Beast Studio

Chapter 834 - Lions fight for hegemony

This super lion group has a total of 20 members, two adult male lions, eight adult female lions, four young lion cubs, and six young lions. On this tropical grassland, any beast dare not harass them.

But the young male lions wandering on the grassland seem to have the idea of ​​dominating the lion group.

The two wandering brothers dragged their burly bodies into the territory of Qatar.

Liu Wei was already asleep, and he was the only one who dared to sleep loudly among the lions, without worrying that the lions would kill him.

The audience in the live broadcast room continued to cheer.

Suddenly, several thunderous and deafening roars sounded, making this silent grassland agitated instantly.

Liu Wei bounced.

Confused eyes!

what’s the situation?

Before his mind was sober, the entire group of lions around him, twenty lions all stood up and looked ahead.

Qatar and the other lion in the group of lions strode forward.

Liu Wei quickly picked up the live mobile phone, called Fatty, and followed.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed his face, keeping his spirits, “Brothers, I haven’t figured out what happened? But I can roughly guess that an intruder must have stepped into the territory, and the entire lion group is moving at this time.

The lion king Qatar is ready to face the battle. The female lions will not leave their children every step of the way to ensure their safety! “

“Fuck it, in the middle of the night, is it so exciting?”

“I like this African grassland!”

“Is the lion going to fight?”

“I’m going to the pit to see!”

Liu Wei followed closely behind the lions.

Soon, two other adult male lions appeared in the field of vision, with dense manes, standing in front of them imposingly.



The roar resounded across the grassland.

Qatar and another lion, with their shoulders pressed down, their heads leaning forward, raised their heads and roared.

Warn the two wandering lions to leave its territory quickly.

One after the other, the four lions were 100 meters apart, constantly roaring to warn their opponents.

Liu Wei was numb.

It seems more frightening than the wanton sound of thunder and lightning.

The audience in the live broadcast room was more excited than one.

This most primitive and shocking, wild sound from nature is enough to keep them in a state of lasting excitement.

The development of things did not go as Qatar’s wishes, after repeated roars, the invaders showed no signs of shrinking.

At this time, several adult female lions standing behind followed Qatar’s roar and issued warnings one after another, fearing that the invaders would kill their children.


Liu Wei’s eardrum was about to be ruptured.

Fatty lay on the ground, lowered his ears, and looked straight at the lions.

The warning from the Super Lions still did not discourage the two brothers who had invaded.

Qatar was very angry and glanced at its partner with his head tilted.

The two lions understood.

Trot towards the intruder.

The mane was blowing in the wind, and the muscles all over his body were shaking rhythmically.

“Brothers, the show has begun!” Liu Weirun roared, clenching his fists, extremely excited.

The intruder was not afraid, and ran towards Qatar.

The four male lions roared, moving faster and faster.

When the distance is less than 20 meters.

The four lions speed up at the same time and rush towards their opponents.

Leap high!

The sharp front paws swung towards the opponent, seeming to hear the claws tearing the air.



The four lions bared their teeth and kept roaring to fuel their aura.

“Good Jill excitement!”

“I’m already boiling!”

“High-energy moment, video!”

“Fuck it, **** it!”

“Catch it! Bite, bite to death!”


The audience in the live broadcast room was immersive and regarded themselves as a fighting lion.

All kinds of weird onomatopoeia barrages have been brushed wildly.

Liu Wei slowly walked around from the side and took a closer shot to better record the fighting spirit of the lions.

In the first round, the four lions will win the first round.

Both sides stepped back a few steps, the glaring at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched, revealing their biggest killer, their canine teeth, which are five or six centimeters long.

After wandering for two laps with his brother, Qatar suddenly launched an attack and rushed towards the opponent.

Stand up his front body and slap his forefoot quickly and vigorously at the opponent.

He is a Lion King with very rich combat experience, and he has a good time to fight.

A few unexpected claws directly hit the opponent’s forehead, revealing a four-centimeter-long sharp claw that can be stretched freely, and the opponent’s wide nose instantly showed two wounds, and the blood flow continued.



“I, he, can’t tell who is who?”

“Don’t know who to cheer for?”

“The winner is the winner, I only recognize the winner!”


For a time, the audience slammed the gifts, giving the four lions an atmosphere.

Seeing that Qatar seized the opportunity to severely inflict an opponent, another lion in the super lion group suddenly exerted force, jumped high, knocked the opponent to the ground with a pressing force, seized the opportunity, rushed up, and directed at the opponent. Several roars on his face.

The two brothers of the invaders have less experience and strength.

The outcome is over.

The battle between the lions is mostly based on driving away the opponent. As long as the opponent has the intention to surrender or surrender, the offensive side will not kill.

Of course, yelling at the loser a few times, indicating that his mighty domineering is a necessary procedure.

Qatar stood in front of the invaders and raised his hair to roar the lion king.

The intruder hurriedly stood up and ran away dingy.

The entire group of lions roared once again, cheering for the victory, while driving away the invaders.

After the intruder disappeared from Liu Wei’s field of vision, Liu Wei turned his head to face the camera, “They should come back to challenge in the next two years! But Qatar is the year of the fight, and the result next time should be similar to this time!”

Qatar was shot by mobile phone lens.

Qatar stood on the spot, looking up at the grassland covered by the dark night, the early morning breeze came, gently blowing its mane, the mane fluttered back in layers.

It tossed its tail.


“Qatar is so strong!”

“No loss is the Lion King!”

“No! I must revisit “The Lion King” later!”

“This scene, what he did, is too strong for substitution!”

Liu Wei walked over.

When Qatar smelled Liu Wei’s temperature, he turned his head and looked back at the grassland.

“Hey! Friend! You were a little handsome just now!” Liu Wei put his hand on Qatar’s forehead and praised.

Qatar turned around and walked back to the lions.

Liu Wei sighed: “Hey! This guy is too cold!”

Follow the lions back to the original camp.

The grassland is quiet again.

Liu Wei lay on the grass among the lions, looked up at the bright stars, smiled and said, “Brothers, I like this night!”

The lions woke up very early.

Looking out, the early morning on the grassland is full of life.

Other wild animals in the reserve began to come out for food, but they did not know that this was an early morning when the air was full of blood!

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