Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 97

Chapter 81 Kirishima Sayaka

The memories that emerged attracted a sweet and delicate aroma of youth.

During the spring when the surrounding environment changed to ragged after graduation and reclassification, which is a major event that competes for one or two of the events that occur within the one-year divide for students.

At the end of the admission ceremony that I attended as a school student, the cherry blossoms of course thought that the flowers coloring the spring would enter the rainy season that I hate about Shayaka after the season.

It was around the time that I started to form some sort of group in my class and began to blur out my classmates’ hobbies and preferences.

The shy Shayaka was still unfamiliar with the class.

Fortunately, a girl student who was not sure whether she was grown up or noisy – named Lily Fujiyoshi – did not notice and became isolated in the class.

Most of the language exchanges in school life are adult female students such as Megumi and Lily. Although I held the position of class committee secretary, both the chairman and vice chairman were students who were very far away from Shayaka, and most of the conversations would not continue even if I talked.

“… Phew, whoa. I think we’re almost done.”

An after-school classroom decorated with calls from the exercise department and dazzling sunsets.

Hearing a mixed chatter of men and women heard from the classroom next door, Sayaka stretched as she sat in the chair with a pen.

In the classroom next door, a group of friends still remained in the classroom and seemed immersed in the aftermath of school life. Shayaka’s Class – There were no students in the classroom other than Shayaka.

My friend, Megumi Maimazaki, went to the room immediately after the HR on her way home due to the activities of the cartoon research department. Lily was a lily, whispering strange abbreviations like “Hanakin” or “Prefra”, and on Friday I had to go home early and watch an anime for a week, so I had to go home first, and I flipped my bag (for some reason I was using something for boys) and jumped out of the classroom.

Therefore, while waiting for Megumi’s return, Shayaka devoted herself to her work as secretary of the class committee – writing the committee’s journal.

It has long been decided for this school to report to the teacher once a week what it is worried about from the point of view of the class committee. In any case, it is not a junior high school student or elementary school student, so it is actually an implicit understanding that it is not necessary to write down any extra information, as long as a blank is not created to confirm whether or not the student has skipped filling out anything such as “nothing in particular”.

In fact, when I was a first-year student, Shayaka showed me the journal written by the secretary’s student, but it was only about the diary of elementary school students, such as “it was raining” or “the garbage bag was missing”.

There is a free space surrounded by a square abyss, except where you enter your date and name.

Originally, you should write down what happened here. For now, if you run a pen properly, you won’t have to get a whisper.

Serious Shayaka decided to write carefully enough to fill the free space while summarizing the information for a week.

When I first took it to my teacher, Sayaka remembers that I was praised with a mixed face of surprise and joy.

It was certainly such a compliment that few students had ever written seriously like this.

Teachers may not be expecting much, such as the information written in the journal.

In fact, there have never been serious students, and it is possible to fill in the space by filling out the cod sheet. Of course, such a student would not want to do the troublesome journal work in the first place.

“Fu, fu… Let’s take a break.”

Put the pen down and let the sun set.

The window overlooks the school yard. Is it the football club? Boy students in bibs bow their heads to a light black and muscular teacher.

The waist folded in unison reminds the army of it, and Sayaka quickly turns away. I’m not a person who can enjoy seeing a student being preached.

Remembering the illusion of hearing anger that could not have been heard from a wide open mouth, Shayaka sighed with dissatisfaction.

In an attempt to change his mind and write the continuation, Shayaka grabbed the pen again. –Almost simultaneously, the door of the classroom was opened, the pen running on paper was stopped, and the face was turned towards the entrant after school.


It was Kirishima Orchid, a male student in his class, who stepped into the space reserved for Shayaka.

Without saying a word, he glanced instantly, immediately diverted, and proceeded silently to his desk to treat him as if he were not talking about Shayaka.

I didn’t think it felt strange. If they don’t care more than they need, then Shayaka won’t even have to speak to him. With that in mind, Shayaka quietly started running her pen onto the paper.

There was a noise of fishing in a messy desk. I wonder if you haven’t brought the textbook or the prints home, and Sayaka is stunned.

Or is it a boy who hasn’t brought home any handouts since elementary school?

Bassari, a textbook or something falls on the floor. “Ah” and a small leaking voice, Sayaka faintly put his memories in her head.

It’s a deaf voice. Speaking of which, Sayaka thinks she may have never seen him get along with other boys.

Nothing, it’s not a type of boy student who gets along with girls. I didn’t look at it consciously, so I didn’t remember how a boy named Kirishima Orchid lived his school life until now, nor did I remember the small part of Shayaka.

I can’t think of a vision of Kirishima orchids in a group in my class that comes to mind.

Of course, orchids are not the only specialty. It’s not too long before we change classes. Bad girl’s sashimi, which is treated as a mass among girls, and Takeyama Imi, who is subjected to humid bullying from aggressive students for reasons different from hers, are also so-called isolated people like him.

That’s why Shayaka didn’t care about him. Also, when it comes to orchids, they are not the object of disgust from anyone, nor are they saying anything in the shadows.

Maybe he’s a student who likes one. I wonder if it is somewhat easier for men to live in isolation than women because of the arrogant prejudice that comes to mind when Sayaka is a woman.

“… there was…”

In a murmured dialogue, Shayaka stroked down her chest. I don’t know what I was looking for, but I was really distracted when I thought there was someone else, and I haven’t been working on my journal since.

The tea ceremony is closed today, so I’m not in trouble because I’m late. Megumi was supposed to come back after the department activities in a little while, so it was true that she wanted to write it down and submit it before that.

I hear something packing in my bag.

When she finally became alone, Sayaka, who relieved herself of mockery, felt a sign of someone just next to her desk and suddenly started screaming.

“Sadogashima-san, writing is polite.”


His dark hair sparkled in the sunset, and his eyes were wrapped in an impressive glow. Glass clear gaze captures Shayaka’s face as if it were a pass and passes quickly.

With that flowing gaze, I felt like Shayaka was somehow being sucked away.

Kirishima Orchid leaves the classroom without saying a word of goodbye. After staring at his back, Shayaka turned her back and leaned her neck.

“… polite? Polite, huh? Polite. Heh….”

Certainly, Shayaka’s handwriting is polite or beautiful.

Compared to Lily, who writes rough characters like elementary school boys, the characters written by Sayaka are beautiful and polite, even though the characters are also beautiful and beautiful.

This is not the first time I’ve been praised for my handwriting.

But Sayaka thought it might be the first time she said “politely”.

I’ve been told it’s beautiful. But it was only women who praised me – and a simple compliment that seemed to have just leaked into the conversation. It’s like a so-called social resignation.

Originally, boys and girls all have such a preconceived view that the characters are beautiful, or they have never been praised for being good or beautiful by taking up the characters written by Shayaka.

“Hmm, I’m polite. My handwriting is polite…..”

I didn’t know whether it was because of it or not. For some reason, I also realized that the words inherited from Kirishima Orchid would strangely swirl in Shayaka and tickle my heart.

Now that I think about it, I think it was really trivial.

It’s really simple, and there’s no love for others. The extent to which you can cut off events and talk to others.

If you start falling in love for such a reason with a girl cartoon, it’s a really trivial thing that might be said to be too tortuous.

But that was definitely why a girl named Sadogashima Sayaka became aware of a boy named Kirishima Orchid.

Then there was an extraordinary increase in chasing orchids with your eyes.

Unconsciously, unconsciously, when you notice, you look for orchids, and when you find them, you stare at him with peace of mind.

Lily, who noticed that he was looking at a boy student, was teased with a childish face that gave him a new toy.

I’ve been breathing a lot lately, but I’ve been worried about Megumi.

Without the courage to speak from oneself, orchids are orchids, and they don’t even talk to same-sex boys. I don’t care.

I wonder if there were some parts where I felt comfortable.

Someone else will not take him. Only Shayaka knows his charm. A girl other than Shayaka can’t think of orchids as good people. It is also true that there was such an arrogant idea.

I am the protagonist of the story, and even after many obstacles with the prince to be bound, it is such a dream to be bound at the happy end.

I misunderstand and assume that such an uncertain ideal is true that one day the boy will have the courage to speak up.

Even on the day of the transfer, the customer’s eyes closed in the morning and secretly entered by herself.

When I think about it now, it’s quite painful – I think that I was immersed in the sweetness and sourness of my youth, both mind and body.

“———-Phew, hah”

The vision of Shayaka becomes clear as it slowly drags out of the deep sea.

It took longer than I thought to settle.

I feel like something pretentious has been solved.

Your body – the chain that tied your heart, rusted from the roots and broke into pieces, making a noise. A strange emotion, similar to the sense of liberation, envelops Shayaka.

But I didn’t feel lost.

I didn’t feel lonely, like I lost something.

The one who likes Shayaka is Kirishima Orchid. Kirishima Orchid, no one else – that’s him.

Untrained by the family, the stupid black mood in your heart completely sprays away and bounces off. Through the pure white, the clear – transparent heart was restored by Shayaka.

You can see the orchid in your sight.

Shayaka smiled with a full smile and jumped into his chest.

At last, Shayaka was able to see Kirishima Orchid with her own eyes – clear and pure.

◇ ◇ ◇

“Sado Gashima-san…..”

In a weakly leaked word, Shayaka makes him fight his whole body.

With her cheeks on her chest, she sees her classmate murmuring her name. Eyes over glasses fell unconfidently, distracted from the gaze of two confused male students.

“… you’re lying. Hey, Sadogashima-san. You just slipped out of fear, didn’t you? You’re upset, and you just accidentally hugged the guy in front of you…. you just don’t understand the situation yet, do you?

In the hand stretched out as if she had remembered the primitive fear, Sayaka responded with a short scream.

Unlike before – in contrast to being greedily demanded, Shayaka chose words gently and without hurting the opponent. Short screams like a breath were engraved with definite rejection, as if they reflected her true heart.

Returning to a normal girl is a bad word. But I am certain that now I have settled something in Sayaka and something has changed.

“I don’t suppose you did anything like that when you pretended to do it, but you didn’t actually do it. Even my appraisal eye (Information Disaster) doesn’t know if the woman is family.”

Hideichi Gigane plays with her glasses, annoying with disgust. The orchid looks at the current situation with a dull face.

Hirokatsu Yamashiro shook his head weakly while putting his hand on his forehead.

“I don’t know for sure whether Kirishima has released Mr. Sado Gajima’s family. But I know that Sado Gashima-san’s reaction is obviously different.”

“Maybe you’re acting. Kirishima-kun and I seemed to be having a rough conversation earlier, and they might want us to give up here…”

“The way you look at me is totally different.”

Hirokatsu Yamashiro laughed at herself with ridicule.

“It’s strange. Mr. Sadogashima, before he was released from his family training (skill), looked straight at me and rejected me even though, in retrospect, he said very outrageous things and did a lot of unpleasant things. But Sadogashima-san is different now. It’s like seeing a classmate who tried to rape himself as a target of fear.”

“Ah, you’re giving up? If you admit Kirishima-kun’s outrageous behavior here, he will surely – no, he will definitely follow.”

“I have a bad life, woman root.”

It was no one else who watered the words of the woman Gannon – Kirishima Orchid, the central figure in this incident.

A reprimanded rumor flew from the person who was supposed to be blamed, and the woman opened her mouth as she was surprised to fix the misaligned glasses.

“Be honest with me. This is the reality. It’s not as simple as killing me or trying to be gentle with me alone. Remember when you kicked me out? You and Tiger Raw took the initiative to hang me as a dangerous man and turn me into a claw bullet from the group. Same as then – yes, the same thing. Sure enough, I was like a kid yelling and making noise, and I went into a riot to disturb my own unity. But what else was I supposed to do? When I was kicked out – Tiger Raw, Girl Root, if I persuaded one of them, wouldn’t I say I could have avoided the worst if I worked a little harder? In conclusion, I can’t. Absolutely not. Actually, you did, didn’t you? I desperately appealed to Tiger Raw. I apologize for what I said. At that time, even if I could appeal to Tiger Raw’s affection and get her to withdraw the bias she vomited and the controversy she painted on her eyeglasses, I would have been kicked out for some reason. I mean, right? It wasn’t just Tiger Raw and Girl Roots – they were making the air together to kick me out.”

Unconscious tuning, unconscious self-defense. Everyone, no matter how cute they are – no matter how thoughtful they are, they move aggressively to protect themselves in situations where only one of them can help them or others.

A sudden alienation – I don’t know what justice is and what malice is. There is only one word that can touch the backlash of aliens and imprison or kill them on the spot.

Originally, modern Japanese people are easily drawn to many opinions. The more people who choose “Somewhat agree, Somewhat disagree,” the more people who choose “Neither agree nor disagree,” the more they will automatically take the form of “I agree with the faction.”

Not everyone in the class was expelling orchids on that spot.

Including Shayaka – Someone disagreed and thought I’d check on her. Of course, it has nothing to do with me. Neutral, as a third party, few students would have thought so.

“I’m not alone now. Of course, Sayaka is not here right now – Mizuki, Kanami, Aya, Princess Sha, Sakurai and Sound – but Lily and Megumi agree with me. It’s not neutral. Absolutely, yes. Whether authoritarian or brainwashed, that fact clearly exists here. I’m not talking about democracy. If you’re here, try to impersonate me again. I’m not the only one going to the country this time. All the girls except me and Queen Hill.”

To put it simply, he was a hostage. Sweet and loving love of the beloved opposite – orchids used them as a means of holding hostages hostage.

“Let me get back to you, but this is the same thing. It’s a lot of violence. You know what I mean?” I have a friend, I have a family, I have someone to protect me at all times, and I don’t know what it’s like to be alone when you guys are really nailed from the world. ”

Orange memories swallow again, and orchids swallow the rising discomfort.

I’m not going to push everything. But surely, there are many reasons why this relentless desire to be loved is undoubtedly due to its past.

Why do you think so twisted?

Can you say that you need justice to use the lives of others to protect yourself? [M]

General Justification – The general idea in modern Japan does not make sense at this time.

This is because it is a story of a distorted “other world” through terrible inherent magic (skills) that does not exist in modern Japan.

“Me and ‘them’ are united by a single body – a ‘bond’ that never wavers. That’s why the tiger students nailed me first. Because the unity, the unity, gets in the way. – I didn’t. In fact, there’s such a strong bond between me and the girls.”

“If you keep your mouth shut, you’ll have a selfish argument… I’ll tell you what I like!

With the momentum to take off his glasses and spit, Eiichi Gigane stopped at the orchid.

“What do you think Kirishima-kun is in the minds of others!? Is it okay if you only have yourself? Are you saying that if you want to save your life, you will be allowed to family your classmates’ girls!?

“Can I return that word exactly as it is? I don’t like being robbed of a” girl with a secret love for you “that doesn’t even exist – for such a self-centered reason, I’m a classmate. (…) (…) Can you lift a boy student and say it’s justice? Because the girls are scared, so are the others, so if you think common-sense, because this is our general idea – decorating with such a good ear piece of bullshit and shielding yourself with unseen evidence that no one else understands’ expert eye ‘, you’re not qualified to bullet me.”


The emotionally exploding female root grabbed onto the orchid’s breasthold.

The furious rage that was about to burst began to cry. Princess Sha’s reprimand flies to the business of the woman who complained of violence. Kanami, who was watching Tiger Raw, pushed seriously into the sheath toward the female root.

“–Stop, girlie root!

It wasn’t Kanami, Princess Sha, or Orchid that slashed into the sudden air – it was Misaki, a girl student captured by the Kintetsu Knight at the border between the big hole’s open room and the garden.

With a well-held voice, you stab the words from a remote place toward the female root. With that bold action, the surrounding consciousness focuses on Goshikai.

Without moving your gaze, Mikoshiki has a spicy, heartfelt face and opens her mouth.

“Kirishima is not bad. It’s all my fault. So don’t blame Kirishima. If you blame me, blame me…..”

“… Mikorin?

“Womanganese are angry because I was immediately distracted when I confessed to Womanganese Roots – and you think it’s Kirishima?

A woman’s eyes twitched as if confused by a remark inserted from outside her imagination.

Her face, which was always strong, had transformed into that of a weak girl.

“I didn’t mean to play with the heart of a woman. I was just really wrong. Kirishima has nothing to do with it. I just couldn’t tell you how to betray me even if you treat me kindly….”

“No, Mikorin. Mikorin is not bad. Kirishima-kun is deceiving me. Even Kirishima-kun, if you reflect and regain your goodness, everything will go back to normal.”

The orchid’s hand stood on the shoulder of a falling woman’s groin.

It’s as if a flurry of chaotic emotions that would have desperately covered up the warmth and malice from your shoulders into your body.

“I can’t. For example, if you’re dating a very cute, kind, impeccable beauty. A stranger in the city said,” No! You’re being deceived by that woman! Can you believe it, calm down, and deal with it calmly?

“What do you mean….”

So you’ve finally noticed the female root.

All the girls in the class are looking at poor people with their own eyes.

On this occasion, according to general common sense, it is not the orchid that is saying the right thing, but the female root.

But justice for them is orchid – Kirishima orchid. It is he who defies justice and continues to defy it ugly and meaninglessly, which is abnormal from their point of view.

They deny what they are doing for them.

It’s like being rejected as a “nuisance” for what I’m trying to do. Still, I’m mistaken for a strange person.

It feels like your feet are about to collapse. I wonder if the justice I was shaking was really the right thing to do, or if I can’t believe it anymore.

The same – bad goods drive away good goods, or when a few normal people are among the anomalies, even the real people become mad, is that the situation?

The opponent denied his work as a hero to bring back his wicked companions.

Rescue the corrupt heroin and restore it to its original life – if it is the cause of her suffering, is it really justice?

Question binds limbs and is swallowed up by the negative spiral of thought.

“Am I wrong…? No, it can’t be. I should be right. There can be no doubt that I am just -”

“… fu, nnh, nnhh?

At a time like putting water in the vortex of women’s thoughts, Mizuki, who was trapped by the Kintetsu Knight, finally regained consciousness while losing consciousness and relaxing his strength from his limbs.

“Nya, Nya…? Nyah, Nyah, Nyah… funyahh”

While murmuring in a more cat-like tone than usual, wipe saliva off the sleeves of the cardigan and make a big stretch.

Some looked blameworthy at what they did to destroy the tight air. Many seemed relieved that her consciousness, which had remained awake since the end of the tragedy, had returned.

“Beauty bell”

“Cat Yama-san”

With a sleepy eye that still doesn’t understand the current situation, Mizuki Katayama rubs his cheeks.

Mizuki’s captivity had been lifted, either because her possession skills were not aggressive or because she felt no danger.

“Hmm, my head is stirring…”

A beautiful bell that holds his head down with a cute sleeved cardigan sleeve and meditates with a spicy look. As she stared at her, Ryuzaki nodded as if she had noticed something.

“Cat Yama-san… Yes, it’s Mt. Cat.”

While being held captive by the Kintetsu Knight, Ryuzaki Wing relied on a glimmer of hope and raised his voice as he stood up.

“Cat Yama-san was dating Tiger Sei-kun, and if Kirishima’s skills hadn’t intervened, they would have been tied, right?

Sit down and raise your voice so that it can be heard by Tiger Raw, who is still lying face down.

“Sadogashima-san and Mikorin don’t want to think about it, but in fact, it’s possible that they originally liked Kirishima.”

A kind of excitement – something close to a vivid sense of Aung Yang, like a detective’s assistant showing her reasoning to her family.

If you talk about it, you won’t get hurt. If the guess is wrong and the result fails, you will never get hurt – such a solitary idea pushes the back of Ryuzaki Wings.

“If you were Cat Yama-san, you’d feel uncomfortable with the situation she’s in. You don’t have to disarm it right away, but gradually… If you unlock your skills and spend more time with Tiger Raw, how can you regain your true self?

The Ryuzaki wings develop their theory by putting themselves at the mercy of overwhelming emotions. I felt like the shoulders of a leaning tiger were trembling.

“… hey, Ryuzaki”

“If you’re Cat Yama-san, you could go back. Because just now, I (…) let you (…) look at my (…) face and (…) let you (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (… (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (… (…) (…) (…) (…) (… (…) (…) (…) (…) (… (…) (…) (…) (…) (… (…) (…) (…) (… (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (… (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (… (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (… (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…) (…)! If you were completely mentally trained, that wouldn’t be possible, would it? Because Cat Yama-san is kind, he just sympathizes with Kirishima-san who’s been kicked out – in fact, he may not have been trained by his family!

The reasoning of confidence is difficult for the speaker to notice, even if there is a gradual deviation – a significant peel.

Perhaps it will be possible to recognize the irrationality if we get into it later. It is rare for reasoning that comes up with most of the ideas – flowing and now proceeding in an ongoing fashion – to reach the end as planned.


“… just now?

The leaning tiger, Shin Ikumo, raised his face. A call from a woman who was thrown to silence Ryuzaki never reached Ryuzaki. I don’t notice the accusations directed at me. Ryuzaki kept talking like a spotlighted stage actor.

Mizuki Katayama looked at such a scene blurrily. Her soft, loose expression turned into something cold and unexpectedly warm.

“… Girl root. What are you doing to my Ran-kun?

― Hee

The hand of the woman who was holding the breast hold was released.

Beauty bells blink at brown eyes as if they were boring.

If she was a student who still had a lot of opportunities with Mizuki after the transition, she would have realized that her behavior had developed since the transition to another world-that it was a discomfort that was difficult to understand the words surrounding a girl named Mizuki Cat Mountain.

However, Ryuzaki Wings had only counted the number of times he had been involved with Mizuki Katayama, not only in his daily life before the transition, but also after the transition. He looked at it from afar at all times, so he seemed to have the illusion that it was close. In fact, Ryuzaki did not realize the change in the beauty bell.

“You’re lying… I mean, you were so kind to me earlier.”


“Until just now, Cat Yama-san was so cute and kind.”

The cursed dialog afflicts Toranomo Nobu. But I didn’t notice Ryuzaki Wings.

“That’s right, disarm it! After all, Cat Yama-san was raped by family training! So if you unlock the skill, it should go back to normal -”

“Was Cat Yama-san gently smiling at Ryuzaki and the others just now?

In order to block Ryuzaki’s reasoning, the voice of Shin Toru is weakly spinned. The moment Ryuzaki Wing confidently agreed to the inquiry, Toru Ikumo Shin leaked a faint bitterness and collapsed.

“Come on Kirishima-kun! Just like you unlocked Sadogashima-san’s skill earlier, you can unlock the skill you put on Cat Yama-san!

“Stop it.”

“I won’t let you say no. So if Cat Yama-san returns to his old street, you…”

“I told you not to!

An incredible intent to kill cuts through the air.

Have you detected the danger? With the momentum to push through the female root, Kanami thinned towards the orchid.

Partially tightened, Tiger Izumo Nobu ran away with his Ryuzaki wings, not orchids, peeling off his sharp nails and rushing off.


The Ryuzaki wing, which had been trapped behind him, could not defend it (thanks to his fighting spirit, he could not harm his skin or internal organs), but all the Kintetsu knights, who had been trapped by the impact, blew back.

Tiger Ikumo Nobunaga jumps on the Ryuzaki wing, which escapes the captivity with a retracted recoil. It’s like watching carnivorous predators. Immediately, Tiger Raw rushes in without the Kinsai Knight capturing him.

“I thought I might need my own magic to suppress the outer enemies… I can’t do it anymore. Stay close!

The Queen’s minister, who was arguing with Walkins, flies orders to the Kintetsu Knight in trouble.

A few Kintetsu Knights brought in magic tools and stuff and began drawing magical objects into the corners of the room and into the gaps in the furniture.

After a while. The orchid was surprisingly attacked by a strange chill that took something off its body.

At the same time, the Kondo Knights, who seemed convinced of something, unbound the saints, lined up around the corners and walls of each room, and turned to protect the place where the magic ceremony was depicted and the place where the magic equipment was placed.

Tiger has been solved, as usual – Tiger Seisho Nobu has regained his arm as a high school boy. Taking his hand away from the arm of the Ryuzaki wing, which was so tightly squeezed with congestion, Inomatsu stared at the face of the Ryuzaki wing with a lost eye.

“I can’t stand it anymore. Somebody take me back to my ordinary routine… I wish I hadn’t been class chairman. Why do you keep seeing me like this?”

“Torah, oh?

“Cat Yama-san – you were spreading affection to you in my absence…. I didn’t know. You scream and cry like that. It’s the same as Kirishima when we were kicked out.”

Do your best for everyone as a class chair, under your own stress. Even just a stretched body and mind. Kirishima orchids appeared as if they were crushing it even further.

If that were enough, he could still stand it. If it breaks here, everything will turn into water bubbles.

Acknowledging orchids would deny Hitomo Toru himself. Because I thought so.

“I can’t stand it anymore. If Cat Yama-san becomes like Sado Gashima-san here, I ‘m–I ‘m sure it’ll break completely. I don’t want to think about anything anymore. Don’t let me think about it. Please, I need you to leave me alone.”

The last trigger for a completely broken mind is often unexpectedly minor – a simple event.

A little irritation will suffice to completely cut the pin and the rubber that is stuck together. It would have been a matter of time before this happened.

A person with a strong sense of responsibility and seriousness is something that looks strong and fragile.

For high school students who were not yet mentally mature, it was too harsh to have to accept the burdens associated with poor prison life in other worlds.

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