As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 80

78 .. Decepticons Assemble! Braised Egg Man Makes Another Stupid Move!


When the “big collision between heaven and earth” happened, everyone fell into a trance…

Nick Fury slumped in his chair, shivering with fear…

He tried to open his mouth several times, but didn’t know what to say…

At the moment…

The number of casualties cannot be counted for a while…

This natural disaster has affected ten countries-…

The Western European world has long been in panic…

They don’t know how to deal with the relationship with Wang Quan…

Not only envious of Wang Quan’s power, but also in awe of his strength…

This group of selfish Angsa people, with malicious intentions, dare not mention the name “Wang Quan”.

Only use “that man”.

Or the title, to call Roar Wang Quan, to cover up his timidity.

Tyrant of destruction…

The most dangerous man in the world…

Among them, “S.H.I.E.L.D” is naturally included.

more than this…

A sizable part of the group, headed by Alexander Pierce, has become a peacemaker!

They believe that they should do their best to win over Wang Quan!

Even if you can’t be an ally, it’s better than being an enemy!

to this end…

It is even proposed to list “Twisted City” as a gray area!

As long as Wang Quan doesn’t fight against them on the bright side, they will open one eye and close one eye!

The appearance of this group of “peacemakers” made Nick Fury furious!

These foxes, in order to seek stability, have given up too many things!

First Kim and…

And then there’s Obadiah…

Now I’m ready to let that man go and develop his power in Twisted City!

It goes on like this…

The day when that man becomes powerful…

I am afraid that this group of “Peace Sects” will have to devote their loyalty to each other!

Thinking of this…

Nick Fury, I want to use the most powerful “ace” now!


As long as the captain is willing to come back…

With the current Wang Quan alone, he will definitely not be that woman’s opponent!


Nick Fury, also has his own insistence…

He wants to form an “Avengers” to fight that man!

Instead, cry in dismay, and seek the aid of that woman!

“Tony, how is it now?

Nick Fury, rubbing his eyebrows irritably, asked Hill beside him.

“He hasn’t replied yet, but according to insider intelligence…”

“Just five minutes ago, he bought a lot of Vibranium…”

“and also…”

“Some “demagnetized” specialty alloys…”

Hill reported the information he got to the director in front of him.


“Someone seems to be in a hurry…”

“If nothing else, our “Iron Man” should be preparing to build stronger armor. 99

Nick Fury responded with a sneer, a smug smile on his lips.

He knew that he would assign Obadiah’s shares to Wang Quan.

With Tony’s arrogant personality, he will definitely turn against him!

Looking at “Avengers”, the first warrior is about to return!

Nick Fury, decided to add more fire!

“Contact Natasha Romanoff and ask her to find a way to exacerbate the tension between the two.

“Even if you blow the pillow wind, you will not hesitate! 35

Nick Fury, the only eye left, with a flicker of malice…

But he didn’t realize at all that he was Wang Quan’s biggest inner responder…

If later…

Wang Quan occupied “S.H.I.E.L.D”….

The words “Honor Decepticons” will be engraved on the tombstone of “Nick Fury”.

dark peaks…

This city of fortresses that rose up in ruins, the energy fluctuations emanating, were immediately locked by sound waves!

He immediately conveyed this news to all the Decepticons!

The first to receive the news were the diggers, who immediately stopped their work.

“There is a Cybertron city on this planet?”

“That must be the master’s masterpiece!”

“Forklift”, the leader of the digger team, said in astonishment.

I haven’t waited for other members to express their opinions.

A “portal” opened in front of the diggers.

This group of diggers who are loyal to Wang Quan did not dare to delay, and immediately shapeshifted the vehicle form!

Led by the forklift, six construction vehicles drove into the portal at full speed!

Inside the Quantum Lab…

Ivan Vanke and Knockout, looking at the “masterpiece” in front of them, both showed excited expressions!

It worked!

Based on the “prototype”, they built a more powerful “Ark reactor” in just a few days!

Although there is still a lot of room for development, it is still a masterpiece!


Before waiting for the “knock down”, Ivan Vanke was held in his hands to celebrate the scientific research achievements of the two.

He then received the “Sound Wave”, the order to gather!

“Your Majesty, I have something to do with us…”

・・・ Flowers・

“It looks like I can only come back to celebrate…”

Knockout sighed with regret, but he never dared to disobey the orders of “Wang Quan”, just as he was about to leave the test…

Ivan Vanke, however, grabbed the “Ark reactor” on the table and handed it to the knocked-down hand.

“My lord, after seeing the finished product, he will definitely praise you.

“Maybe, I will give you some rewards…

Ivan suggested to Knockout in his native language.

Knocked down for a moment, but soon understood what Ivan meant.

“Our finished product…”

Knockout carefully put away the “Ark reactor” and gestured with a thumbs up to his human assistant.

As he gets along with Ivan, as a “decepticon”, he likes it more and more, and the intelligent race in front of him!

When the voice falls, the knockdown will transform into a “vehicle form”…


The red “Aston Martin”, with a blue tail flame, passed through the portal ahead.

at the same time…

The “Elite Brigade”, which was almost hit, also received a message from “Sound Wave” after reaching the safe area.


“Dark! Dark! Peak! Peak!”

Starscream shrieked word by word.

He never imagined that the lord actually had this kind of Ability!

The fortress city of “Decepticons” can be transferred to the Blue Star!

“All members of the fleet, obey!

“Turn the direction immediately and request to open the “land bridge”!

Through wireless communication, Starscream gave new orders to his subordinates.

Thirty-five “Raptor fighters”, Roar whistled in the sky, and successively passed the portal opened by sound waves.

At the moment…

On the High Throne of Dark Peaks…

The majestic Wang Quan was looking down at the elite “Decepticons” soldiers who had passed through the portal and arrived at the scene one after another.

Digger Squad…

Knock down and die fire…

And Starscream…


A “Death God drone” passes through a portal…

Shapeshifting into a “sound wave” in mid-air, it landed firmly on the ground.

After the sound wave landed, he kneeled on one knee respectfully, and gently placed the “Red Queen” in his palm on the ground.

The rest of the Decepticons also learned the same way and knelt down on one knee.

To the king who sits on the throne of darkness, swear eternal allegiance!


Except for Black widow who is “on the job”…

All the Decepticons on the Blue Star have assembled in this “Fortress City”!

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