A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

Chapter 513: I knew it

Natasha walked upstairs once she was done clearing the table and she went to her room.

She opened the door to her room, closed it behind her and sat down on her bed. She had the brown envelope in her hands.

She was sincerely surprised by what had just happened, she had not expected it at all.

"Oh my... did I make the right decision?" she asked herself as she looked at the envelope, in it was the simple road to her freedom.

She knew that she had said that she was not yet ready to divorce Dom just yet, but now she could not help but feel like she had stupidly said that.

What if Dom changed his mind and wouldn't grant her the divorce when she asked him for it? No, she knew that he was better than being like that, but she just could not help but start overthinking everything.

She would be easily free if they had gone ahead with the divorce proceedings. After all they could get divorced and not tell anyone if they didn't want Joy finding out.

Natasha shook her head, no, in this family secrets were impossible.

Natasha sighed, she felt like she was in a dilemma, she could not help but feel that she had stupidly told Dom that they would not get a divorce now.

Natasha opened the envelope and brought out the divorce papers, she skimmed over everything and arrived at the last page where truly Dom's signature was present.

Natasha stared at his signature for a while as she thought. Just because she knew he was not the sort of person to go back on his word did not mean that she should be naive.

"Better safe than sorry." she said as she opened her bedside drawer and brought out a pen as she quickly signed her signature on the space provided for her.

She let out a quick breath of relief, at least it was signed, all that was left was to submit it to court. She still needed to think about that, she felt herself wavering between taking the opportunity to be free again or just leaving things as they are.

Natasha stood up and put the divorce papers back into the envelope and she placed it in her drawer. As soon as she was about to close the drawer she realized that anyone could find it there, most especially Joy.

What if Joy was in her room one day and she accidentally found the divorce papers here. Natasha would not want that at all, she wanted to keep this a secret, it was for the best.

Natasha removed the envelope from her drawer and instead walked to her closet and threw the envelope into the highest part of her closet. At least there was no way that Joy would be able to find it there.

Natasha brought out her phone as she dialed a number. Her call was answered rather quickly.

"Hi Chloe, are you home right now?" she asked.

"Great, I'll be there in five minutes." she said as she ended the call and sighed, she needed someone to talk to right now. She was unsure if she was making the right decision.


"So how did the whole divorce thing go?" Michael asked as he, Nine and Charlie were all in Dom's office.

"Natasha said that she didn't want to divorce me just yet." Dom replied with a heavy sigh as he closed his laptop.

"Really?" asked Michael as Dom nodded.

"Really, it caught me by surprise as well, I really thought that she would jump at the offer." said Dom as he still looked baffled.

"Well you should be happy, that means that she doesn't completely hate your guts as we all think she does, and she should." said Charlie as Dom shot him an unimpressed look.

"Hey, what are you looking at me for? I wasn't the one who chose not to believe my wife." said Charlie as he scoffed and they all frowned at him. It was funny how he had all the confidence to talk right now meanwhile he had been one of Natasha's biggest accusers.

"Yeah, you're right about that, but shut up if you have nothing useful to contribute." Dom retorted.

"Hey, hey calm down, I get it, you're upset, but let me just thank you for being a great example to the rest of us." said Charlie.

"Now I know never to doubt my own wife... when I get one." he added.

"That's if you manage to get one, judging by the way you speak so loosely, I doubt it's possible." replied Nine coldly as Michael snickered.

"Alright, alright, stop it you two, Nine, that was way below the belt, we are not here to insult each other." said Dom.

"Thank you Dom." Charlie said as he glared at Nine.

"Anyway, I mean I do get why she wants to hold off on the divorce, Joy is still very much little, she won't get the reasons why." said Nine.

"I agree with Nine completely, divorces are nasty, no matter how amicable you want it to be." said Michael.

"I agree as well, remember Billy Korda my dormmate?" asked Charlie.

"Yes." they all said as they nodded.

"I remember when just before spring break, he got the news that his parents were divorcing. The kid broke down crying like a baby, and mind you, he was twenty five at the time." said Charlie.

"I tell you, I've never seen a full grown man cry the way he did. I didn't even know what to say, I just left him after being unable to take his hours long crying." said Charlie as Michael and Dom laughed.

"I'm serious, thankfully they didn't go ahead with it. I guess all his tears did something, anyway, what I mean to say is that if a grown man like him can cry, Joy definitely won't be taking the news well, so I agree with Natasha, she needs to be a little bit older, and even then." said Charlie.

"Well thank you Charlie for making me feel like a terrible father because I am set to inevitably cause my daughter unimaginable heart break." said Dom with an exasperated sigh. 

"Relax, she will be able to handle it when the time comes." said Charlie confidently as he stood up and walked to the door to take his leave.

As he opened the door he was surprised to see Lulu there struggling to regain her balance after eavesdropping.

"Aha!! I knew it!!" she declared as she hastily walked into Dom's office.

Her trouble sense had been tingling ever since yesterday afternoon, and she knew that her brother was lying to her when he said that those documents were 'nothing important that didn't concern her'

"Dominic! You're a sneaky, sneaky liar, and an idiot!!" she said as Dom sighed.

"Lulu were you eavesdropping on us?" he asked, obviously knowing the answer to that already.

"Can you blame me? I knew that you were hiding something yesterday, and I also knew that when the four of you gather together like a cult you were going to tell them." she said.

"Lulu can you please calm down and stop overreacting?" asked Dom, his tone showing tiredness.

"No, no, are you stupid Dom?? Why would you offer Natasha a divorce?? Not only is it against the family rules, but you did it without even telling me!" she said while Michael, Nine and Charlie secretly made their way out the front door, they did not want to be dragged into Lulu's drama.

"Who cares about the family rules?!" retorted Dom as Lulu was shocked.

"Everyone in the family does!" she retorted back.

"You should not have ever offered her a divorce, that thought should never have come to your head in the first place!" she said.

"Lulu, tell me why you care so much? It's not your life, it's my life, it's not your marriage, it's Natasha and I's broken marriage, I want to fix things and this is the only way to fix them." he said.

"You're wrong, very wrong, it's not the only way." said Lulu.

"You don't know how terrible this is, what if she takes it and leaves the family and we never see her and Joy again?" Lulu asked.

"That would never happen, Natasha isn't like that, and besides, she didn't accept to go through with the divorce now, she says that when Joy is older we will complete all the proceedings." said Dom as Lulu sighed and sat down.

"You're lucky that Natasha is considerate, or else I would have told you that you took the worst decision in your life." she said.

"Why so harsh Lulu? Why so harsh? I don't get it, what exactly makes my decision the worst thing ever?!" he asked, sometimes he could not understand the way his sister thought.

He understood that she was young and she was yet to pass through some severely difficult phases in life, but she was one to give advice knowing nothing at all about the nature of the situation.

"Because you need someone to speak sense into you Dom!" she responded rather harshly.

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