A Pervert's World

Chapter 122: Sophia

**Same day at farm. Night.**

"Come follow me." Lyod dropped a Tura in Sophia's lap before moving into her hut. Sophia wasn't too excited at the prospect of indulging in sex, just a night before her big day. Yet, she can't refuse the old guy. "Haahh.. I just have to make sure he cums even faster this time." She strolled towards the hut too and latching the door after her. "Haha old man. Day by day your libido seems to be going up with your age. Be careful lest you die in some whore's embrace some day hehe." Sophia laughed for a while before stopping. Something was wrong here. Till now old guy should have retorted to her. He was not the one to take insults laying down. "Is something the matter oldie? You don't seem to be in a good mood?" She saw him sitting with his face on his palms, looking deep in thought. She sat beside him locking her arms with his "Oii oldie you know you can tell me anything." Sophia had always been teasing the old man but that was just her way of showing her love and adoration for him. And now when she saw him so upset, she can feel a tinge of pain in her heart. She even forgot about her mission tommorow. If she could help him out in anyway then she most definitely would.

"Haaahh.. I thought for so long. But this seems to be the only solution." "What solution, old man. I can't understand. Be a bit more clear." "Hmm.. please forgive me for what I am about to do. Just remember that, your old man would always love you." Sophia can't make any heads or tails of his ramblings till now. 'Did he finally go senile? No these aren't the eyes of a senile man.' She inherently began fearing him, putting on some distance between them she asked "Don't scare me oldie!" Next moment Lyod moved. She can't even follow him before his hand hit her in the abdomen. "Agghhhh.. aii.." Sophia fell to the floor "You idiot.. old man that hurts like hell.. ahhh.. What's the big idea behind doing this?" She had instantly checked herself to find she can't channel any mana. Lyod had sealed her cultivation. The the worst thing about getting your cultivation sealed is that once it's done to you, you can't unseal it on your own. It's just not possible. That effectively leaves you at someone's mercy. Sophia was still as confused as to why Lyod would do this to her.

"Like I told you. I love you so much Sophia. I know I never told you about this but let me tell you this. Both Paula and I always considered you as our own child. Although we never confessed that to you." Saying that he dropped to the ground and pulled the girl in a tight hug. Lyod had gotten emotional and Sophia can feel her shoulder becoming wet with his tears. How many years had it been? The girl had a tragic past despite her noble ancestry. Her father belonged to the nobility who fell in love with a beautiful commoner women going against his family. He loved the woman so much that he left his family in the capital and settled in Korua to live a modest but happy life. They do managed to live a happy life and were consequently even blessed with a girl. The girl was talented and a cultivation freak. Her father had known Lyod thus he had asked him to look after his daughter's training. Thus, the little girl who had just turned 10 began frequently coming to this farm to train herself with Lyod and his wife. The couple quickly grew close to the silver haired girl as they had no child of their own.

Tragedy struck when Sophia turned 13. Her father was mysteriously murdered and no one was convicted as no evidence was found. It didn't stop there. Next day the people from Dark Wings got to know about it and they took her mother away. Dark wings was as big as it was enigmatic. It operated across the border of the empire itself. No one knew much about them except the fact that they are the one with complete monopoly over the slave trade. Once Lyod had received the news he raged and wanted to fight against those bastards yet Sophia's mother decided to give herself up if they left her daughter alone. Lyod knew the chance of him surviving the fight against them was not much. On top of that what stopped the organisation to send a more powerful mage next time. He knew the woman had already figured out that her life was already doomed hence she made a last ditch effort to atleast save her daughter, and leave her in the care of the old couple her husband trusted. Lyod still remembered how it pained his heart to knock Sophia out and bring her back with him. They never heard any news about her mother ever again.

The little girl had gone in shock and didn't talk to Lyod for the whole next month. Lyod had only his powerlessness to blame. As she grew up and got more aware about how this society worked she realised how she can't put the blame for what happened to her on anyone but the Dark Wings themselves. From that day she had intensified her training even further, having a single goal in her mind, to become so powerful one day that she can eradicate the Dark Wings and rescue her poor mother. Yet, the tragedies for the girl didn't end there too. Two years latter she lost her new mother Paula too. "Father! Can I call you that?" "Hahaha... Of course you can dear. I have longed for so long to hear that." They seperated and Lyod continued "Listen up brat. I know whatever I say will never change your mind but just hear me once. The goal you have set for yourself is enormous. Thus, you will need the to be an enormously powerful person to achieve it. But have you ever thought of getting helper along your path of cultivation. As a single person you might not be able to damage them but what if you gathered multiple people with same goal."

Sophia smiled wryly. "Your words are true, father. But your argument got many flaws. Firstly, in case of any emergency I would like to believe in my own power instead of relying on help. Secondly, let us suppose I even got some people together who I can really rely on but what makes you think that our goals will coincide? Why would anyone go out of their way to help me out?" Lyod knew thos discussion was never going to be easy. "Thats the whole point of a friendship you idiot child. Huuhh.. actually I have a hunch.. no I am certain that this boy Ryu is very special and when we count Emily in the equation I know he can easily surpass even his grandfather in his prime. Also, I have interacted with the boy for more than a month now and one thing is sure. He treats his friends genuinely. Thus, you can take it as an order from a father or a master but I want you to train these young ones and establish a sense of camaraderie with them."

Did Lyod believe that Sophia can ever damage Dark Wings? No. That organization was standing like a giant, with its tentacles spread in multiple nations. She might have a better chance of fighting against an angel or a devil. Did he believe she can damage them if she git help from some other people? No again. Doesn't matter how many eggs you throw at a wall, in the end only the eggs break not the wall. But what he instead believed was that if she got herself some friends than there was a real change she might decide against walking on this suicidal path. That was the real reason why he wanted her to open up to others. Right now she had a closed heart where she allowed entry to no one. And till the time her heart was empty she will remain focused in her goal.

"Sure. Since you asked me that, I will try to do it. But I give no guarantees old man. Now if that is done. Can we discuss about why you had to disable me to talk all this?" She said with a hardened face. "Haha.. that was not the real reason to seal your cultivation. Actually, I can't even remember last time I beat you up. That was my fault. I over indulged you and now you became like this." Saying that he began to remove her dress. Sophia didn't resist, carefully listening what the old guy was coming to. Lyod then grabbed both her hands and pulling them behind her back, began tying them up with a rope. "What is this old man? Huh... Did you learn a new way to have sex? Don't you think you are too old to try these things? You know, I don't really mind being fucked in the same position for 2 years straight haha." Her comments made Lyod blush in shame. She was right he had really been having sex with her only in a missionary position. Only a few times at her request he might do her from behind. "Paula never complained to me about it." "Huh... What do you expected her to say? Both of you were old. Maybe she too was just like you, knowing a single position haha"

Their talks had turned back again into a friendly banter leaving the heavy emotional discussions behind. "What is this?" Once Lyod was done with her, she found herself completely off the ground. She was suspended from the ceiling with her legs bound to the center rope that in the end was connected to her hands behind her back. Also, just like her legs her hair too had been tied to the center rope, pulling her head completely back. A rope was bound to her chest wrapping around her multiple times. It pushed her tits out forcefully, such that they had turned red from blood collection. It was really painful. But more than pain she was astonished, how skillfully Lyod had bound the ropes on her and where did he got this idea. This was the he first time he used this and that meant someone must have told him about it recently. "Well do you like it?" "Huh.. anything is good as long as it's a change. Who told you about it old man? You yourself know, you are not the brightest one in these matters."

"You are still talking back to your father here. Ohh.. I forgot the last one." Lyod pulled the last rope from his space ring, winding around her head multiple times placed on her open mouth. "Good. See, how beautiful you look when you can't use that nasty mouth of yours. Also, I am sure you would love to know who taught me all this. Hehe wait for it. I will tell you that tommorow but for now let's beat in some discipline in you. *Paaahhhh* *Paaaahhh* "Agghh.... Uuu.. oogglld.. baaatrd.." "Ohh.. are you trying to curse your father. Here. Take this." *Paaahhhh* *Paaahhh* "Aggghhhhh" Once both of Sophia's butt cheeks were of a similar shade of red, he moved onto her pussy and began fingering her hard. "Mmhhhh.. Agghh mhhm..." Lyod remembered the advice Ryu gave him when he had told him about this method to him in excruciating detail. 'Make sure to balance both pleasure and pain.'

Lyod had been too frustrated with Sophia that's why today when it was time for his students to leave, he specially called Ryu back in his hut to ask him if he had any advice on how he could handle this girl. He told him all the details about her. What all tragedies fell on her and what her goal was. He told him how he wanted them to get more involved with her. After hearing everything he had to say Ryu came up with this method. Lyod had a single question for him "Can't I beat her up only and not let her have any pleasures of sex, altogether? Won't that be a better idea?" Ryu shook his firmly. "That won't work master. You need HAVE to make sure she feels the pleasures. But remember to never let her cum. Believe me master Lyod it will work." Hearing his logic he was convinced to give it a try once.

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