Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 94 - I Don’t Like You to Be My Daddy!

Chapter 94 I Don’t Like You to Be My Daddy!

Seeing that Fu Zhengzheng hasn’t woken up, Han Siqi asks in a lower voice, “What?”

“Since Xiong Daping’s private slaughter of stray dogs was exposed on the Internet in the morning, online dog lovers begin to denounce Xiong Daping. Now he has been subpoenaed and has been taken away by the police for defaming Miss Fu.” Lin Yongcheng says excitedly, “Xiong Daping is not only disgraced, but also involved in a lawsuit.”

“Can we let him off so lightly?” Han Siqi sneers.

“Mr. Han, you can rest assured that at your command, the electronic accounts of the help station have been ‘sorted out’, and that a lot of money has been remitted. He can’t tell where the grant is going or fill the gap. He will definitely go to jail!”

“OK.” Han Siqi is satisfied. Anyone who dares to hurt his woman must die!

Then he asks, “Hasn’t he said who instigated him yet?”

“No. He didn’t dare to say.”

Han Siqi frowns. Actually, he has known the answer, and he just wants to make sure.

“Besides, the person who posted the anonymous pictures hasn’t been found out. His card wasn’t purchased with an ID card, and he didn’t use that card once the picture was posted.”

“I see.” Han Siqi hangs up the phone.

“Are you talking about me?” Fu Zhengzheng gets up and looks at Han Siqi.

“You are all right.” Han Siqi smiles gently.

“All right?” Fu Zhengzheng is confused, “You mean…”

“Yes, no one will dare to send you to a psychiatric hospital in the future.” Han Siqi pats her face, saying, “But you still have to stay at home to nurse your injury.”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t object, but she makes a request, “When I’m healed, will you take Fu Xing here?”

She only cares about this.

Seeing Han Siqi doesn’t answer, she remembers that she was refused to see Fu Xing at Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort yesterday. Then she says angrily, “I am Fu Xing’s mom! How can a child leave his mom?”

“Do you still want to take Fu Xing away with you?” Han Siqi says coldly.

“I…I just want to see him every day. He was brought up by me. I’m not used to the life without him.” Fu Zhengzheng says in a pleading tone.

He is not afraid to let her see Fu Xing, but afraid that she would take him away again!

Does he think that she doesn’t know that he has arranged several people next door to keep watch on her since last night?

Well, to put it mildly, it is to protect her.

Can they stop her if Fu Xing was not taken away?

“Let us talk about it when the bruises on your face disappear. Don’t scare Xingxing.”

“But I am worried about him.” What Qiao Keren said last night makes her feel panicky.

Seeing that her expression changes, Han Siqi immediately adds, “Somebody will take good care of him.”

Fu Zhengzheng looks at him and doesn’t say anything more.

She is angry with Han Siqi.

She understands that he can not cancel his marriage with Qiao Keren for the sake of family interests, but she can’t understand that he is so selfish that he can’t promise her and her son, but forbids her to leave with Fu Xing!

“Give me some time.” Han Siqi says while getting up and dressing.

He feels energetic after the sleep.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t understand what he means, and she doesn’t want to ask. Then she gets up, too.

After eating something together, Han Siqi receives a phone call. Then he says something to her and leaves in a hurry.

As soon as he leaves, Fu Zhengzheng feels bored again. She browses the webpage and sees no news about her on the internet. There are all latest reports about Xiong Daping.

Xiong Daping is just a pawn who has been used by someone else. When she was tortured in the psychiatric hospital, Qiao Keren might laugh happily in the hospital.

The most annoying thing is that Qiao Keren dared to threaten her with Fu Xing. When she thinks about it, she is extremely angry, and the anger that she has nowhere to vent makes her even more annoyed!

“Miss Fu, Mr. Han is calling.” Li Hong yells in the living room.

“I am coming.” Fu Zhengzheng gets up hurriedly.

“Go downstairs immediately. Zhongxu is waiting for you downstairs!” Han Siqi says in the habitually commanding tone.

“Go where?” As she asks, the phone has been hung up.


Fu Zhengzheng puts down the phone angrily and turns to her room to get her handbag.

When she gets downstairs, she sees Min Zhongxu’s car.

“Where are we going?”

“Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Didn’t Siqi tell you? Fu Xing has a fever again, and he is throwing a tantrum.”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked to hear that, saying, “Hurry up! Drive fast!”

Min Zhongxu drives the car very fast.

At Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

“I want Mommy! You all go away! I just want my Mommy!”

As soon as Fu Zhengzheng enters the door, she hears the hysterical cry of Fu Xing coming from upstairs.

“Fu Xing! Mommy’s coming!” Fu Zhengzheng rushes upstairs and looks for him according to the sound.

“Mommy!” Fu Xing jumps out of bed and rushes to Fu Zhengzheng’s arms, saying, “Mommy, I miss you so much!”

“Oh, baby, slow down!” Ji Yashu cries nervously.

Looking at her son who doesn’t even wear shoes, Fu Zhengzheng immediately picks him up and touches his forehead, saying sadly, “It is so hot!”

Then she notices that in the room there are Han Siqi’s parents who look worried, Chen Qiaolan, a doctor and Han Siqi. She blames Han Siqi, “Didn’t you say that the fever was gone? How did you take care of Fu Xing!”

Han Siqi doesn’t say anything, but Ji Yashu says, “The fever was brought down in the morning, but Xingxing refused to take medicine. He hasn’t been fully recovered, and now he has a relapse. The doctor said he needed to take an injection, but he refuses.”

“Mommy, I don’t want an injection or medicine!” Fu Xing looks piteously at Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng takes Fu Xing to the sofa and sits down. She takes off his trousers while persuading him patiently, “Don’t you often say that you’re a brave man? You are even afraid of injections. Are you still a brave man?”

Fu Xing doesn’t resist, but he looks at Ji Yashu with tearful eyes, saying, “Grandma, I will have the injection and take medicine. Can you let Mommy stay? I miss Mommy!”

“Yes, yes, as long as you behave well.” Han Tengyue has promised.

Fu Xing becomes happy that he doesn’t even frown when he takes the injection.

“Mommy, am I brave?” Fu Xing asks, wrapping his arm around Fu Zhengzheng’s neck.

“Yes, Xingxing is the bravest man!” Fu Zhengzheng rubs her son’s little buttocks.

Han Tengyue and his wife are relieved. Thinking that Fu Xing didn’t eat much at noon, they ask immediately, “Xingxing, are you hungry?”

“Yes! I want to eat what my mom cooks.” Fu Xing wraps his arms around Fu Zhengzheng’s neck and refuses to let go.

Ji Yashu looks at Fu Zhengzheng and says, “Zhengzheng, the kitchen is over there. Make some food for Xingxing.”

Looking at her son who has obviously lost weight, Fu Zhengzheng just wants to cry. As she is about to get up, she is tightly grabbed by Fu Xing. She immediately comforts him, “Mommy will make something delicious for you.”

“I am going, too!” How dare Fu Xing loosen his grip? He pulls Fu Zhengzheng’s clothes and follows her to the kitchen. Chen Qiaolan quickly follows in to help.

Ji Yashu also wants to follow them, but is stopped by Han Tengyue.

“Xingxing, the kitchen is dirty. Shall we wait outside for Mommy?” Han Siqi stands at the door of the kitchen and coaxes Fu Xing.

“No! I don’t like you to be my Daddy!” Fu Xing answers.

“Dad takes you to buy toys.”

“No! Second uncle has bought them for me! Humph!” Fu Xing turns his head and does not look at Han Siqi.

Han Siqi is helpless. Fu Xing begged him many times, but he still refused to let Fu Xing see Fu Zhengzheng.

After the porridge is cooked, Fu Xing waits quietly on the chair. When he sees Fu Zhengzheng coming out with the hot porridge, he suddenly exclaims, “Mommy, what’s wrong with your face?”

“Mommy accidentally fell down. It will be all right soon. Come on, have the porridge.” Fu Zhengzheng understates it.

Fu Xing glares at Han Siqi right away, saying, “You can’t even protect my Mommy. I don’t want to take you as my Daddy! I will take my second uncle as my Daddy! He is a policeman, and he must be able to protect Mommy well!”

“Fu Xing!” Fu Zhengzheng immediately shouts.

Han Siqi, who wanted to help feed Fu Xing, keeps a long face instantly.

Fu Xing stands on the chair and points at Han Siqi, continuing, “Go away! Don’t be so close to Mommy and me! I hate you!”

Han Siqi raises his hand and wants to say something, but he doesn’t say anything at last. He goes out helplessly.

“Mommy, I have taught Daddy a lesson for you!” Fu Xing says proudly with his hands on his waist, “I am a brave man! I will protect you!”

Watching Han Siqi leave sadly, Fu Zhengzheng feels sorry. She looks at her son and says with a smile, “Look, you are sick, and you still want to protect Mommy!”

“But I can’t see Mommy if I didn’t fall ill! I will not go out at night while wearing few clothes after I see Mommy.”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked, asking, “Go out at night while wearing few clothes? Did you catch a cold deliberately?”

Being aware of the slip of the tongue, Fu Xing answers in a low voice, “Miss Zhu said Daddy would let Mommy take care of me only when I was ill. Mommy, I didn’t mean to make you worried! I’m sorry.”

Fu Zhengzheng holds her son in her arms with tears gushing from her eyes.

She suddenly finds that it is not always good for her son to be mature so early, though she is touched by her son’s love.

All right, she knows that Han Siqi’s parents will not let her take Fu Xing to Jiaye Garden, so she should find a way to stay with her son. Her foot will be better in a few days, and she can take an opportunity to take Fu Xing away then!

After feeding Fu Xing with the porridge, she takes him to the living room. Ji Yashu hurriedly goes to hug Fu Xing and touches his forehead. She becomes happy at last, saying, “It seems that his fever has been brought down. Good, good.”

“I’ve arranged a room for you. You take Fu Xing to live there.” Han Siqi points outside.

Ji Yashu looks at Fu Zhengzheng with great vigilance and immediately objects, “You go out to eat. I can’t let Xingxing leave here.”

“Yes! We can’t let Xingxing out of our sight!” Han Tengyue also says, “There’s a room upstairs where Fu and Xingxing can live.”

Han Siqi looks at his parents, hesitates for a while and then leads Fu Zhengzheng and Fu Xing upstairs. “Xingxing hasn’t recovered yet, and he needs a rest. I will ask Aunt Chen to bring the supper upstairs.”

Fu Zhengzheng looks doubtfully at Han Siqi but doesn’t say anything. She picks up the bag containing the medicine and follows up.

Coming to the room and watching Han Siqi leave, Fu Xing embraces Fu Zhengzheng happily and kisses her.

“Don’t let yourself get sick in the future! Did you hear that? If you get sick again, I will throw you into the garbage dump!” Fu Zhengzheng pretends to be angry.

“I see!” Fu Xing ignores her anger and acts cute.

They chat for a long time until Fu Xing is sleepy. After Fu Xing falls asleep, Fu Zhengzheng finds that she hasn’t brought the thermometer upstairs, so she goes downstairs to look for it. When she hears voices of Ji Yashu and Han Siqi downstairs, she immediately stops.

“After having dinner with Keren, send her back early.” Ji Yashu says nervously, “The tremella soup has been stewed in the kitchen.”

“OK.” Han Siqi answers, “I heard that Xiaoxiao is coming to play with Xingxing?”

“She can’t. Xingxing hasn’t recovered yet, and she will be infected. I will go and see her.”

Then they go out together.

Fu Zhengzheng goes downstairs angrily.

It turns out that they sent her away with an excuse because Qiao Keren is coming to dinner! Okay, I will cook them a delicious meal now!

Fu Zhengzheng creeps into the kitchen. Unexpectedly, there are foods in the two pots, but no one is in the kitchen!

Fu Zhengzheng is happy secretly. She goes in and picks up the salt jar and mustard jar respectively, hesitating to put which one in the food.

“What are you doing?”

Fu Zhengzheng turns around and sees that it is Han Siqi. Her hands are shaking, and she hems and haws.

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