A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 2] Chapter 6: Meeting the Grunts

After Armveil got in contact with Blot again through some fantasy-version of a TV, I had to wait for some fellows to arrive in one of the backrooms of the store.

It's not that bad. I got cookies and other snacks. Not enough to help the new [Overeating] skill, but it's the thought that counts.

[Overeating] stores exceeding SP in the body, meaning you can keep more SP than the total amount! 10 SP per skill level! The demerit is that the user turns fat, but how can someone with [Golden Ratio] turn fat, eh? It needed 3 Skill Points, but that's cheap for an additional Stamina Increase skill!! Kinda curious how this will evolve...

Of course, I need to eat lots of stuff from now on, but with luck, this newbie will even improve [Golden Ratio], which has stayed static since my last evolution.

Speaking of newbies, there's another skill I've obtained today: [Weaving].

Mwah-hah-hah-hah! That's right, the [Weaving] skill is finally mine!! 

One of the workers here in the shop is a fairy with the Weaver class, named Waylin. She helped me obtain the skill. Turns out that certain Crafting Skills can only be attained after you clear a Legacy Quest given by someone with the class related to said Crafting Skill.

The content of the Weaving Quest was to create a piece of clothing equipment of a high enough quality. With my many thread-skills, that was done in less than half an hour when I had a recipe to follow, given by Waylin. 

So, I could get the skill for 1 Skill Point, and Waylin got some of my threads as payment. She looked so happy to get it for some reason, saying something like her skill levels were going to rise to the skies... just don't forget to make my clothes as well! That's the main reason you came to see me!

A General can't be dressed in rags after all. Even if it's a General-on-trial. Blot wants me to prove I've got the bite that matches my bark. So fooling around with a bottle of the worst poison's not good enough for him...

What I gotta do is to A: supporting Armsveil in assimilating Velantas to the organization. Essentially, decent PR work so the city itself wants to join the gang.

Next's B: Fixing the Avido-problem.

I complained about that one, believe me, but they shut me down saying it's part of condition A. Those Avido-guys are a pest to the populace of Velantas even, but I didn't get why they're doing so. No matter, getting rid of 'em's bound to get the city on our side then, so for the organization's point of view, there's no reason not to do so. 

The good news is that I'm only on support. They're sending over one of the three battle-orientated Generals over to here to combat those guys. Meaning I only need to help in preventing stuff from blowing apart here.

And then there's C: Proving my statement. In other words, show that I can be of help training their grunts with my Double-Points cheat from being a Champion. 

So, I got some goons. Two of them even.


"Garami, I've brought the offerings." - Armveil

Speaking of the devil! But don't call them that. They've gotten all funny now due to that.

Armveil brought in two persons wearing black combatant uniforms. One of them is a young man, who's in his early twenties if we're going by his appearance. Dark-brown hair, lightly tanned skin, and brown eyes that's got a nasty glare in them.

His uniform consists of a black track jacket with some light-blue lines on the arms, black pants, and dark-brown leather shoes. He looks like he fits the organization to a T. "T" as in thug.

"Good day, ma'am. My name is Alfred Loxley. Please call me Alf. It's a pleasure to meet you." - Alf

...was my first thoughts about him, but he's surprisingly diligent? 

Name: Alfred Loxley
Race: Human   | Gender: Male
Level: 23
Karma Value: -32
Main Class:  Spearman Lv.42
Skills: 21
Titles: 5
Skill Points: 4.8
HP: 181/181 MP: 103/103 SP: 182/182
STR: 187 VIT: 128 MAG: 99
RES: 121 SPD: 126 DEX: 154
INT: 112 LUC: 105
Skill List:
Ability Skills:
[Health Increase (Small) Lv.25] [Speed Increase (Small) Lv.7]  
 Attack Skills:
[Spear Arts Lv.38] [Guard Lv.26] [Heavy Blow Lv.29]
[Frost Strike Lv.32]  [Ice Wall Lv.33]  
Active Skills:
[Element Spear Lv.1] [Energy Warfare Lv.8] [Quick Step Lv.31]
Passive Skills:
[Halberd Lv.4] [Armor Lv.43] [Battle Continuation Lv.19]
[Pierce Reinforcement Lv.39]
[Rest Lv.36] [Fishing Lv.35]
Resistance Skills:
[Ice Resistance Lv.17] [Fear Resistance Lv.25] [Pain Resistance Lv.37]
Perception Skills:
[Danger Sense Lv.41]    
Leadership Skills:
[Leadership Lv.18] [Cooperation Lv.22] [Party Lv.25]
Title List:
Achievement Titles:
[Daredevil] [Pinch Breaker]  
Hunting Titles:
[Monster Slayer] [Fish Slayer]  
Status Titles:
[E-Rank Adventurer]    

Not so diligent with his skills though. The [Halberd] skill, which is an evolved version of [Spearsmanship], looks interesting though. Same with the Ice skills. 

"He's a slacker, but he'll do his job properly most of the time." - Armveil

"Hey, Armveil! That's a word too much!" - Alf

Eh, I don't care as long as he's doing his job.

The other one is a... birdwoman? Oh, she's a Flugel. Not a half one like the little lady from earlier, but a real angel. With wings and all. No halo though.

Said wings are purple and silver, giving her a regal appearance. It matches her silver hair and purple eyes as well. She has free-flowing bangs and long hair that's tied up to a ponytail. 

The rest of her also gives off a "beyond human"-type of beauty, but not to a high degree. Just different. She's shorter than even me, so she can be mistaken for a teenager if it wasn't for that attitude she has that's closer to a young woman. The rest of her body is as modest as her height though.

For clothing, she's wearing a black dress with lines on the arms like Alf's jacket, just that the color is silver rather than light blue. She's also got white stockings with garters on top, and black shoes.

Name: Noire
Race: Flugel  | Gender: Female
Level: 18
Karma Value: -86
Main Class:  Thaumaturgist Lv.22
Skills: 17
Titles: 6
Skill Points: 5.2
HP: 127/127 MP: 230/230 SP: 105/105
STR: 87 VIT: 89 MAG: 185
RES: 203 SPD: 157 DEX: 102
INT: 85 LUC: 95
Skill List:
Ability Skills:
[Health Increase (Small) Lv.11] [Mana Increase (Small) Lv.31]  
Attack Skills:
[Mana Burst (Holy) Lv.5] [Glow Bullet Lv.12]  
Magic Skills:
[Holy Magic Lv.28] [Healing Magic Lv.32] [Support Magic Lv.15]
[Purification Magic Lv.7] [Dispel Magic Lv.2] [Reactive Heal Lv.16]
Active Skills:
[Holy Veil Lv.32]    
Passive Skills:
[Magic Power Operation Lv.45] [Deprave Lv.1]  
Perception Skills:
[Detect Evil Lv.6]    
Leadership Skills:
[Party Lv.9]    
[Holy Element Lv.19]    
Monster Skills:
[Flight Lv.22] [Celestial's Sight Lv.Max]  
Title List:
Achievement Titles:
[Holy Technique User] [Rescuer]  
Hunting Titles:
[Undead Slayer] [Monster Slayer]  
Status Titles:
[Fallen From Grace] [F-Rank Adventurer]  

What's with this overspecialization in support skills!? And [Holy Element]? Seriously? As expected of an angel.

Neither of them has any great skills but is this the norm for regular people? Damn, then the "disguise" I made with John Due's Ring only half as effective as I wanted. I still look weaker than I already am, but people are still gonna estrange me.

"And this is Noire. She's a veteran, but she's never gotten a promotion due to her nasty mouth. Smack her whenever she turns sour." - Armveil

"Hmph, I am not going to comment on your false accusations. Nevertheless, glad to meet you, newbie." - Noire

This girl got personality issues. That's gonna be troublesome later on. How to soften her... Evil Aura, ON!

The results were varying: Noire fell on her butt in surprise and fear while crying a little. The appearance of her like that's somewhat arousing... focus Garami, focus.

Alf looked surprised as well, but he's kept himself steady. His legs are shaking like deer on the ice rink. Armveil's just laughing at the two of them. Nerves of steel 'cause he's working with steel?

"Well, I'm gonna let you young ones have some time alone." - Armveil

What!? You're gonna leave me here alone with these two strangers!? Give me a hand here, old man! Eh, no? I gotta do it myself? Come oooooon... At least let me put in another order for Waylin. Two, in fact.


We would just be in the way of business if we had stayed in the shop, so Armveil straight out chased us out. Damn dwarf!

So, I'm now stuck with two grunts I've got no clue how to interact with. I mean, I can barely interact with people anyway, unless I put all into it, skills and everything. Not to mention one of them's hostile to me already...

"What's the plan then, junior?" - Noire

That's what I wanna know!!

Alright, calm down. Deep breaths, deep... why's Ice-guy looking at me like that? I'm not interested in dudes, thank you!

"...Have we met before? I get this serious case of deja-vu when I see you, boss." - Alf

Sorry, but I've never met "people" before today... and Blot yesterday. 

"You also felt that? Not that I remember meeting someone this pathetic-" - Noire


"-Iiih!" - Noire

Sorry for being bad with people. Monsters and birds are better than humans any day! 

But did I meet them before but forgot? Did they enter the Dungeon once? Nah, that can't be. Ignoring whenever the humanoids that entered the Dungeon before saw me or not, there's been no one that could enter it after that massive explosion that busted the first three floors.

Then, after that again? I've only met people within two days, so there's not been long enough for people to get "deja vu" seeing me...

AH! [Recognition Obstruction]! It's one of the skills I got with the Assassin class! It prevents anyone to recognize me.

To make an example: [Stealth] prevents people from noticing me while in use, while [Recognition Obstruction] prevents them from recognizing me even if they notice me. It's like hiding in plain sight.

It's not a perfect obstruction, as someone that knows me very well can break through it. Moles did so, without any search-related skills. And even if people don't recognize me, it doesn't mean they can't trace back my steps. Someone with half a brain can figure out who killed those three thugs from before. Detectives are scary...

Tch, this won't get us anywhere. I don't know how or where these guys know me from, but it's better to get this over with as fast as possible. If there's a grudge between us, it's better to clear it as fast as possible. 

[Recognition Obstruction], off!

"...Wait, you're the girl that killed Rein-what's-his-name!" - Alf

The effect was imminent. And who's that Rein...whatever?

"Eh!? The one who got pummeled by lady Filyn?" - Noire

Pummeled...? Wait, these guys were on that cursed island!? I didn't notice... 

Don't blame me here. There were so many of those combatants on the island that no one without photographic memory can remember them all. 

"E-excuse for the delay! Thank you very much for helping us out back then." - Alf

"...Fine." - Garami

I mean, it turned out alright... but I did get that meteorite in the face. So, it's not fine! But I can't blame these two for that...

"Wait, she is allowed to become a General just for that?" - Noire

Ah, guess they weren't notified. I have to do it? Daaaamn...

Explaining verbally's a pain, so let's just invite them to a Party with me. I got a Skill Scroll with the [Party] skill from the workers of the Union right before leaving the place, which allows me to recruit up to six persons to a Party. 

While in a Party, when one of the members gains EXP, the other members will also gain a certain amount, based on the total skill levels of the [Party] skills of the guy who did the final blow and the guy who didn't. With both skills being at Lv.1, the guy who didn't do the kill will get [1+1=2]% of the total EXP the killer obtained. It's even possible to recruit those without the [Party] skill, but they will gain and give at most 50% EXP.

Obviously, I've placed myself as the Party Leader, both for having [Royal Authority] working, and more importantly, to have these guys gain the Skill Point Doubling effect.

"Uhm, boss... what's this Party Invitation about?" - Alf

"...Explanation." - Garami

Please don't force me to say anymore. I'm at my limit here!

"Why're you the Party-[*Crack*]-nothing!" - Noire

The angel hurriedly accepted the invitation after I started cracking my knuckles. I wasn't gonna hit her. Just ignore the various Mana Burst and Aura skills I used on my hands at that moment~.

Ice-guy looked a little tired from my and the angel's skit but accepted the invitation nevertheless.

After they became part of my Party, the effect of [Royal Authority] kicked in, increasing their stats by the skill's skill level. Hmm? [Evil Royalty]'s also working? On the angel? Wait, she's a fallen angel!? 

Thinking about it, it's not surprising. She had that strange title. Oh, and that strange skill as well. What was it, [Deprave]? Not sure what it does, but the name alone screams "not angelic".

From the looks of it, [Evil Royalty] increases the angel's stats by 3% for each skill level. It's three times that of [Royal Authority]? Then, at the max level, the angel will get a 150% boost!? Even more so when we count [Royal Authority]. Damn, let me get that boost as well!

"Hmm? I feel a little strange... is it some support skill you have? That's it?" - Noire

Aw, not that easy, huh? Come on~... Fine~. I've started to get used to these two, so it's not as scary talking to them now.

"Now... Skill Points... are doubled." - Garami

I said I have it easier in being able to speak to them, not that I was a good speaker, so no complaints!

"Doubled? Skill Points? ...You serious?" - Alf

"Wait, that doesn't make any sense! Why're you able to do so!" - Noire

"...Champion of Alvatria." - Garami

After I said that, the two of them took a large step back and started to look out for something from the sky? What gives?

"...Nothing's happening. She's freaking serious?" - Alf

Oi, Ice-guy. Your polite word's slipping.

And is that goddess that crunchy about people using her name for a joke? She didn't seem so?

"No way... a real Champion... she does not look anything like the stories describe." - Noire

Sounds like my "colleagues" are making a name for themselves. That's fine, but don't give me weird expectations to fulfill!

"...Then, what now?" - Noire

Again, don't ask me about-*growl~*-...that.

"What about dinner first? It's too late to do anything now." - Alf

Now that you mention it, the sun's setting already. Let's go and eat. Now. Right now. As in now!!


"Hmm, that is the best plan of action. Even more so since those Avido-guys doesn't show their tail that easily." - Alf

Right? I acknowledged Alf's acknowledgment of the plan that I had written for them to read while eating my dinner. Since we had nothing else to do, why not go around doing stuff for the Union, starting with escorting Gust whenever it's our turn?

Doing jobs to improve the city is gonna improve our likability with the people, and Gust will help us gain likability with the Sage of the Library Tower. 

"That is fine and all, but..." - Alf

"Just how much are you planning on eating?!" - Noire

What? Can't a girl eat 10 portions of food for dinner? Probably not, but it tastes so good that I can't stop!

"Can pay, so hah!" - Garami

Yeah, this food's my treat! Ice-guy only recommended this inn/tavern, but I'm the one with the gold! This food was bought through my hard work!! I can eat as much as I want while making room for more by burning calories with [Energy Warfare] and [Dragon Power]! I'm serious about my skill training, as opposed to you guys!

"...That is fine and all, but can you at least stop crying while eating? It is too pitiable to look at." - Noire

I was wondering why the food tasted like salt. Oh well! *Nom, nom, nom...*

The waitress entered the private room we had booked, with a big barrel... a barrel!? Who ordered that?

"Throw away that sour face and let's get along," said Ice-guy while he was pouring the barrel's content into cups for each of us. What's this, juice? 

While I looked suspiciously into the cup, Noire had taken hers and drank it in one gulp. When she came up for air, her face had turned all red and dizzy... this is liquor?! Thinking about it, my body's supposed to be 18 years old... with an extra one and a half years by now. 

Seeing those two emptying their glasses like it was water, I tried a little sip as well.

Hey, this is sweet. Is this some kinda fruit wine? That's gotta be expensive, considering the drought recently.

Whatever it is, it's nice and easy to drink. But there's this strange feeling different from regular fruit juice. Whuh? Fwuah? I dunno, but it's pretty weird, but I don't dislike it.

I kept on taking small sips as I ate my food, but Ice-guy's drinking with gusto. He's like a fish! Is he half merman? Won't the barrel go empty at this rate? 

To ensure my part of the barrel, I sped up my own drinking to match Ice-guy. This is the first time I've drunken alcohol, but the more I drink, the more the room's spinning. Ah, that's just my head.

But I don't hate this feeling. Rather, the more my head spins, the lighter and happier do I feel.

"Nnngh...*Sniff*...*hich*...lady Filyyyyyn..." - Noire

And here's there someone that's gone the opposite route! To think the snobby Noire's one of the legendary weepy drunks!

Wait, she's yet to drink more than the first glass? Too weak!

"Who's crying now, you no-good drunken tomato-angel! Wah-hah-hah-hah!" - Garami

"Whoa! Boss' talking? Not to mention, laughing?" - Alf

Hey, he's right. What a riot! The whole idea made me laugh even harder.

"And what are ya laughing about! Do ya have any idea what I've lived through with!" - Noire

The fallen angel tried to say something, but she's so wasted she's barely getting her word out straight. And after only one glass! Light! Too light, you unfortunate angel! Oh, my stomach hurts!

"Nope, and I don't care!" - Garami

"W-w-why ya-!! Do ya hav' any idea what it's like bein' banished from your own home? Expelled from the very continent you've lived on for your whole life!?" - Noire

"Pheh! You think that's the end of the world? Try dying and getting sent into a Dungeon with death-riddled survival after getting the lucky break of a second life before you come complaining to me." - Garami

The angel and Ice-guy stared at me in frozen shock while I filled my glass again... for imminently emptying it.

"*Burp*. Anyhow, you think having to live on a different continent is bad? At least you had someone to look after you. That Filyn character, right? Having someone to watch over you, do you think I had someone like that? No way, Jose! I didn't even have a human shape. I had to start my life as a non-human! As a freaking Grey Demon! There's no misery award to you, sister." - Garami

'You lost your home'? At least you had one from the beginning. I couldn't get myself a place to call home in those nightmare caverns. Not sure if ever had one anyway. I freaking died, for Pete's sake.

That I have no memory of my previous life may look like a blessing in disguise, but do you think a simple memory loss' gonna remove the feeling of loss as well? Hah! Someone that believes that is gonna be judged by my Zahhak Festival!

I'm not saying the fallen angel's not had it though, but if she thinks she can compete with someone that had to live as a real monster, eating raw prey while never getting a good night's sleep due to the fear of never waking up again, then she's got another thing coming for her!

"Besides, do you even need to stay here and feel sorry for yourself? People have to look out for themselves and their beloved, not some snobby rules. And if all the guys you know are such, just grab as much power as possible and fly back to those bastards that kicked you out! An eye for an eye? Ridiculous! It's gotta be at least a dozen hearts just for a single scratch!" - Garami

The fallen angel turned so surprised that she stopped sobbing. Then...

"Right... you're right..." - Noire

"Whaaaaat~?" - Garami

"You're right!! Why do I have to care what those braggarts think? I'm perfectly fine down here on the lower world as I did up there!" - Noire

Whoa, the angel's on fire~. We gotta drink to that! 

"...Did the bonding-over-alcohol plan work... or not?" - Alf

Kigal-Note/Warrior Classes: Spearman

Type: Warrior Class
Rank: Intermediate
Unlock Requirements:
  • Having used a Spear-type weapon for a certain amount of time.
  • Have the [Spearsmanship] skill at Lv.10 or higher
  • Alters the growth of mentioned stats:
    • STR growth increase [Small]
    • DEX growth increase [Small]
  • Improves proficiency with spear-related skills and the use of spear-type weapons in general.
Skills obtained by advancing in the Spearman Class:
Obtained from Main Class only: [Elemental Spear Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.1: [Spear Arts Lv.1]
Obtained at Lv.1: [Pierce Reinforcement Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.10: [Quick Step Lv.1]
Obtained at Lv.20: [Guard Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.30: [Heavy Blow Lv.1]
Obtained at Lv.40: [Energy Warfare Lv.1] Obtained at Lv.50: [Weapon Reinforcement Lv.1]


The Spearman is an Intermediate-tier Warrior Class that focuses on using pole weapons like spears. 

They focus on fast movements while striking hard at a distance with their long-range capable melee weapons. They are dependable allies, but a Spearman that does not watch where he swings his weapon is going to be more trouble than the enemy they're up against.

Alf's comment: Ah, my teacher always told me to take care of that. Good times... good times...*shiver, shiver*

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