Chapter 10: Dungeon battle with slime
And after all of that Rudi has prepare for his first battle in dungeon. If anyone wants to raid in a dungeon they have to from a request for the entry. And most of the low level dungeon will filled with newly aweaken in few days. So it will be best to request for most of the dungeons in one go. And have as much as appointment possible for dungeon raid.
Next day he was on his way to fredaration which was run by the nation and it was in every citiy. When he reach the fredaration he learn about all kind of knowlege about the dungeons. In white heart citiy maximun level of a dungeon in equal to bronze level 9. But monsters are also devided in various level.And then he ask the receptionist that how many entry he can do in one time. Then the receptionist replied that in one day 2 dungoen and at one time maximum for ten days. Which is total 20 dungeon raids and you can go solo or with a party. But if Rudi go with party there is a chance that his system will be discovered.So he chose to go raid for solo and also for 10 days. He have to pay 25 % of his earning from dungeon to fredaration . its a law all over nation stage doesn't matter the commision will be same for all the beast master. Rudis dungeon raid will be start from tomorrow . so he have to made some preparation for that. So he ask the rcesptionist about the trading area. The after knowing the way he came to trading area. He have saved 10 gold coins in past three years. That was not much but enough for his first raid. After that he can get other from his earning from dungeon.
Then he ask the person who was selling all thoes thing about few porstion. Then he buy 4 healing portion in 2 gold coins each of them 50 silver. Then mana or qi recovery portion 6 of them in 3 gold. Which is also 50 silver each of them. Then he buy a normal set of equipment in 5 gold coins. There were a long bow, armour, showes and small dagger also in it. It was highest spending by Rudi after his parents death. But they all ar important to fight with the beast. Now his preaparation was almost finish. Then a msg come on his comunication crystal about his first two raid tomorrow. The first one will be core slime dungeon wich is water type monster. And in wood stage peck level dungeon. So its the best for him to go solo for his raid in it. And the other one also easy as core silme. That was the normal goblin nest dungeon. Goblin have different type and ability so they have various dungeons. Like hob goblin lin nest, goblin warior, goblin mage land, and king goblin cave. And the easiest on in goblin nest.
The he head back to home after all the preparation for his raid. When he was on his way he saw Mari there. Mari was happy to find him here and ask what he was doing here. The he replied that he will go for a dungeon raid next day. She was worried to hear that and said she will join him. But he refuse to do that raid with her. He know that her beast is strong but still tk small for battle. Then he asked her why she is here. Then she replied that she was here to buy some growth portion. Which will help his beast to grow fast. Then he suggested her to not to hurry she can grow her beast naturally in one mounth. So she doesnt have to waste money on growth porstion. And his beast can fight in few day. After talking each other for a while they go for each other destination.
Rudi have prepare every thing that he need and its just about time for his first raid. So he have a poor dinner in night. Because he have spend all his money today. So he have to manage today with thoes food. And after having the food he have a good night sleep on his small bed. In the next morning he finally head for the dungeon. That will be his first raid but he was so determind on it.