abyss of secrets

Chapter 2: Chapter 2:Welcome back K

Katherine went out of the room and came back with a big bowl of water and a wet cloth then started cleaning the bloodstains from each part of the body with utmost care and gentleness.

After an hour she was done and as she left, she closed the door behind her and said closing her eyes.

Katherine eyes turned deathly cold.

"Ken,Kendra, I promise I will avenge you"

She left and came back with a bucket of water and a mop which she used to clean up the room.

After she was done she picked up the body and its parts and placed them on their right spot, kissed his forehead and covered him with a blanket

"Kendra,I'm coming please try to hold on" and as soon as she opened them her eyes was again deathly cold.

Katherine changed her bloody clothes and went towards a large room which had a label which said "Katherine"

She entered and turned on the lights. The room was a simple color of both black and white; it was simpel but elegant with three frames on the wall and one on the dressing table.

On one of those frames on the wall, there was a picture of a husband and wife and their children lying on the grass smiling;

Katherine touched the husband and wife in the picture and smiled "mom, dad, ken,I miss you"

She then moved away from the photo and went towards the closet,went inside and behind were the shoes were placed ,there was a button and she pressed it as she did so thewall moved and opened a large room which was filled with different kinds of gadgets but it was clean and spotless.

Katherine walked towards a leather chair and sat down crossing her legs.

Katherine turned on the laptop and pressed a speaker button and a mechanized voice poured out, the laptop was filled with keys,on the first row was numbers and the second and remaining rows was filled with strange keys.

"Welcome back K. It's been a longbtime"

"Hello Kal, how have you been? It's really been a long time"Katherine said the ice in her voice softening a bit but the glacier in her eyes remained there.

"I've been good K,though staying alone for 5 years is boring" Kal said

"Don't worry Kal. I got some work for you and trust me you won't be bored" Katherine said picking up a pen and twirling it.

"I need you to get all information on Sean Fergus"

"Hmm" Katherine said in a low voice.

"Thank you."Said Katherine.

"Ok. Give me 2 minutes"Kal said in a surprisingyhappy voice which was quite impossible for a computer.

"Its ready. All information about Sean Fergus is complete"

"K, don't worry were gonna catch him" Kal said

Within 2 minutes a ding sound was heard and Kal voice sounded again

She then read the information and her eyes grew colder each second.

"Save it to my phone" Katherine voice soundedvery cold.

She pointed at the name Ian Fergus" also find all information about him"

"Yes K"

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