Anime is an Outer God's Playground

Chapter 173: CH. 167: Fluder Paradyne

Tension was at its peak when Fluder Paradyne, the strongest human mage in the world was facing directly our protagonist Hiro, both sitting on opposite couches with a table separating them. The two remained silent for a moment, Fluder's expression was absolutely unreadable, especially with his long beard, eyebrows and white hair that covered most of his face, all we could see was a somewhat nonchalant frown.

"Hmmmm..." Fluder mumbled.

"Is something the matter?" Hiro asked.

"Hmmm... How odd... I don't feel any drop of magic emitting out of you..." Fluder replied.

'Arch told me the same thing before... Termite said only her and this old man have that ability. I should have expected that kind of reaction...' Hiro thought.

"I apologize... For I'm using a technique that prevents my magic from leaking out." Hiro announced.

For the first time we see some sort of emotion, as Fluder raises a brow, "Is that so? Then, you wouldn't mind showing me the extent of your power?" He said.

"Alright." Hiro suddenly gets up. He knew that if he wanted to progress, he would need to be in contact with the important figues of the canon.

'Fluder is said to be the world's only 7th-tier magic caster. So I guess Super-Tier should be enough to impress him.'

Suddenly, the aura surrounding Hiro changed abruptly.

"Wh—What's that...!!" Fluder's eyes opened widely as a colorful courant of magical energy appeared around Hiro's body. This sudden surge of powerful aura made the building tremble and the wind blow inside the chamber– cracks appeared on the walls and ceiling and Fluder fell on his knees, admiring the power humanity has been striving to reach, power no god will ever achieve.

"Ho—HOOOO!! WHAT A MIRACLE!! THIS MAGIC SURPASSES THE 10TH TIER!!!" Tears fell down Fluder's eyes. During his many centuries of existence, he had thought no mystery was yet to be uncovered, thinking his experience had reached an all time peak and there was nothing lift to discover anymore.

Little did he know this man right here was going to change his entire perspective, his ideology, believes and everything he knew, for one single showdown.

Hiro stood there coldly, glaring at the kneeling human who wishes to known more about this power that always seemed out of bounds.

"This is all I can show you. This power was generously gifted to me by master and creator, so out of respect for him, no one other than him than know so much." Hiro announced, a poker face manifesting on his expression with solemnity clear in his tone.

Then, he hid his aura once again. The guards quickly bulged inside after feeling the earthquake. "Master Paradyne! Are you alright?!" Nimble, the imperial knight, saw Fluder kneeling while Hiro looked coldly at him from above.

Looking at this scene, it seemed pretty obvious that something abnormal happened. The second and last guard was Leinas, she quickly adopted a defensive position to protect Fluder against Hiro.

Fluder was regarded as an immensely valuable asset to the Baharuth Empire. His presence instilled fear in neighboring countries, compelling them to yield, and his contributions to technological advancements were remarkable. Most modern inventions bore his mark. Consequently, the loss of Fluder would be an irreparable setback for the Empire.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted him from the beginning. Prepare yourself for evacuation master." Leinas said, aggressively, pouting her sword at Hiro while he remained there, unfazed.

"Heh... Hahahahaha~ AHAHAHAHA!!" Gluder started laughing hysterically. Unbeknownst to everyone, he had lost his mind.

"M–Master Paradyne..." Nimble helped him get up, but was confused on why he was laughing in such a critical situation.

"This is fantastical!! Absolutely formidable!!!" Fluder shouted. "What are you talking about? D—Did this nobody wash your brain Master?!" Nimble looked at Hiro with a hostile look.

Heating the insult directed towards Hiro, Gluder grit his teeth then pulled his hand out of Nimble's grasp. Then, he slapped the knight's cheek. "How DARE YOU call him nobody ?! We are in the presence of a GOD OF MAGIC!! Transcending the 10th Tier is basically DIVINITY! Not even the devil gods and heros were this powerful!!" Fluder shouts.

Leinas and Nimble have a hard time believing what their master was saying. Transcending the 10th Tier? No human other than Fluder has reached the 7th Tier, so forget about the 10th, but now we're talking about beyond the 10th Tier?

"Master you must be confused! Leinas! It's obvious that guy is using some sort of spell against Paradyne!" Nimble gives green light to strike.

"I heard you. Then, I'll end you here!!" Leinas strikes Hiro, running at him with her sword aiming at Hiro.

"NO DON'T!!" Fluder shouts. He lifts his hand and casts a shield around Hiro. The sword strikes the shield and Hiro was left unscathed.

"But Master what do you think you're doing?!" Nimble shouts, frustrated.

Gluder faces the insolent imperial knight, "I am NOT being mind controlled! What I sensed was REAL AND UNDENIABLE." He said.

The shield disappeared and Leinas stopped attacking. Fluder approached Hiro then kneeled to him once again, "Oh Master. I wish for nothing else than you teaching me the secrets of the abyss. The abyss of magic I've been longing to discover!! Please teacher I beg of you, teach me! Teach me!!"

Nimble walks forward. "I have a suggestion." He says, attracting the attention of both Hiro and Fluder.

"Master tell me. You said that controlling the Undead Knight in the ministry's basement required magic superior to the 8th Tier, is that correct?" Nimble asked.

"Why yes. It takes the power of a god to shift one's loyalty to yourself." Fluder replied, looking at the knight while still on the ground.

"Then, if he's really a god of magic he wouldn't find an issue taming that legendary undead." Nimble adds, his logic was starting to take shape.

Leinas steps forward too, "I say we give it a try. And if he turns out to be a faker, he'll simply get killed by him." She said, her eyes skeptical of Hiro.

Fluder shifts his gaze towards Hiro, "Teacher, I have no doubt in the potency of your power. But please accept their request and show them what I've seen!!" Fluder begged.

Hiro looks at the two knights, they seemed determined. Maybe this was the turn of events Akira was looking for.

X―x―X—x—X―x―X (replace the @ by a)

>Up to 20 Advanced Chapters waiting for the impatient readers! Hoping you'll continue with the adventure ! Thanks for any support!

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