Become a lord from baron

Chapter 113

Half a month later, Allen, his housekeeper, servants and nature spirits said goodbye to Rose Town and moved into Sirius City.

The first thing to do after entering Tianlang City is to find a suitable place to place the nature spirit's body.

Allen doesn't need to worry about this. Nobles usually reserve a large area of land to place the nature spirit body and grow magic plants when building castles.

Of course, Allen considered the problem that he had too many natural spirits, so he reserved a larger land.

After carefully placing the plants into the ground, Allen breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the fairies and nature spirits looking at their new home curiously and excitedly, Allen smiled.

In the past, the castle was very small, and the rooms were limited so that all the spirits of nature could be placed in one room.

It was okay when there were few nature spirits. As the number of nature spirits increased, it suddenly became a bit crowded when these little guys were crowded into a room.

Moreover, when encountering enemies of nature spirits like Amy and Terra, who fight every day when they meet, the scene was so chaotic that those who didn't know better thought that the nature spirits were in rebellion.

Now, Alan put each natural spirit in a room. Now he has enough rooms, so many that he can't use them all. One room for each natural spirit. He doesn't believe that these little things can survive day by day. Noisy.

After everyone moved into their new home, Alan had a sumptuous dinner cooked to celebrate.

The next day he issued an order to recruit maids and male servants.

After all, the castle is too big, there are many places to take care of, and all kinds of servants are needed.

Allen is not worried about this. He believes that Edward, the butler, can help him solve all this perfectly.

After all, Edward has spent half his life in the Thorn Flower Castle and knows these things very well.

After leaving the matter of recruiting servants to Edward, Allen immediately summoned Marco and Sparrow.

Now that Tianlang City has been built, he needs enough city residents

"Anyone who participates in the construction of Tianlang City can get the right to live in the city and can bring their family to move in. Of course, if you don't want to, you don't have to force it. In addition, we also need to attract enough businessmen and some talents to move in, um , these questions will be left to you for now, Sparrow."

Alan glanced at Sparrow on the side.

"Of course, my lord, there is no one here better suited for this job than me."

Sparrow showed a smile.

Allen nodded, he believed Sparrow

"Sparrow, I don't care about the rest. You should increase the city's population to more than 100,000 as soon as possible.

Allen said with a serious tone:"On the premise of ensuring the number of people, try to ensure the diversity of occupations. The more occupations, the better.""

The establishment of the new main city is of course in need of fresh blood. Is a city without people still a city?

Of course, Allen believes that as long as the news of the completion of Sirius City spreads, countless people will naturally come.

For no other reason, Just because he is Siren Count Allen!

The most famous war hero in the Principality of Lane, a genius!

After letting Sparrow go down to work, Allen said to Marco:"Marco, the new city has been built , naturally we don’t have enough soldiers."

"I need warriors, lots of warriors!"

Alan looked at Marco, his tone was still serious.

Marco nodded immediately and said:"Even if you don't say it, sir, I will do it."

"In fact, I can't wait to train more warriors."

Marco showed a smile

"Very good, now go recruit warriors. The upper limit is 50,000 people. Of course, it is too difficult to train 50,000 people at one time. Marco, it is enough for you to train 5,000 people at one time. I will let other warriors help you train warriors.."

Ellen said softly

"Yes, sir, I will immediately recruit warriors from the entire Sirius Territory."

Marco soon left.

Allen breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up and walked to the window sill in the castle.

In front of him was a panoramic view of the entire Sirius City. At this moment, he was on the fifth floor of the castle, as The tallest building in the entire city, Allen can naturally overlook the entire city.

This is his first day in Sirius City. The city is very empty and there are few people, but he believes that in the near future, this will be the tallest building in the entire Lion Kingdom. prosperous city

"The city develops step by step, and it also takes some time to accumulate population."

Alan thought to himself.

Developing Sirius City is not something that happens overnight. He has already asked his people to do the work. As a lord, he only needs to wait quietly for the results.

Originally, Alan thought that the population problem was It will take some time to solve the problem. Unexpectedly, after the news of the completion of Sirius City was released, within a week, the number of people in Sirius City had reached 30,000!

This number is still increasing, Allen He was also surprised by this, and he found out after careful inquiry.

It turned out that most of these people came from the Steel Fist Territory above the Sirius Territory.

The matter had to start with the Warcraft Uprising a month ago.

It was originally close to the Strandfors Mountains. There are two territories, one is the Steel Fist Territory, and the other is Allen's Sirius Territory.

These two territories are both close to the Strangfors Mountains, but the encounters are completely different!

The Steel Fist Territory was destroyed by Warcraft a month ago. It was trampled violently once, and a large number of civilians lost their homes and were displaced.

The Steel Fist Territory also suffered heavy losses as a result. The

Sirius Territory, which is also close to the Strangfors Mountains, is completely different. There is no warcraft here. Raging, not to mention raging, there is no trace of Warcraft in the entire Sirius Territory.

Even the town closest to the Strangfors Mountains has been extremely comfortable this month.

This huge difference makes The civilians in the Steel Fist Territory suddenly felt an indescribable sense of gap.

So a large number of civilians, feeling extremely insecure deep down in their hearts, chose to leave the Steel Fist Territory and enter the life of the Sirius Territory.

But at this time Just as Tianlang City was being built and recruiting a large number of residents, a large number of civilians from the Steel Fist collar suddenly swarmed in.

In just a few days, the number reached 30,000.

In the following days, a large number of people who were originally cultivators in Tianlang City The contributing civilians also moved in with their families.

The population growth rate completely exceeded Allen's imagination.

In less than a month, the permanent population of Sirius City had reached 100,000.

Of course, There are many professional talents, such as blacksmiths, tailors, pastry chefs, etc. The number of talents has also begun to increase.

The entire Tianlang City has developed at an extremely fast speed.

In just one month, the entire city has been on the right track. At the same time, Sparrow also attracted a large number of vendors and craftsmen to move in.

Sirius City became more and more lively day by day.

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