A Pervert's World

Chapter 139: Mission sucessful?

"What do we do now?" Ryu wanted to cry out like a child at the moment. What fucked up situation was this? This staff in her hands was the sole motivation for him to traverse all this difficulty terrain filled with vicious beasts. Now when he was face to face with the reward, by sone dumb luck, he can't get his hands on it. "Guess you were not persuasive enough." Darla sighed. There was nothing they can do in this situation. She won't allow Ryu to force it out of her hands. That will be same as disrespecting the dead. "Let us leave. We should not disturb her anymore. It's more than clear, she never had any desire to let it be seperated from her." However much Ryu wanted to disagree with her, the fact remained that he was not strong enough. "Just give me another second." He won't be able to sleep for nights if he left any regrets here.

Since she was being protected by the mana of this world, why not use mana to move her. Thinking till here he let his mana flow into his hands before touching her's. Just as his fingers cake in contact with her, the thick mana surrounding the coffin began to react. "What did you do?" Darla can't visualize mana but she can easily feel the disturbance in the air. "Nothing.. I just touched her with my.." *Booomm* All the mana began swirling around them before blasting them off the podium. Darla was thrown across the chamber while Ryu can't wasn't able to leave the podium as the 'dead' woman had now grabbed hold of his hand. "Dammit.." He really messed up big time. The woman he had assumed to be dead all along, had only been taking a fucking nap. The mana was still agitated all around her and under Ryu's terrified gaze, her eyes slowly opened.

Nothing. Ryu can't see anything in her eyes. They were glowing so brightly that he can't make of her pupils. Intense blue light radiated from her eyes making him unable to look at her directly. Her hair locks too began glowing as they began rising up, like they were charged with some static electricity. Her power levels had shot through the roof now. If dragon had not informed him earlier that she was a friend of his then he might have just pissed his pants right now. Her aura was too dreadful. As Ryu tried calming his heart the woman sat up in the coffin and turned her face towards him. He can't see anything since her eyes were still glowing blue. *Rumble* *Rumble* The pressure radiated by her was making this whole place tremble. Just when Ryu was ready to beg for forgiveness and bring the stupid lizard in the conversation, she vanished.

Along with her coffin the lady vanished into thin air. It took Ryu some time to get his thoughts in order. "Darla?" He can't see her beside him and recalled the moment she was blasted off the podium. Turning around he found her thrown against the wall and having fainted from the shock. The force of of the blast was so bad that even a centuar with her robust body had thrown up blood. He hurriedly pulled some medicinal vials from her bag before pouring the contents in his mouth. Pressing his lips on hers he began forcing the liquid down her throat.

**An hour later**

Ryu felt movement in his lap. Opening his eyes he found Darla struggle to raise herself. "Ahh.. my head hurts." Darla woke up confused. After a minute passed she recalled the calamity that struck them. "Are you okay Ryu?" She was concerned for the boy. When even she was flung away like a doll, he might have suffered worse. Ryu rubbed her cheeks in affection. This girl was still worried about him after getting injured herself. "Nothing happened to me little girl. Instead you are the one who took all the force of the blast." "Haha.. don't worry. We centuars are some of the most resilient creatures. More importantly what happened to the coffin?" He took the time to explain all that took place after she was put out of commission.

"Let's take our leave. We need to find an exit. We are running out of our supplies now. 2 more days in this tunnel and we might get our early graves here." Despite Ryu's calls for taking rest Darla was adamant on leaving. Reluctantly Ryu agreed and they chose the only tunnel left apart from the one they entered here. "Hey Ryu?" "Hmm?" "Do you like me?" Ryu pulled her head back and kissed her on the lips while traveling in her back. "Do you need any other proofs?" "Hehe.. no. To tell you the truth I want you to grow fast and one day beat up my dad for me." "Hmm... Why so? Don't you love him?" Darla kept her head on the way ahead, since this tunnel was a rather dark one. "Yeah, I do. But I have been beaten down by him so many times that I lost count. Old guy never shows any mercy. I want to do it myself but I have a feeling you will reach his level faster than me, so I want you to do it on my behalf."

"Haha.. Sure. I will do that." Darla loved how the boy didn't hesitate a bit in promising it to her. Even when she had not told him about his strength he must have a fair amount if idea considering the guy was leading a whole tribe. "Hmm?" She exclaimed. "Is something the matter?" They were still in the tunnels so Ryu had been alert all along. "I don't know. It's just that the soil under my feet has turned very porous. It's difficult to walk in it." "Ohh.. just be careful we don't know if there is a beast hi... Hmm?" *Tremble* *Tremble* "Ahhhhh..." Both of them screamed loudly as the ground under Darla's feet collapsed and the fell into a deep ravine.

Luckily they fell in a small river flowing down below. Otherwise a fall from such height would have even crushed a centuar let alone a human. "Haahhhh" They pulled their heads out of the flowing water to fill their lungs with water. "haha.. guess we are out." Ryu laughed out loud. The journey had been a long a d tedious one. Also, now that he had the flower Sophia won't have failed in her mission. Although it was rather disappointing that he can't get his hands on some world altering weapon but after coming out alive from that scary encounter, him keeping his life was a reward in itself.

Getting to the shore they put their clothes to dry out under the sun. "Ryu. Let's do it one last time. I will have to take my leave from here." He came close to her, holding her hands into his "Why? Can't we be together until we find one of our groups?" He knew that this logic was rather stupid but he had really come to adore this girl. Didn't matter if she was human or not, he didn't want to discriminate the people he loved. Anyhow, he will be adding a ton of women in his harem. "You know we can't do that. It will be too dangerous if we are discovered by them. I will go in ahead and try to find my guys and get them to leave this place." Saying till here she bent her legs and placed his cock in her mouth.

**Few hours later**

Kira had been on gaurding duty for the whole day. Today had been the 4th day sice Ryu had gone missing in the cave. Her team cleared the rubble later on to find that he had moved deeper into the cave system. Next day they had tried to scan through the caves but found no trace of him. Sophia explained that these types of underground cave systems have multiple entry and exit points. Thus it was possible that Ryu might find his way to the outside. She made the decision to wait a few days for him to find them and if he fails to do that then all of them will enter in the tunnels together to find him. All these days she had been worried sick. Her teammates had tried cheering her up but it can't fill the gap in her daily life. She had grown so close to Ryu that it felt like they had been apart for weeks. Yet, she still had blind faith in the guy. He was sure to come out of it.

Suddenly, someone hugged her from behind and bit her earlobe. She can't be mistaken about this body pressed into her's. "Brother Ryu?" Teras filled her eyes when she turned around to find the familiar face so close to her "Did you miss my little Kira?" She can't be stopped as the girl boldly pressed her lips against his and forced her tongue into his mouth. All the times he had been with Kira she had always been a passive participant. This was the first time he found her actively engaging with him. Her hands held his head in place not allowing him to move. His hands moved to her back before landing onto her butt. As the kiss continued his fingers entered her forbidden hole.

Kira only let him off when she was completely satisfied. "I missed you so much.. brother mhhhhh?" Thick saliva drooled from her mouth and Ryu took the opportunity to shove his finger in her mouth. Kira began sucking on it just like she had been trained to do it all along. "I know. Let's first meet up with others. I am sure they will be worried too." She blinked her eyes but held onto his hand with her own and thoroughly cleaned his finger off. She skillfully moved her tongue all around his finger, displaying her sensual side to him. 'She is most definitely in heat.' Ryu made his judgement before leaving with her in the direction of the camp.

One by one everyone returned back to find Ryu safe and sound. His friends gave him a tight hug. No one doubted his ability to slip away from the danger but still there was a sense of vexation that they can put to rest. "You sure are a resilient brat haha.." Sophia gave him a manly hug. Evening was falling so they had their dinner together where Sophia announced their further plans. "Since we are all together now. We will maje another venture into the caves once again tommorow." Everyone knew how desparate she was to achieve her mission and thus no one protested her. Ryu only smiled before placing a small box in her lap. "No need. I found it in there so brought it along." Sophia can't believe in his words.

Opening the box her expression turned from confused to ecstatic. "Hahaha.. you sure are something." She turned back to everyone announcing her new orders. "Change of plans brats. We got what we wanted kids, we are will be leaving for home tommorow." Everyone cheered. It's been a full week since they had been stuck at this place. They can't wait to get back to their homes and have the rest they all deserved. "Wait a second big sis. I was the one who found the flower so don't you think I deserve a reward?" Thinking it was a genuine demand she asked him to state what he would like to have. "Nothing much sis. I just want you for the night. You will do whatever I tell you." Everyone knew his undertone. He wanted to have sex with Sophia.

The silver haired beauty looked once at the box in her lap before nodding her head. "Then we will do as you say." Saying that she left for her tent. Jake wasn't interested in a these but Kyro can't stop grinning from ear to ear. "Hehe.. I will root for you brother." The three friends talked to each other for a while before they too left for their tents leaving Ryu with Kira. He placed his hands around her back before pulling her into a hug "Are you mad?" She shook her head "No. I can wait. It's better if you do it with big sis today." Although she too wanted to have Ryu inside her but having been aware with the affairs of Dorothea, she decided against it. "Please make her happy." She said in a sad voice but Ryu pulled her along "That will depend how much effort you put into it." Before she could get his meaning he pulled her along to Sophia's tent.

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