Chapter 24: Evaluation
POV: Recruit 79
My step in junction with the generals echoed throughout the abnormally empty base, which I still hadn't quite figured out why.
A base so close to the outskirts yet so underfilled...
It was the least of my concern however.
Since I called for an emergency re-evaluation, the general himself will be the one testing me. Each base is equipped with a standard issue training facility, one that could also be used for evaluations in this case.
As we continued walking through the base, passing not only dozens of unoccupied quarters but also their yard, which was bigger than the one back at the base I was originally stationed at, the general had finally come to a stop in front of a door. In contrast to the interrogation room, it was clear this door was used on the daily.
Wasting no time, the door was swung open, revealing an already lit and active training room. The size dwarfed my imagination of what I thought such an 'empty' base would have.
There were quite a few people inside as well, despite the later hours.
We had walked up to another person who wasn't wearing armor, but rather a suit. It was a tall, muscular man with glasses and thinning hair. "I'd like to submit this recruit for an emergency re-evaluation, at his word."
The man paid no time in replying, instead giving a stiff bow to the general as he walked away to leave the room.
Looking over at me, he quickly jerked his head slightly to indicate for me to follow him, which I did. We had passed a few soldiers that were actively training on their own time until we stopped before another door on the side of the training room.
Just on the door, a faded text was written.
[ Evaluation Room ]
He had gestured once more for me to enter, which I did, by myself of course.
Opening the door, I could barely keep my eyes open at the glaring light that harassed my vision so unpleasantly.
Just before me, there was a clear line of about 3 other people, waiting in line to speak to an attendant sitting at a desk, writing something on a notebook. Just over to my right, the room expanded, showing multiple different training regimes as well as tests that were being conducted for other evaluations.
'Well, I'm in for a treat,' I thought to myself as I stood in line.
The line had gone by painstakingly slow. I was almost on the verge of passing out while standing, my eyes shuttering every brief moment.
"Next!" The voice rang.
My eyes jolted open as I shook my head just slightly, trying to keep myself awake.
Noticing that it was my turn, I quickly jogged up to the front of the table. Waiting an hour just for 3 people to go through this, are you kidding me?
"State your tag, rank, and business please," the women spoke, clearly irritated. I couldn't tell if it was just in general or specifically at me...
"Tag 79, ranked recruit. My business here is under an emergency re-evaluation, confirmed by General Aurelian."
The woman actually took the time to look up at me this time, before not even having the appreciation to look any of the previous people in the face. "N-Nevermind," she shuttered. I guess it was unusual for a general to approve something like that?
If that's true, I'm lucky I asked back then. It might've taken a while otherwise.
She started jotting down a few things on her notebook, likely related to my business here. After a moment, she looked back up.
"Which categories would you like re-evaluated today?"
"Just nexus capacity and physical strength please," I answer politely, trying to not rub off the wrong way, even though she definitely did a great job at pissing me off earlier.
While I would, and probably should, also re-evaluate my nexus strength, the fact that even I myself don't know the full limits, it most likely wouldn't be wise. For now, I'll settle with just getting my nexus pool re-evaluated, and a physical.
Even though I'm not sure if that whole 'event' also affected my physical strength, I'm sure I've gotten a lot stronger this past month regardless, so it's good to do anyway.
"Head on over to section 2B, the man there will survey your re-evaluation."
"Thank you," I replied as I began to walk away.
Walking down the array of sections was definitely quite eye opening. It had been years since my initial evaluation, and even then it was just at training camp, so it wasn't a proper evaluation facility.
There were at least two dozen people here getting evaluated.
'I wonder if others come here just to get evaluated at this place specifically,' I wondered.
After a fairly long walk, I finally made it to the section dashed out as 2B. Walking into the cutout, I bumped into another guy accidentally, who seemed to have been leaving. He was sweating profusely, some of it even seeping into my shirt during the brief physical contact I had with him.
'I really don't want to get all worked up,' I thought to myself, annoyed.
Finally after entering, a man with casual wear stood just before me. If it wasn't for the nametag that spoke 'Instructor' on his shirt then I would not have guessed that he was anything but a casual.
"Hey, I'm here for the re-evaluation," I spoke.
"N-Nexus capacity and physical strength," I muttered out just before he could reply, in case that he was going to ask.
Instead of answering, he just stared me.
What is with people here and just... staring?
"Let us begin then," the man spat, like he was also in a bad mood. If my gut proved any indication, this was going to be far from fun.
"Hmm, let's start with physical strength then," he continued.
I entered the section fully, swallowing a lump in my throat.
'Yeah... this won't be fun,' I thought.