Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 80 - I Don’t Remember the Past

Chapter 80 I Don’t Remember the Past

Fu Zhengzheng feels that all her internal organs are crumbling to pieces. She shakes her hand violently but fails to get rid of him. Suddenly, she lowers her head, quickly rolls his sleeve up and bites him.

Han Siqi’s hand trembles slightly but he doesn’t take it back. Fu Zhengzheng thinks it doesn’t hurt, so she bites him with greater strength and doesn’t stop until she hears the loud knocks on the door and Fu Xing cries.

“Daddy! Mommy! Don’t argue! Open the door! Daddy! Mommy! Xingxing is so scared! Xingxing is so scared!”

Fu Zhengzheng looks up at Han Siqi hatefully, but doesn’t open the door.

Such a blustering and aggressive scene will only frighten Fu Xing more if she lets him in.

Unexpectedly, Han Siqi steps forward to the door. When he passes by, she clearly sees that he rolls down his sleeve to cover his bloody arm instantly.

As soon as the door opens, they see Fu Xing and Chen Qiaolan standing at the door. Chen Qiaolan opens her mouth but says nothing, and looks at the room worriedly. When Fu Xing sees Han Siqi, he cries louder, “Daddy! Mommy! Don’t argue! Xingxing is so scared!”

“We didn’t argue. Daddy was just teasing Mommy.” Han Siqi comforts Fu Xing gently while stooping down to pick him up and wiping his tears.”

Fu Xing seeks confirmation from his mother in tears. Fu Zhengzheng is heartbroken to see her son sobbing, so she immediately nods.

“Don’t cry, Fu Xing. If you cry, you will not be manly.”

Chen Qiaolan sighs with relief. She looks at their looks and then claps her hands to Fu Xing, saying, “Xingxing, Daddy and Mommy have something to say. Grandma will take you to have egg soup.”

Han Siqi gently kisses Fu Xing’s face and says softly, “Smart babies like to have egg soup. Good boy, Daddy and Mommy will keep you company when we finish talking.”

Fu Xing chokes and nods, releasing his hands around Han Siqi’s neck.

Chen Qiaolan goes out with Fu Xing in her arms and shuts the door.

Then there are only two persons in the room again. They don’t quarrel anymore. Fu Zhengzheng, who is standing at a distance from Han Siqi, turns her head aside while the suppressed anger burns vigorously in her chest.

Feeling Han Siqi’s approach, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t look up or turns her head, but quietly awaits his new round of furious questioning.

Han Siqi suddenly stretches out his hand. Fu Zhengzheng subconsciously tries to avoid his grip, but is held in his arms.

She struggles to get rid of him, but he holds her with greater strength.

“You are my woman! I won’t let you go!” The overbearing words come from the top of her head.

Fu Zhengzheng pauses, and a familiar voice flashes through her mind, “Fu, you are already my woman. You will not leave me, will you? I don’t allow you to leave!”

She remembers that morning when she woke up and saw herself and Nian Xi naked and saw the red stain on the bed sheet. She was stunned and felt deeply ashamed.

As she was putting on her clothes, Nian Xi held her tightly from behind and said that to her.

Although she did not know how the innocent boy could say that to her, how could she not see the attachment and infatuation in the eyes of Nian Xi?

She knew that Nian Xi was lonely and she also hated to part with him, but she didn’t think too much at that time. All she thought was to escape from the immediate crisis.

“I’ll go out and see what’s going on outside. I’ll be back soon!” She comforted him with a smile.

“Fu, I will wait for you! I will wait for you to come back!” Looking at the firm look of Nian Xi, she turned and ran out.

When Li Ming’s subordinates intercepted her, she thought that she was bound to die. As Nian Xi’s firm eyes flashed through her mind, she regretted that she had not stayed with Nian Xi.

If time could go backwards…

“Zhengzheng…” Han Siqi feels heartbroken to hear the sobbing of the woman in his arms, and his voice is unconsciously softened.

Clenching her teeth and letting her tears slide down, Fu Zhengzheng holds Han Siqi’s back but thumps his back with her fist.

Han Siqi lets her vent her anger and holds her for a long time before releasing her. He asks in a low voice, “Why did you leave me then? Why didn’t you look for me when you were pregnant?”

Fu Zhengzheng finally looks up at Han Siqi with her tearful eyes and asks in a quavering voice, “Are you really Nian Xi? Have you remembered that?”

Han Siqi slightly shakes his head and knocks on it, saying painfully, “A lot of memories seem to be in my brain, but every time when I recall them earnestly, my head aches badly, and the vague shadows disappear instantly.”

Fu Zhengzheng immediately grasps his hand. She knows that he often has a headache. Otherwise, he wouldn’t often turn to Li Xiaomeng for help before.

“Don’t recall them if your head aches. Let me tell you.” She comforts him gently. In such a short moment, her chilly heart is warmed up, and she finds excuses for all his vicious sarcasm.

After they sit down, Fu Zhengzheng recalls the old days and tells him in detail about their meeting and her departure.

“As soon as I came out of the police station, I went to look for you many times, but I couldn’t find you. Later, the buildings in your neighborhood were demolished. At that time, I was ignorant of worldly affairs. I was four months pregnant when I found that I was in the family way. When my parents found that, they forced me to have an abortion. But every time I thought of you, I couldn’t bear to do that. As I hesitated, I missed the best time for abortion. Then I quitted school, and with the help of my brother, I gave birth to Fu Xing and refused to let Fu Xing adopted by others. Therefore, my parents were so angry that they drove me out of the house. Fortunately, with the help of my brother, I was able to make a living with Fu Xing.

When talking about these, Fu Zhengzheng is smiling.

Yes, no matter how hard it is, as long as she looks at Fu Xing, she never thinks of regretting.

Han Siqi gently wipes the tears on the corners of her eyes and asks softly, “Why did you bring Xingxing to B City so late? Maybe if you had come a few years earlier, we could have met earlier.”

Fu Zhengzheng pauses and then answers, “After giving birth to Fu Xing, with the help of my brother, I continued to study until I graduated last year. Besides, I was afraid of the revenge of Li Ming’s subordinates. I thought that nobody would remember it anymore since so many years had passed, so I took Fu Xing to B City. But I didn’t expect such a coincidence that Fu Xing should buy you to be his daddy.”

In such an emotional moment, she doesn’t forget her identity, so she hides all the things that she doesn’t need to tell him.

“Maybe the hearts of fathers and sons are connected.” Han Siqi laughs. Suddenly, he changes his expression and caresses her shoulders while saying seriously, “You can’t have dubious relationships with other men, including my second brother!”

“I really have nothing to do with your second brother!” Fu Zhengzheng explains again.

“I believe you!” Han Siqi says, and then he holds Fu Zhengzheng in his arms again, continuing, “But I still feel jealous!”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng holds him and closes her eyes to enjoy the warm moment, which she has rehearsed countless times in her dreams.

Suddenly she pushes him away.

“What’s wrong?” Han Siqi asks in puzzlement.

She pulls his hand over and rolls his sleeve. Seeing the dried blood stains on his arm, she is extremely sad.

“Does it hurt very much?” She caresses the place she has bitten and regrets for her cruelty.

“I don’t mind if you put your unique label on my whole body with tooth marks.”

“Humph!” Fu Zhengzheng says, “Are you a masochist? If I really bite you all over, you will bleed too much and…”

Realizing that what she said is ominous, Fu Zhengzheng immediately stops.

Han Siqi, however, doesn’t care about that and continues her words, “I am happy to die from excessive blood loss after being bitten by you.”

“Bah! Don’t talk nonsense! I’m so young, and I haven’t lived enough yet!”

“You mean, if I die, you will die with me?”

“No! I didn’t say I would die for you!” Fu Zhengzheng angrily pinches him on the arm.


Hearing Han Siqi’s cry, Fu Zhengzheng finds that the place she pinches is where she bit before. She is so sorry that she immediately holds his arm and blows as well as touches it.



“You told me so much today and I have vaguely remembered a lot, but there are still many things I can’t remember.”

“It is enough to remember the happy days we shared before. I’ll slowly help you recall some memories in the future.”

“But I don’t remember how we create Xingxing. Why don’t you take me to recall the memory?”

Seeing Han Siqi’s wicked smile, Fu Zhengzheng quickly remembers the night of Christmas Eve. She suddenly blushes and shyly grumbles, “You are annoying!”

“Annoying?” Han Siqi puts his leg on Fu Zhengzheng’s legs and presses her on the bed, saying, “I heard that when a woman says someone is annoying, she actually likes the person.”

“Anno—” Fu Zhengzheng immediately stops.

“What do you want from me? Come on, I’ll try to satisfy you.” Han Siqi lightly bites her earlobe in an extremely intimate manner.

Fu Zhengzheng’s ears are burning. She twists her body and blames softly, “All right, stop teasing me.”

“I am not teasing you.”

Han Siqi smiles wickedly and kisses her lips.

Fu Zhengzheng’s face has already turned red. She wants to stop him, but finds that her whole body is numb.

She has only experienced such scene in her dreams. She gives up resisting of her own accord, because he is Nian Xi, the man she never forgets for a moment.

Not thinking too much, she holds him while tears rolling down the corners of her eyes.


The sky slowly darkens. They are chatting in bed without realizing that the sky has darkened until they can’t hear any noise outside. They feel something wrong and hurriedly get up and dress neatly before going out. Then they find that Chen Qiaolan has slept together with Fu Xing and the food is kept warm.

Looking at the time, Fu Zhengzheng finds that it is over nine o’clock in the evening. She suddenly pats her head, saying, “Gosh, it is so late. We were really…Aunt Chen didn’t come to call us.”

Han Siqi says with a smile, “Do you think Aunt Chen has the nerve to come in and call us?”

Fu Zhengzheng blushes and spits at him.

Han Siqi brings out the warm dishes one by one. After they have a brief dinner, Han Siqi raises his hand to look at his watch and gets up to leave.

“Well, it is so late…”

Han Siqi frowns, asking, “Do you want to ask me to stay?”

“No, no…” Fu Zhengzheng is speechless. She just wanted to say that driving at night was unsafe.

Han Siqi strokes her face and laughs softly, “I still have something to deal with. I’ll come back tomorrow.”

I’ll come back tomorrow.

Fu Zhengzheng feels awkward to listen to such words.

She sees Han Siqi off at the elevator and then turns back to the house.

When the door of the elevator closes, Han Siqi takes out his mobile phone and makes a phone call. “Have you found the information I need?”

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