hand from her mouth. Medusa gasps as she slides down the wall a couple of inches, finally able to move again. The first thing she tries to do is speak, opening her mouth to say something.
Unfortunately for her, Crona was waiting for that. The hand that had been covering her face comes back around in an absolutely VICIOUS backhand, and the young man pimp slaps his evil mother to the ground without a second thought. A cry splits the air as Medusa is cast down to the floor, and then more cries follow, because Crona doesn't let up just because she's fallen.
He kicks her in the gut nice and hard, expelling the air from her lungs as she chokes on it. Then, his foot digs in between her legs, his toes slamming up into her vagina. Medusa's eyes widen at the sudden burst of sensation, and that combined with the unwanted pleasure she'd felt from having her tits sucked sends the witch right over the edge. She is, after all, a perverted freak. Oh sure, she's a sadist of the highest order… she's just also a massive masochist.
Normally, Medusa wouldn't allow anyone to just KNOW that. While she enjoyed getting hurt in battle, while she reveled in the pain, she didn't just come out and say it. And this wasn't a battle anyways… this was a curb stomp.
"Did you just cum? You filthy fucking whore…"
Medusa can't do much more than whimper, even as her son kicks her onto her back and kneels between her legs, which he easily spreads open with far more strength than he should have. He's something more than a Kishin now, she's sure.
"W-Wait. Please, you don't… you don't h-have to do this!"
Crona just snarls, his skin still pitch black, and is equally dark cock laid out upon his own mother's navel, showing just how far up inside of her his length will go. As he slides his member back so that he can fit the tip against her slit, he also reaches out and smacks her across the face again.
"You reap what you sow, you evil bitch."
This isn't the boy that she'd raised, the son that she'd beaten and molded and shaped into a submissive little tool to be used for her purposes. This… this is a monster. Medusa would almost be proud, if it weren't for the fact that she was no the receiving end of his wrath. Without further ado, Crona rears back and slams his cock deep into her, ramming the massive phallus that he's now equipped with straight into Medusa's womb.
There's not a moment of hesitation, not a single ounce of mercy in Crona's gaze or his actions as he begins to rape her, right then and there. And it is a rape, for all that the evil, vile witch known as Medusa Gorgon deserves it. She shrieks and howls, screaming as his cock bulges up out of her belly with every thrust. Her womb can't contain him, not truly, and it ends up stretched around Crona's thrusting dick like some sort of perverse, meaty condom.
Yet, despite there not being anything distinctly intimate about the encounter, despite it being the most painful experience of her life, up to and including giving birth, Medusa can't stop cumming. It's not sex, it's an assault on her with his big fat cock, and yet, she climaxes over and over again, orgasming around the onslaught of dick meat that's currently ravaging her body.
Her screams of pleasure and pain fill the air as she shakes and spasms time and time again. It doesn't seem to have an end, time itself blending together as if this is never going to stop. But eventually, there is an end, of sorts. Crona finally cums, and Medusa feels him filling her womb with his seed. But… it's not normal. She can immediately tell that whatever he's putting in her is NOT normal.
This is confirmed when the black-skinned big-dicked boy pulls his cock out of her, straightening up and looking down at her for a moment in silent apathy. Medusa looks down the length of her body, only to see what looks like the same black, demonic blood she put inside of her son oozing out of her cum-stuffed cunt.
Medusa shivers at the sight, but before she can do much beyond laying there wasted on the ground, Crona grabs her by her hips and spins her over onto her stomach. The moment his hands come down HARD on her ass, groping, squeezing, and mauling her poor butt cheeks, Medusa knows exactly what he intends. Looking back over her shoulder, a surge of adrenaline filling her, the evil witch whimpers brokenly, looking distinctly vulnerable for how powerful and in control she'd been only a half hour or so before.
"W-Wait… please, Crona… don't. Not there. A-Anywhere but there. You're so big, I might DIE."
Crona just stares at her with uncaring eyes. It's the exact sort of complete and utter apathy that she'd wanted to see in him… but not directed at her. She'd wanted to make him feel it for everyone else, for all the worthless weaklings that lived upon this world. She'd wanted him to love and adore her, so that she might use him to her advantage once more, while hating and despising those who had befriended him in her time away.
Instead, all of that hate is directed at her, and as he brings his hands down upon her ass, spanking her red and raw, Medusa squeals and shrieks, unable to help from cumming from the delicious, delicious pain, no matter how much she doesn't want to enjoy it. Crona's tone is almost wondrous as he speaks, his voice surprised but no less happy.
"You're just a masochistic whore, mother… you're going to love this, aren't you? You're going to love anything I do to you, no matter how much I try to hurt you."
And then his cockhead is pressing up against Medusa's sphincter, right between her reddened, raw butt cheeks. He rams his massive member up inside of his evil mother's ass right then and there, and Medusa SCREAMS. But if no one came when HE screamed as she tortured Crona for hours, of course no one is going to come for her, either.
Something dark has awakened inside of Crona. He knows this to be true, because her screams… his own mother, in pain… it's turning him on. But that's alright. So long as he keeps it to those who deserve it, he'll be fine. He won't let them hurt anyone who he cares about, and he won't let himself hurt anyone who he cares about either.
"P-Please… please… please…"
Medusa is reduced to weakly sputtering the same word over and over again as her son rapes her ass just as he raped her cunt. Crona's cock is digging deep into her bowels, but her begging and pleading for him to stop is soon overwhelmed by her own unwanted pleasure. Her orgasms quickly overwhelm the evil witch, and she finds herself unable to do anything but claw at the ground in front of her as her eyes roll back in her head and her mouth opens wide in a constant moan.
He eventually cums, somewhere in all of that. She feels it as that black demon blood seed of his pumps into her bowels, painting her insides just as it filled her womb. And yet, unlike with her womb, this time Crona doesn't stop. Like a man possessed, like a beast without control, he keeps right on fucking his mother in the ass, plowing her through orgasm after orgasm. He fucks her back door so hard that Medusa is SURE she's going to die. And yet, it will be a pleasurable death, that's for sure. Her mind is slowly fracturing under it all, and her begging, her pleading, her fear, her hatred… it's slowly fading away.
If she just gives in, then won't she be happier? If she just breaks, then she can be her son's plaything, and everything else need not matter anymore. That… that sounds nice, doesn't it? Yes, that sounds nice. By the time Crona cums inside of her again, she's barely conscious, her mind continuing to break apart, her very psyche falling to pieces. But he's far from done with her. He's not going to stop until he knows that she can't hurt anyone else, ever again.
Medusa had ordered them to wait for her, to give her absolute privacy in her work concerning her son. But surely a full day going by meant that they needed to do something, or at least check on what was happening. Night had turned into day, and then day had become night again, and still neither Mizune nor Eruka Frog had heard anything from Medusa Gorgon, one way or another.
They may have been subordinate to her, but that didn't mean they were just going to ignore their own plans, which meant that they had to figure out what was going on. So, without further ado, the two entered the dorm room of Medusa's son, forming up out of the same shadows that Medusa herself had used. What they find is… madness.
Medusa is there, yes… but she looks nothing like the powerful witch that they've both been subordinate to. With her clothes ripped off of her, the evil witch is currently held up by the young man fucking her. Her eyes are rolled back in her head, her tongue is lolling out of her mouth, and her hands are up as she gives two peace signs in a perfect ahegao.
At the same time, the boy holding her has pitch black skin, and is currently impaling her ass on his cock, as pitch-black liquid positively POURS from Medusa's cunt, like a waterfall. It is… a horrifying, grotesque sight. And it still turns both Mizune and Eruka on immensely, if they're being honest with themselves. Before either can react however, more of the black fluid explodes out of Crona's flesh, because who else can this boy who's fucking their superior be?
The blood forms up into appendages of sorts and grabs up both Mizune and Eruka before the two witches can react in any way. Dragged forward, they find themselves slammed face first into the ground, unable to so much as move or do anything. Crona regards them for a moment from over his mind-broken mother's shoulder… and then he drops Medusa onto the floor next to him, and slowly pulls Eruka up from the floor to hang in the air before him.
Like many witches, Eruka was proud to be 'evil'. She enjoyed destroying things. But she was also a massive coward, preferring to flee when the going got tough, and submit when fleeing was not possible. Fleeing certainly wasn't possible here, and so Eruka tried her best to submit.
"P-Please, you don't have to hurt me. I'll do whatever you require. I can s-serve you, just like I served Medusa!"
Crona regards her in silence for a moment, making her squirm. Or so she thinks, in reality, he's observing the magic he sees within her. It's his mother's magic, given over to the other witch for whatever reason. With a growl, Crona brings forth his black blood, and it pours into Eruka's mouth before the woman can truly stop it. Eruka Frog chokes and coughs and sputters, but in the end, he's not necessarily asphyxiating her… he's CLEANSING her.
Using his blood, Crona removes every last trace of Medusa's magic from Eruka's body, making sure that she is completely and utterly free of his mother's influence. Once he's done, he pulls back his blood, or at least some of it, leaving some behind as he sneers at the cowardly witch.
"You no longer belong to my mother. You are MINE now."
Eruka just nods rapidly in agreement, not wanting to anger him any further, not wanting to get on his backside. Unfortunately for her, she's already on his bad side. Crona's cock comes up, and a moment later he slams Eruka down onto his member, impaling her cunt with his big, fat dick and slamming home into her womb, just as he'd done with Medusa before her.
She squeals like a stuck pig, shrieking in pain and agony as he bulges out of her belly. But while Medusa was a natural masochist whore, Eruka has to be molded into one. Luckily, he's got plenty of his blood circulating through her system now, and all of that is more than capable of changing some pain into pleasure for the captured witch.
Leaning forward, Crona sucks on Eruka Frog's tits so hard that she fears he'll tear them off. The gnawing and biting and squeezing don't help that fear all that much either, but she can't do much beyond let him have his way with her, as it is. He fucks her cunt and she cums around his cock, her eyes soon rolling back in her head, though her tongue isn't QUITE wagging out of her mouth yet.
This wasn't what Eruka expected to find. She'd thought that either the boy was holding up surprisingly well, or that Medusa was taking her time like the sadist that she was. Instead, it seemed that the other witch had unlocked something inside of Crona, something dark and powerful, and far more evil than Medusa or Eruka could ever hope to be.
In the end, all she can really do is submit to this new power. Crona holds all the cards, has all the strength, all the might now. Fighting him when he's already chewed Medusa Gorgon up and spat her back out would be utterly pointless. And… it does feel good to submit. Not that Eruka knows this is mostly because of the black blood now suffusing her body, warping her thoughts, making her into Crona's perfect servant, his ever-loyal slave.
When he cums inside of her, she feels absolutely stuffed. And then, he pulls out of her cunt and Eruka Frog finds out the true meaning of 'stuffed' as he spins her about and impales her ass on his cock, putting her in the same position as they'd found Medusa in. Eruka's eyes bulge out of her skull, and her she screams anew with fresh pain, but that pain is soon translated to pleasure as well, and the anal plundering she's receiving isn't so bad after all.
Her orgasms wrack her body, a chain of them rushing through her, and it's all Eruka can do not to lose her mind right then and there. Is that what happened to Medusa? Had she lost her mind sometime in the last twenty-four hours of nonstop fucking? Looking down at the twitching, broken form of her former superior, Eruka licks her lips and decides not to fight back so much. She won't HAVE to break if she just submits.
Of course, this is playing right into Crona's hands. He wants her subservience, and he will stop at nothing to get it. By choosing to bend rather than break, Eruka simply breaks all the faster as the pleasure continues to overwhelm her mind, until the witch can think of nothing but her new master's big fat cock rearranging her insides. And he very much is rearranging her insides. Again, and again, his massive length fills Eruka's bowels, pounding up into her, stretching her wide to the point of gaping.
By the time he pulls out, he's cum inside of her ass twice, and Eruka herself has climaxed at least two dozen times from the butt-fucking she's received. Yet, she's not nearly as bad off as Medusa when Crona finally drops her onto the floor on her face. In fact, she's even still capable of speech, whimpering as she keeps herself face down, ass up, enjoying the feel of the cool air on her tenderized back door.
"You've… you've t-turned my ass inside out master… s-so cruel…"
She mewls and wiggles her butt, subconsciously wanting more despite her words. But Crona is already ignoring her, in favor of Mizune, who up until this point, could only watch on in horror as he used his massive phallus on Eruka Frog, just as he had on Medusa Gorgon. Crona, meanwhile, stares curiously at the Mizune in front of him as he pulls her off the ground.
This was the five younger Mizune of the Mizune Family, currently in their combined form. They'd already tried splitting up in order to escape his grasp, but of course, he hadn't allowed that. They were going to be trapped as one Mizune for as long as Crona wanted, and it was not yet his will that they split up, so stay together they were.
Unlike Eruka, however, the Mizune are not necessarily cowards. In fact, in their combined form, they're actually more confident than usual. Five minds are better than one after all, and with five witches inside of her, Mizune feels strong, even as she remains trapped in Crona's grasp.
"You won't get away with this, you know. Release me, or you will bring the wrath of the Mizune Family down upon your head."
Crona hums at this for a moment, and then reaches up with a real hand to grab at her clothes, tearing them from her body garment by garment, just as he had with Medusa and Eruka before her. Mizune cries out in anger, cursing at him and struggling in his grip. But the black blood surrounding Crona had her held fast, and there was nothing she could do to fight back as he grabbed at her large tits and squeezed them with both hands around the base, sucking on one and then the other to his heart's content.
She hated it, but she also enjoyed it. It wasn't often that the five younger Mizune got to enjoy the attentions of a boy, and yet here they were, being molested and lavished with such attention by this one, right here. It felt good, to be acknowledged as a woman… however, it did NOT feel good to have him spin them around, bend their combined form over, and slam home into their cunt in one smooth motion.
As Mizune shrieks from the pain of having Crona's massive cock rob her combined form of it's virginity in the same thrust that sees his dick slamming home into her womb directly, Crona himself doesn't let up for even a moment. He fucks Mizune as hard as he can, vicious in his rape of her, never once stopping as he pounds her again and again from behind.
In the meantime, he stops holding back her ability to disassemble into her five base bodies. As such, as he methodically destroys her with his big, fat dick, the combined form of Mizune begins to… fall apart, for lack of a better word. Each of the small, mousy witches that make up the whole are spat out of Mizune. He quite literally fucks her five brains out of her, until eventually, Crona is only holding onto one of the five young Mizune with his real hands.
Meanwhile, his blood has already snatched up and grabbed the other four. They're all a lot more scared now, of course. Without the comfort of their combined form, without their fellow minds to shield one another from the pain, from the pleasure… they can't stop him. He's fucking one of them right now with his massive cock, and it's protruding out of the small witch's belly several inches, even as she hangs off of his dick at a ninety-degree angle.
It's not long before Crona fills the tiny body with his seed though, turning her into nothing more than an inflated meat bag full of his black cum. He drops the first of the five to the ground after that, and grabs up the next, repeating the process. He fucks three of them in their cunts, and then changes it up and fucks the last two in their ass. But the fate of the five mousy witches is the exact same. Each and every one of them ends up absolutely pumped full of Crona's seed, the black viscous stuff pouring out of their bodies.
Of course, when he finishes with them, he's still hard. So, it's back to Medusa, his mother once again used to satisfy his urges as she moans and mewls and worships and praises him with her lips. She begs him to fuck her now, tells him she wants nothing more than to be his cum dump. So that's exactly how Crona uses her, how he uses all of them.
Days later, the once great and feared Medusa, along with her underlings, are left filled with gallons upon gallons of black demonic blood and semen. Crona has not once stopped in all this time, not needing such things as food or water, not needing breaks. The witches all lay at his feet, broken beyond repair. Every movement they take either hurts or makes them cum, or both, in the case of the masochists among them.
The last truly sane thought had passed through Medusa's mind hours ago, as she'd once again been being raped on her son's cock. She really had created her Kishin, and perhaps something stronger besides. Soon, he would breed her with more. But that had taken place quite a while ago, and the evil witch that had come with intentions of breaking Crona to her will is long gone. All that's left now is a cum dump sex slave, and as Crona grabs her by her hair and begins to skull fuck her quite roughly, she can only choke and gurgle on his dick, sucking at it to the best of her ability.
"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"
Smiling, Crona looks down at his mother, or what's left of her, with pure satisfaction on his face. She would not be the last. Neither would Eruka and Mizune. There were others that would threaten him and his friends… ALL of them were now targets. He wouldn't stop, he wouldn't rest until he'd used this new power of his to make sure all of them understood their place in his new world.
Ragnarok was gone now, unfortunately. Crona didn't know where the demon sword had gone, truth be told. His working theory was that they were merged together now, fully. Their souls, their minds, their everything… it was part of him. He liked that theory, because it meant Ragnarok wasn't gone, he was simply part of him, and the new and improved Crona would make sure to live on in his memory.
Grinning, Crona looks down at Medusa, at Eruka, at the five fucked stupid Mizune.
"This is going to be fun…"
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