Chapter 205: Chapter 205 Can't be left alone
Ravel Phenex had a killer headache right now.
How could her big brother be so stupid as to go and have a problem with a Shinigami in his territory?
And he was a captain level Shinigami at that. Even the ultimate class devil got smacked down by him easily.
She didn't know how to help him in a situation like that. So all she could do was hope that she could ask him for forgiveness instead of her big brother.
However, the chance was very slim, as Shinigami was very unforgiving. They were a warring race for a reason.
"Yubelluna, Let me speak with him. If he wanted to kill Onii-sama, there would be nothing I could do to stop him. Onii-sama was the one who attacked him first. And the way he deals with Big Brother is like he didn't intend to kill him in the first place."
It was justifiable for him to deal with Riser Phenex, as he broke the treaty first.
She heard about Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri having a deal with the Shinigami faction. She was now being protected by them. And Riser just barged into their territory without telling her, making a complete mess of things.
"Yes, I will let you speak with him, Young Miss."
Yubelluna looked at Ichigo, who was standing in front of the miserable Riser. She took a deep breath before she went toward him.
All of Shinigami's and Onmitsukido's eyes immediately went toward her, if she did something unwise, they would put her down right away.
Ichigo lifted his hand and signaled them not to do anything to her. He already heard the conversation between Ravel and her, and it was clear that she didn't have bad intentions.
All she wanted to do was find a way to bring Riser back to the underworld alive.
"Young Miss Ravel Phenex wants to speak with you, sir."
Ichigo had the appearance of a middle-aged man now, so she was very polite to him. She gave him the phone she used to contact Ravel.
Ichigo took the phone and said,
"You know that I can kill him, right?"
Ichigo said it with a deep voice. He didn't have any intention to kill him in the first place, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't use it to his advantage.
"I understand. He must have caused you trouble, but please let him go, and I will compensate you greatly."
"You want to compensate me? You should know that it is useless to bribe a Shinigami. Not to mention a captain level at that."
If he were the real captain, maybe Riser Phenex's head would have been rolling on the ground by now. However, he wasn't one of them, so he just bullied him a little. And Riser Phenex was now trying his hardest to fight back the painful feeling of having his soul sealed.
He had never experienced something like this before.
Ravel went silent when she heard that. She had learned about the behavior of the other races. And Shinigami from the soul race was the hardest to negotiate with, as their pride was even higher than even the devil.
"I know, but I also know that if you wanted to kill Big Brother, He would be dead by now. So please tell me what you want in exchange for letting him go."
Ichigo went silent a little bit. He actually didn't have anything that he wanted. He had everything he could ever want or need.
"I don't really want anything. However, I also don't want to let him go easily. You tell me what your big brother's worth is in your eyes."
Ravel was surprised, as she didn't think he would ask this kind of question. He didn't want anything, and he didn't want to let him go easily. Then he asked how much he was worth in her eyes. He must want to know how much he meant to her. And how far she was willing to go for him.
"To tell you the truth, His worth is priceless to me."
Even though he was stupid and lustful. He was still her big brother. It was Diodora Aztaroth who led her brother astray. He had never been this bad before. And to think that her big brother was once her hero.
"You are really naive to tell me that. You should lie to me and not give me your honest answer. Aren't you a devil?"
"I am indeed a devil, but I knew that you would know that I lied to you. So I think telling you the truth is the best choice."
Ichigo heard that, and he thought about it a little bit.
"I will let him leave, but you have to make sure that he will not step inside Kuoh town and Karakura town in the human world again. Otherwise, I will kill him and make no compromise."
"Thank you very much! I promise you he will never step foot inside Kuoh town or Karakura town again."
Devils don't make promises lightly. So Ichigo believed that she would keep her word.
Ichigo gave the phone back to Yubelluna and said,
"Get out of my territory and never step foot inside Kuoh town or Karakura town again. This extends to all of those who are members of the Phenex family, including you all."
Ichigo let them go, and he looked at Rias and nodded.
Seeing their interactions confirmed to them that they could never mess with Rias when they were in the human world again.
Sirzechs's face was as cold as ice right now.
He didn't know what was wrong with this world as everything he had done so far went down the drain.
"Those old devils refused to help me when they were the ones who were deeply involved in slave trading—they just threw me under the bus."
Sirzechs could not answer Serafall about the matter pertaining to the old devils' involvement in slave trading.
She called for justice to deal with the old devils, but how could Sirzechs give those permissions to her?
All of his plans would be ruined if he did so.
'Should I kill her?'
Sirzechs was confident enough that he could kill her. But he could not avoid the eyes that were watching his every move. They might take that chance to mess with him.
Sirzechs, who was having a hard time thinking of ways to subdue Serafall, He then got a call from the devil he had sent to accompany Riser.
He thought that everything went smoothly, but.
"Sirzechs-sama, Riser Phenex might not be able to win the fight for the hand in marriage of your little sister. No, he might not even be able to get out of bed now."
"What happened?"
Sirzechs asked with an icy tone. Can't they just leave him and his plans alone for a little? His head was so hurt right now.
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