Chapter 18: Eq qp qO
I'm a player
Dealer, whatever
My life - the stuff
The dices are rolling back from me
They're ain't made for me
Throw-in them, I throw them for real
Too real
The choices done, this stuff is real
Whatever happens, happens
This is just too damn honest
Being honest
Gave me solvable problems
How ya feeling with your problems?
It was, ye it was, stuck - longing for more art in arts
More lines in line
Even one makes me alive
I'm probably high all the time
With lines in my sleeve
Can't see the bottom
Where are my knees?
They're black
You won't spot my kick, your doors
Sometimes I'm willing to hurt everything to spoil the blood
Romantic, too empathic
Pass me the bear
I'm willing to heal, I'd share with you my will
Leaving good vibes
Fading out - too real stuff
Look in my eyes
Not drugs, the art is the one I am talking about
Fuck off
It's just the words, Focus on mood or moon
It's yours