A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

Chapter 517: Going with you

Natasha was intently focusing on some reports she had to read when she suddenly heard a knock on her office door. At first she thought that it was probably Alfred and he had brought her some freshly brewed tea, but then she looked at the time and found it odd that he would do that at just eleven o'clock.

"Come in." said Natasha as she looked up, she would not lie that she was surprised to see that it was Dom.

"Hi Natasha, can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked as he entered the room.

"Sure...what's the matter? And also what are you doing home at this time?" she asked in suspicion.

"I had to pick up some files that I left in my office yesterday." said Dom.

"I see..." said Natasha as that explained his odd presence at home right now.

"Yes...so I have something very urgent to tell you." said Dom as Natasha narrowed her eyes at him.

"Go on, I'm listening." she said, she simply was not liking his sudden feelings of having 'something very urgent' to tell her. Considering the last time he said that he gave her divorce papers, and she scared of what she was anticipating at the moment.

"Well I...I..." said Dom as he sounded rather hesitant, annoying Natasha further.

"Just spit it out." she replied.

"I heard that Romanoff is dead. He died this morning." said Dom as Natasha was not surprised by the news, rather she was surprised that Dom knew about it, her question was how?

"Oh that...I already heard the news." she replied.

"Really?" asked Dom in a mix of surprise and relief.

"Yes, Agent Dians called to tell me. Now the question is...how do you know about it?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him in suspicion.

"Well Agent Dians called to tell me as well" replied Dom, now it was Natasha's turn tot be surprised.

"He did??" she asked in bewilderment.

"Yes, he did." replied Dom casually.

"Since when did you two become such great friends?" she asked.

"We're not that close as friends, but he calls me occasionally and we talk." said Dom.

"Talk about what?" asked Natasha, refusing to believe that this was true the more Dom talked about it.

"Well nothing much, sports, the weather, and a little bit of work." said Dom.

"And yet he trusts you enough to call you and tell you about something this confidential?" asked Natasha as Dom just shrugged not seeing the serious issue here.

"I didn't know that it worried you so much. If I had known that it would worry you like this, I would have told you as soon as he started speaking to me more casually." said Dom.

"No...you don't need to do that at all." said Natasha.

"It doesn't worry you?" he asked.

"I won't say that it doesn't, but you're not a child, I trust that you are wise enough to know how to act around Dians." said Natasha as she shook her head, she didn't need Dom to report everything Dians said to him to her.

"Alright then, and trust me, I am careful with him...very careful." said Dom, he wasn't stupid, at first he was suspicious of Dians intentions for being close to him, but after a while, he just felt like the man was in dire need of friends and he decided to choose him out of everyone.

But of course Dom never got too personal with his own life information, and they never spoke about Natasha when they talked.

"Alright then." said Natasha.

"You don't seem upset that Romanoff is dead." said Dom carefully, he did not know what Natasha was thinking at the moment, but he definitely wanted to know.

"That's because he's not dead." replied Natasha casually, she saw no reason to lie to Dom, in fact it was better if he knew what exactly was going on so that way he knew that he had to be more careful with Dians.

"What makes you think that?" asked Dom in sheer curiosity.

"Nothing...I just know that a man like him can't die just like that." said Natasha as she closed her laptop.

"And that's what makes you sure that he's not dead?" asked Dom.

"Yes a hundred percent sure." said Natasha as Dom narrowed her eyes at her in confusion.

"But Dians told me that the autopsy has already been conducted and the results are out. Romanoff died from sulphur poisoning. There were very high levels of sulphur found in his blood, which might have triggered an underlying health issue and that's why he died." said Dom as Natasha narrowed her eyes at him.

"What time did Dians call you?" she asked.

"About an hour ago." said Dom as Natasha scoffed. She never thought that Dians would be such a chatty person, but he seemed to be with Dom.

"How nice, he really sees you as a good, reliable friend." said Natasha.

"If you think so, then yes, you know what I think, a man like that has several enemies, probably his food was poisoned and hence the high levels of sulphur found in his blood." said Dom.

"You seem to have figured everything out." said Natasha with a scoff.

"I only went with the most logical solution based on the findings." said Dom.

"Well he's not dead. That man is probably just pretending to be set free." said Natasha as she laughed.

"I don't think so Natasha, his funeral is already going to be held tomorrow. I really think he's dead." said Dom in worry. He was starting to get concerned with Natasha's violent belief that Romanoff was still somehow alive.

"It's all a lie, and he's managed to fool everyone, even Agent Dians himself. Now I don't know how he did it, but I don't care, he's alive and well, he's just pretending to be dead." said Natasha as she stood up.

"Alright Natasha, but I'm telling you, the man is dead. There's no way he could fake his death in such a highly guarded prison." said Dom as he shook his head.

"Anyway, will you be going to the funeral?" asked Dom, he felt like Natasha should go, maybe it would give her the closure she needed, because her believing that Romanoff was still alive could be very harmful to her wellbeing.

"Dians said that he has a meeting with his superiors early tomorrow morning, so unfortunately he will not be there to oversee the proceedings." said Dom.

"I'm going. I told Dians that I wasn't going, but now that you said he won't be there, I can go." said Natasha. How convenient that Dians would tell Dom he would not be present?

"I need to see how he pulled all this off himself. For all we know, the person who they are burying might be a body double." said Natasha with a scoff.

"Alright, but just know that I'm going with you." said Dom as Natasha frowned at him.

"And why is that? I don't need your protection." she said.

"I'm not going to protect you, I am going to make sure you don't do anything crazy." said Dom.

"You have that very keen look in your eye, and when you look like that, you always end up getting into trouble. So in order to avoid that I will be going with you." said Dom as Natasha scoffed.

"Whatever, suite yourself, you are free to do whatever you want." said Natasha, the only reason she allowed him go along with her was because just in case Dians showed up, she would have an alibi that she decided to tag along with Dom.

That way she would seem less suspicious when Dians found out that she had attended.

"Glad that you agree." said Dom as he smiled.

"I'll see you later, tomorrow do you want me to drive or should I drive?" asked Dom, it was best that settled everything now before Natasha was in a bad mood tomorrow.

"You can drive." she replied as it would be a much more believable story that she followed him.

"Alright then." said Dom as he walked out of her office and Natasha shook her head and sat back down.

At least now she had a valid alibi and she was a little bit worried about what would happen tomorrow.

"You better not be faking this Romanoff...really." she said in annoyance as she scoffed.

She sighed and shook her head again. Why was it that every single time her life was starting to get very peaceful, something unbelievably stressful came up? 

Was she really a trouble magnet? It seemed that she was. Well she had no one else to blame but herself. She was the one who got herself into this mess in her thirst for revenge and justice.

Well she had learnt her lesson and the though of revenge was much more sweeter than the intricate planning and vengeance that had to go into that. And she did not want to put anyone she loved into danger. It had already happened once, it definitely would not happen again.

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