A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

Chapter 515: A chance

"Hello, hello, I hope I'm not disturbing you?" asked Lulu as she knocked on the open door of Natasha's bedroom.

"No, not at all Lulu come in, and would you close the door please?" asked Natasha as she smiled, she was just about to get out of bed and close the door, how convenient that Lulu was here.

"No problem." said Lulu as she walked into the room and closed the door behind her.

"Natasha can I talk to you?" asked Lulu as Natasha smiled.

"Of course Lulu, come over here, what do you want to talk about?" asked Natasha as she moved creating some space for Lulu on her bed as Lulu sat down.

"Well I heard about the...'divorce'." Lulu said, whispering the word 'divorce' as if it was forbidden, causing Natasha to chuckle.

"Of course you did, I would be surprised if you didn't know by now. And it's alright Lulu, you can say it, I don't mind." said Natasha as she smiled.

"But I don't want to say it." said Lulu as she shook her head.

"We don't want to risk Joy finding out." she said.

"I doubt that Joy will, besides, she's asleep now, and I'm sure that everyone will have it in the back of their minds not to say anything about this when she's around." said Natasha as Lulu nodded.

"So what's bothering you? You don't seem happy." said Natasha as Lulu frowned.

"Although I am happy that you decided that now is not the right time to get a divorce... I cannot lie that I agree that you and Dom should get one." said Lulu frowning, if she could not talk sense into her brother, at least she could try to reason with Natasha.

"Why not Lulu?" asked Natasha as she frowned, she really did value Lulu's opinion and she cared very much about her thoughts.

"Well... I just don't think it's right, you guys are married, and marriage is a union for life...I know that my views are strong, but that's honestly how I feel." said Lulu honestly.

"I know Lulu, because I feel the same, I know it sounds kind of stupid, but I still think like that, my dad raised me to know that problems in relationships come and go, but commitment and love is more important than misunderstandings, and sometimes I feel really dumb because this is definitely not how I imagined my life." said Natasha as she smiled.

"I always wanted to get married someday to someone who truly loves me, and I wanted us to be happy together, I know that sometimes I seem like I don't care about things like that anymore, but I still do." said Natasha as Lulu felt like giving her a hug.

"Awww Natasha, that's I don't want you guys to get a divorce." said Lulu seriously.

"I don't want you to divorce Dom and leave and then I will never see you again." said Lulu sadly as Natasha laughed.

"Oh Lulu, come on, I would never do that, it does not matter if I divorce your brother or not, we are still family, no matter what. When we divorce, of course you can come and visit me any time and you will never be a stranger, never." said Natasha reassuringly.

"Are you sure?" asked Lulu in a soft tone as Natasha nodded.

"Very sure Lulu, I love you like you're my own sister, never doubt that I actually care about your feelings." said Natasha as Lulu hugged her tightly.

"Thank you for being so kind Natasha, even though you don't have to." said Lulu as she hugged her.

"It's alright Lulu." said Natasha as she smiled and Lulu broke their hug.

"So...is there anyway that you won't want to get a divorce from my brother?" asked Lulu as Natasha frowned.

"I mean...what if you guys resolve your issues before the time to divorce comes?" asked Lulu.

"We've already resolved all our main issues and everything after really doesn't matter, there's no hurt between us, or at least in my eyes there isn't." said Natasha.

"So...is there a chance that you and...Dom could you know...get back together?" asked Lulu in a soft tone as Natasha laughed, clearly not taking the question seriously.

"Firstly Lulu, we were never together in the first place, and secondly, there is nothing to get back to, I only want peace and that's it." said Natasha as she smiled.

"But...but what if you fall in love with Dom again?" asked Lulu.

"I doubt that's possible, there really isn't a relationship there to salvage, I only have immense respect and admiration for him as a father and nothing more. I really don't think that I can fall in love with him again...or anyone else for that matter." said Natasha seriously as Lulu frowned.

"I'm sorry for asking you such an insensitive question." said Lulu.

"It's alright Lulu, I don't mind. You care about your brother and I get that you only want him to be happy." said Natasha.

"And you too, I want you to be happy as well." said Lulu.

"But I am happy, believe it or not I am." said Natasha as Lulu sighed.

"I don't think that you should worry about the divorce proceedings, it's going to be a long time before any of that happens, so you should relax and not stress over anything.

"You're right Natasha, you're right." said Lulu as she nodded. She definitely didn't want the family to fall apart, but at the same time, she meant it when she said that she wanted Natasha to be happy, and if divorcing her idiotic brother made her happy, then she would have no other choice than to respect it.


Two days later.

Natasha was busy working in her office when her phone suddenly rang. She stopped reading what she was reading on her laptop and she picked her phone off her desk.

Natasha grimaced when she saw who was calling her. It was none other than Agent Dians.

Why he was calling her, she did not know? She certainly did not want to answer the call, she did not know what this man wanted, and she still felt like he was very dangerous, and she didn't have Pete's support to help her out of any tricky situations.

Natasha frowned as she groaned, she did not want to answer his call, but at the same time, she did not want to make it obvious that she was deliberately avoiding him.

Natasha sucked in a deep breath as she had no other choice than to answer the call. She braced herself as she answered the call and put the phone to her ear.

"Agent Dians, what a surprise, to what do I owe your call this fine morning?" asked Natasha in a fake happy voice.

"I can tell that you are not pleased to answer me." came Agent Dians rather cold voice from the other side of the line.

"No, not at all, what makes you say that?" she asked as she chuckled sheepishly.

"You took longer than usual to answer." he replied.

"Really now? I didn't think so, I was just busy with a few things, is there something I can help you with Agent?" asked Natasha with a friendly smile, even though she knew that he could not see her smiling, but who knew with this man?

"Actually, no, there is nothing you can help me with, but I have something to tell you." he said, once again his tone rather solemn.

"Alright...what is it?" asked Natasha, she was starting to feel something bad about his sudden call and the way he was sounding.

"It's about Romanoff." he said as Natasha narrowed her eyes.

"What about him?" she asked.

"When last did you communicate with him?" asked Agent Dians.

"That would be several months ago, when he was sentenced, that was the last time we spoke." said Natasha in carefulness.

"Hmmm..." replied Dians. He sounded as if he was thinking of something. Natasha was initially worried that he did not believe her, but to her relief he did not seem to dwell more on her answer.

"Well I have to tell you that Igor has been found, he is currently in custody waiting his trial." said Agent Dians.

"That is great and all, but what does that have to do with me Agent Dians?" asked Natasha still confused, something did not make sense here.

"The thing is...*sigh*." said Agent Dians as he sighed. He sounded as if he did not want to tell Natasha what he was about to tell her, but he also had a duty to be fulfilled so he had to do it regardless of what he felt.

"Romanoff is dead...he was found stone dead in his cell early this morning." Dians said, his tone severely serious.

Natasha's eyes went wide as she failed to process the words that she had just heard Agent Dians say. Romanoff...dead? It was impossible, just impossible.

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