Beast Tamer Unique Cheat System

Chapter 21: Raid with Mariena

On the next morning Mar came to david house again. As they decided to to go in to dungeon as a party. But before that they have to go in fedaration buliding. Mari is now at level 4 black iron stage cultivator . But she doesnt have powerfull skill like Rudi. Also she doesn't have any actual combat experience. Then they both head there way toward the fedaration buliding. Both of them reach on that place some time later. Mari has almost spend all his money and resources on his cultivation.

After that Rudi decide to buy some eqiupment first for her. So they to go the trade office in fedaration buliding. When the trader guy saw a girl with Rudi he gave him smile. Then ask him in a teasing way hiw can we help you sir? Are you looking something for this beautiful lady. In past if encounter with this trader Rudi and he became so much friendly.

Then Rudi says the yes you are right we are sarching for a battle set for her. If you can show us somthing good in your hand for the ladies. Then the trader show them some eqiupment set for females. But they didn't like them at all. Untill their eye fall on a eqiupment.

Forst staf black iron stage mid level 10 gold

( ice element user oriented staf. It can improve ice type ability 10 percent.)

Elemental robe black iron stage mid level 12 gold

( anyone who whiled the power of any element can use it as armoured on his body. It can nullify all the attack under wood stage. Also incrise defense by 5 percent)

The set was best suit for Mari so he say that he wants to buy it. But Mari was thinking he was buying all thoes for him. Because she doesn't know about Rudi eqiupments. After the purchase Rudi hand over it to Mari. Mari was surprised on that. And ask him why he is giving this to her. The Rudi replied that to her that he has buy this eqiuoment for her. Then she directly refuse to accepte this set of eqiupment. It was really expensive for her to agree with. So she cant take that set eqiupment from him he also need to save some money to buy cultivation resources. If he really doesn't need the eqiupment. After that Rudi says its not like favour its a gift from a friend to friend. And it also for always take care for me all thoes years after my parents death. Then Mari said then what about you. Rudi replied that he have his own set of eqiupment so she doesnt have to care about it. Then Mari but it sitll a lot for me to take. When there is nothing you will have in return. Who said i dont get anything in return. I will get safety of friend like you. Who is more then a friend to me so this musch will be nothing. If you don't take it there party raid forget about it. After all the conversation Mari finally take the set of eqiupment.

Then they head to the main office of fedaration buliding. The lady on the office ask him why Rudi was here today. Then Rudi ask him if that possible can she also enter with me in all my registered dungeon. Then the lady replied that yes there will be no problem just give me her id card. After some time she said its complete sir . You guys can enter the dungeons with her. After that they gone out for the dungeon. Few time later they reached at the dungeon enterance. Its first time for Mari to see a dungeon. She is only a newbie aweakner he doesn't have knowledge about dungeons. So she start asking various question to Rudi about the dungeon. But Rudi was frustrated about all his questions. He replied that you will be know every thing when you will enter the dungeon. They both show the id to check their permission to enter the dungeon. After ther graurds confirmed that they have register for the dungeon raid. They allow them to enter the dungeon. After that they both finally enter the dungeon. It was a black iron stage centipede monster dungeon. There was different type of centipede monster on the dungeon. Like poison type, gas type, element type and normal type monsters.

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