A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

Chapter 519: Not normal

The other three officers followed in suite bringing out their guns and aiming at the masked motorbike riders.

Dom did not have to be told twice to get down, he got down to the ground and pulled Natasha down with him as the sound of gunshots mixed with the revving of motorcycle engines erupted in the air.

The officers continued shooting as they tried to scare away the masked men, but the men did not seem to be scared at all, instead of retreating they accelerated, four men drove their motorcycles directly at the officers who were shocked that the men seemed crazy with the intent of running them over.

Dom was internally regretting deciding to come here with Natasha. What sort of bad luck was this? What sort of bad luck did he have? Why didn't whatever the heck this was, happen before they had arrived? Why was all this chaos happening right now?

Dom instantly cowered in fear when he heard a gut wrenching scream rip out of one of the officers that had gotten run over as he tried to run. 

The three other officers saw what had happened to their colleague and began to run as t they continued shooting. One of the officers was able to puncture the tyre of the masked men following him. The man ditched his immobilized motorcycle and proceeded to punch the poor officer who had ran out of bullets knocking him out unconscious.

Dom began to pray for safety in his heart, what sort of terrible encounter was this? He could only imagine the chaos erupting outside, and he was surely grateful that he could not see anything. He only hoped and prayed in his heart that whoever these men were, they would not notice he and Natasha.

The two remaining officers were unfortunately out of bullets as they were all rendered unconscious by the one tall masked man who had engaged in combat with them.

Once he was done he ran to his other partner and hopped behind him on his own motorcycle.

The four other bikers proceeded to move towards Romanoff's casket, which was were Natasha and Dom were unfortunately hiding. But the men did not seem to notice them at all, instead they spilt up into two. The two bikers going on ahead while the two left behind rode diagonally across Romanoff's casket, tipping it over as his body fell out of it and was picked up by the two men as they hurriedly drove away, escaping into the forest ahead.

Natasha happened to raise her head at this exact moment and she did not know what happened, or what was going on around her, she only had one thought in her mind and that was to follow them.

Natasha hurriedly got up, she didn't think she just moved. She ran quickly following after them, the gears in her mind turning.

This was not normal, not normal at all, what would a bunch of masked bikers want with the dead body of a Russian spy? Or else the man wasn't dead at all.

"He isn't dead! He isn't dead at all." those were the words ringing in Natasha's head as she ran, still able to hear the sound of the motorcycles.

Dom raised his head quick enough to notice two things. One being that Natasha was gone and the other being that she was running headfirst without thinking following a bunch of dangerous masked men.

"Natasha!!!" shouted Dom as he instantly got up.

"Natasha!!!" he shouted again as she ignored him and he watched her retreating figure enter into the thick, dense forest after the men.

Dom was about to go after her when he suddenly heard the groan and cough of the injured officer. Dom groaned as he turned back, he needed to call for help and for the police. 

The officers needed medical assistance, especially the one that was run over by the motorcycle.

Natasha could wait, the injured man could not. Dom turned back and rushed to the injured officer as the man cried out in pain. He could only hope that Natasha would be able to take her of herself in there.


Natasha stopped running as she entered the forest. She was encased by tall, dense trees all around her. For a place where the sound of engines was loud a moment ago, it suddenly began extremely silent.

So silent that Natasha could hear the sound of her own heartbeat ringing in her ears. She continued walking looking around, very alert.

Things could not just go quiet like that...it was very odd and unreasonable. The only valid reason for the silence that Natasha could think of was that the masked men had already escaped because no doubt that the police would be here soon.

Natasha cursed internally, hating the fact that she had not come with her gun. She should have. She had a bad feeling about this 'funeral' and it turned out that she was right!

She just felt so defenseless right now, and she did not know why, but she had a feeling that she was being watched. It felt eerie being alone, but one thing was for sure, if she did not find Romanoff's dead body in this place, then it meant that he wasn't dead.

Natasha kept on moving slowly through the forest. She was unsure if she was alone but she sure did not feel like she was alone.

Natasha looked up unable to see anything through the thick leaves and branches of the trees around her. Suddenly she heard the sound of a twig cracking on the ground and she instantly turned her head in the direction of where she heard the sound coming from.

She narrowed her eyes slowly turning around. If she was unsure that she was alone before, now her suspicions were justified.

Natasha moved away from where she had been standing and she instantly felt a chill run down her spine as she was abruptly pulled back and squeezed by one of the masked riders.

Natasha struggled as she stepped on the man's leg but he did not move at all. She calmed herself down and jerked her elbow back hitting him in the ribs as he cried out in pain, he seemed to be injured there.

Natasha quickly ceased the opportunity to turn around, getting herself out of his hold, she did not hesitate at all as she punched him directly in his sore spot, causing him to cry out in more pain.

She did not relent as she kicked him this time, sending him to his knees and she stepped on his hand that was on the ground.

"Where is he?" she asked, her tone cold, waiting for a substantial reply.

"Don't waste my time, I can do this all day and the police are already on their way, tell me where he is!" Natasha demanded as the man remained silent suffering in pain as he shakily raised his left hand and pointed in the opposite direction.

Natasha wasted no time at all, she ran in the direction he pointed in as before long she entered what seemed to be the heart of the forest which was bare of any trees.

Natasha could clearly see the sky in the open area as she saw in the corner of her eyes a tall man with grey hair standing at the far edge.

"Romanoff!!!" Natasha called as he slowly turned around with a smile plastered on his face.

"Ahhh devochka (girl) how nice to finally see you after all this time." Romanoff replied happily, his eye glimmering with mirth.

"I knew it! I knew that you were still alive, you're such a..." said Natasha as she scoffed and shook her head. She knew by now that this man was never to be trusted under any circumstances.

"Is that the way to treat your elders Natasha? By poking, pinching and inflicting them harm while they are resting eternally?" he asked.

"That's different because I was sure that you weren't dead, and you proved me right." she said strongly.

"Did Jeanie tell you?" he asked with a click of his tongue as he laughed.

"She didn't need to, even before she told me about your bizarre requests I know that there was no way a man like you would simply die from 'sulphur poisoning'. Not after everything you have done would you die so pitifully. Neither would you resort to killing yourself" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I have to hand it to you devochka (girl), I knew that out of everyone you would be most suspicious of my death." said Romanoff as he clapped and laughed.

"Of course I am... and I only have one question...why? Why would you do all of this?" she asked unable to understanding.

"Why go to prison for months if you planned on getting out eventually? Why all this trouble and stress?" she asked.

"You know me well, why don't you figure it out?" asked Romanoff with a smile.

"That's where you're wrong. I don't know you well, I only know your actions. I'm not as crazy as you are, I'm not in your head, that's why I don't get why you went through all this drama?" asked Natasha as she frowned and Romanoff laughed.

"I knew that you would want an explanation, and that's why I am here." Romanoff said smiling.

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