Being a Villain is My True Calling

Chapter 90 - I Came to Strike a Deal (2)

“…And here we are.”

With an amicable chuckle, the old man turned to face me.
Before him stood another iron door, distinct from the entrance to sublevel 6.

“Are you truly certain you wish to proceed alone?”
“I did mention this was a personal errand. Requesting further aid would make me uneasy.”
“Well…the denizens below are practically walking cadavers, so the danger is negligible. Still, it is rather peculiar. To think someone would harbor curiosity about sublevel 7’s existence.”

When I had initially solicited the old man’s assistance, I had embellished my request with a partial fabrication about needing access to sublevel 7.

‘This is confidential, but one of my eccentric clients has expressed an inquisitive interest in the secrets of this place.’
‘Curious about such a place, despite the utter lack of amusement?’
‘Rich folk and their whimsical fancies, I suppose. To the extent of even being aware of sublevel 7’s existence…’
‘Sublevel 7? You’ve come to learn of that realm?’
‘Merely aware of its existence, nothing more specific. Which brings me to my request…’

Truthfully divulging my intentions was simply untenable.
While currently amicable, revealing my actual motives could prompt an unpredictable response.

Hence, I had concocted the pretext of a wealthy eccentric client commissioning me to investigate sublevel 7.

“You truly do not require my accompaniment?”
“It will be fine, have no concerns. When I requested your guidance earlier, your underlings vehemently objected as well, out of apparent trepidation.”

Especially that acting leader I had confronted previously.

‘This brat dares gloat over a momentary lapse in focus?!’
‘You question the Boss’s judgment? Assigning you as a mere guide is an act of generosity!’
‘I ought to just..!’

Ultimately, a single strike from the old man had cowed him into grudging acquiescence, albeit coupled with veiled threats of retaliation should any harm befall their leader.
His vehement animosity had nearly ruptured my eardrums.

“Ahem…my apologies for their unruliness. Heheh.”
Seeming slightly abashed by his subordinates’ rambunctiousness, the old man offered a sheepish apology.
“In any case, I shall proceed. Before your men start pestering me again.”

Thus, I strode past him towards the door.

‘Rinring, can you see it?’
-Yeah, I’ve been monitoring it.

The door leading to sublevel 7 resembled the iron gate to 6, but with additional complexities.
Rather than a simple key mechanism, it incorporated electronic password protection as well.

‘Can you bypass it?’
-Of course! This is child’s play compared to before.

The obstructive security measures had primarily stemmed from the stringent encryption surrounding information about sublevel 7 itself and the route leading there.
But having continuously manipulated and hacked Tartarus’s systems throughout our infiltration, a basic password authentication hardly posed any obstacles.

Beep. Beedeeleet.

-All set, big bro!
‘You resolved that surprisingly swiftly.’
-For a gorgeous hacker like me, these archaic codes are mere trifles to be solved while napping~

Her bruised ego from the earlier struggles seemed to have fully recovered, coupled with her characteristic self-aggrandizement resurfacing in full force.


As before, I manifested a custom key matching the lock’s configuration and turned it, disengaging the security mechanisms entirely.

“Dear guest.”

Just as I was about to open the door and descend, the old man addressed me from behind.

“Sir, did you have something to add?”
“The provisions you so generously bestowed have been our salvation.”

Caught off guard by his words, I watched as the old man deeply bowed his head before me.
An utterly bewildering gesture that left me momentarily perplexed.

What was prompting this sudden shift in demeanor?

‘What “generosity” is he referring to?’

Had I inadvertently extended some manner of beneficence? All I had done was engage in a simple trade transaction.

“…I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
“To provide such bountiful new wares through our transaction, at such modest prices. Indeed…yes, I must acknowledge it. The initial sum I had proffered paled in stark inadequacy compared to their true value.”

The old man had unexpectedly confessed to essentially defrauding me, despite my lack of prompting.
Moreover, that earlier payment had been woefully insufficient?

While affluent, I hardly lacked fiscal prudence to that degree…
It begged the question whether previous smugglers had been outright trading these essential goods for their weight in gold.

“Our faction may possess formidable might, but our financial resources and connections pale compared to our rivals. With precious few outside suppliers, procuring both goods and funds to barter for them proves an ongoing struggle.”

The old man stroked his beard contemplatively as he regarded me.

“Under such circumstances, for you to offer these provisions at a mere fraction of their standard cost – how could I not discern it as a deliberate gesture of compassion on your part? Your charitable intent was unmistakable.”

In truth, I had been oblivious to any such implications.
It was a mutually advantageous transaction, facilitated by the old man’s sole misapprehension.

“You seem to be making quite the presumptuous leap there, sir.”
“Excessive humility can prove a vice in itself. This old-timer Kwakmo. Despite the youthful indiscretions that led me to this predicament, I am not so shameless an elder.”

Despite my denial, the old man dubbed “Kwakmo” remained adamant in his conviction, adopting a solemn demeanor.

“Should you ever require aid, do not hesitate to call upon me. Though I may languish in this secluded den, just as you first extended a helping hand, I and my men shall gladly reciprocate if needed.”

“…Very well. If you insist to that extent, Kwakmo elder, I shall reach out should the need arise.”
“You have my gratitude.”

Recognizing the futility of further refutations, I acquiesced and proceeded to open the door.

“Ah, before I forget – here is your translation device.”
“Consider it a humble gift. I can afford such a trifling offering, at the very least.”

Is that so? If you insist, then.
With a perfunctory wave, I bade the old man farewell.

“I shall take my leave, then.”
“May you achieve your desired aims.”

An unexpected new connection had been forged, albeit unintentionally.

‘More potential avenues of exploitation are always welcome, I suppose.’

Putting aside this unanticipated boon, I set forth resolutely.

“Let’s hasten to conclude this endeavor swiftly.”

More than anything, I yearned for a well-deserved respite.

Tartarus is an underground supermax facility designed to incarcerate criminals.

It is divided into a total of 7 sublevels, with each descending level housing increasingly severe and formidable offenders.

Sublevels 1 through 3 contain relatively minor meta-human delinquents.
Levels 4 and 5 house more severe felons, yet still within the guards’ containment capabilities.
Sublevel 6 imprisons the powerful meta-villains beyond the guards’ ability to subdue.

Then what manner of entities reside on sublevel 7?


-Wh-What is that…? Is it human?

If one were to encapsulate sublevel 7 with a single theme, it would be:
Non-human entities.

Perceiving Rinring’s trepidation, I recited the scant information I possessed about its denizens.

“They could be human, or perhaps not human. Or maybe once human, but no longer so.”
-What’s that supposed to mean?! Are they human or not?
“I cannot say for certain.”

The original work had merely depicted them as such, without elaboration.
I observed the anomalous black liquid sluggishly gurgling within its barred confines.

All I knew was that it seemed to presage some ominous manifestation.

‘Yet it appears lacking in potency for now, affording us ample preparation time.’

The viscous shadowy fluid alternated between exhibiting solidity and liquefaction in an eerily familiar manner akin to the tentacles I often employed.
An unsettling similarity that elicited a sense of unease.

“Sublevel 7 is a realm such as this.”

A space segregating non-human entities.
A concentrated crucible of inexplicable phenomena and Vestiges of Mystery beyond human comprehension.

-One could consider it a form of containment, perhaps…?
“A euphemism would be more apt – they have simply been relegated to an obscure corner, out of sight.”

Proceeding cautiously, I advanced further inwards.

“I shall disengage the camera feed as a precaution.”
“Directly witnessing these entities could potentially have adverse effects, regardless of how innocuous they may appear through a lens.”

I dared not survey my surroundings too intently.
Among the Vestiges present on sublevel 7 were those capable of inducing hypnotic trances, illusions, or hallucinations upon mere observation.

‘Come hither, and find true bliss in this realm-‘
‘Weary, are you not? A moment’s rest would surely rejuvenate you…’

Would you genuinely heed such overt enticements?

‘Oh my, is that a limited edition glow-in-the-dark Mechana-Tyranno transformer beside you?’

Well, that one did pique my interest momentarily.

-…Big bro?
“It’s nothing.”

Momentarily distracted, I quickly recomposed myself upon hearing Rinring’s concerned inquiry.

‘This way…’
‘Let us pause, for but a fleeting respite…’

Blocking out the incessant whispers proved futile.
To maintain my focus, I engaged Rinring in continuous conversation as I progressed towards my intended destination.

-By the way, these Vestiges can actually speak?
“In cases where the original anomaly possessed potent psychic imprints or intrinsically unique attributes, that capability can manifest.”

Vestiges borne from entities harboring formidable psychic presences prior to their manifestation.
Or extraordinarily rare instances where the original anomaly’s consciousness itself partially transitioned into a residual Vestige state.

‘Though categorizing such exceedingly rare phenomena seems rather moot in itself.’

Regardless, I persisted in maintaining my discourse with Rinring, filtering out the ceaseless enticements assailing me.

-But our target was supposed to be human, wasn’t it? Why have we come to this level?
“A living, certifiable human does indeed reside here.”

My response elicited an incredulous “Eh?” from Rinring, prompting her to press further.

-But you said this level contains non-human entities, didn’t you?
“Exceptions always exist, do they not?”
-What is that supposed to mean??

Ignoring Rinring’s petulant grumblings, I had nearly reached sublevel 7’s furthest extremity.

‘There it is, finally manifesting.’

Gargantuan chains sprawled haphazardly throughout the area, their purpose gradually becoming evident.


They served to bind and restrain a solitary entity.


Sublevel 7.
A domain harboring those bearing animosity towards humanity itself.
A realm where malicious Vestiges actively strive to erode one’s sanity within days, if not hours.

Yet amidst this crucible intended to drive any inhabitant to madness, a singular anomaly had retained its lucidity for decades.

“I am the former S-rank hero, Alpha.”

I have come to engage you in a deal.

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