Chapter 75: Starting the Party
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Teleporting back home I found Shuna fretting as the day got closer to finishing and the night was coming. At work I had invited Rimuru, Benimaru, Kaijin, Hakuro, Shion, Iralia, Rigurd, The Goblin Elders, Gabiru and some of the staff from the Government over. It was supposed to be a greeting home party for Rimuru between the higher ups as well as a chance for some downtime.
"Shuna, calm down, I am here." Her mood instantly became more stable as she stopped buzzing around and ran to me, hugging me before giving me a kiss on the lips and breaking off.
"Where have you been? I have been stressing my butt off since you left to do something after work!" She gripped my dress tightly as her eyes demanded and explanation. I liked this side of her and it had only come out when we first had sex.
"I was speaking with Treyni over some matters of the forest... I apologise. Come on, let's get everything ready? Shall we?" Milim ran around the corner and shouted her agreement loudly. Waving her hand an entire section of the wall became a sparkling pink welcome sign. Needless to say this took me by surprise but Milim didn't care as she ran into me and gave me huge hugs that were powerful as all fuck, and had I been the same as previously I would have found myself breaking in several places.
"O-okay, good job Milim. Now I'll summon the food." Shuna cocked her head to the side as if she didn't understand why the word Summon was used but in the next few seconds she had a first hand demo of why I said it.
"Wish." In but moments an entire feast suitable for an emperor and his noblemen was arrayed out on a massive table that was also created by the spell. Each morsel of food was perfectly cooked and seasoned to perfection, the meat sliding off of the bones and the salads perfectly flavoured with vinaigrettes and salts. Milim looked at the entire thing with drool leaking from her mouth, the will to resist her inner-hunger slowly fading as the smells of the entire feast were inhaled by her.
"... I don't know what to say anymore Silvi... J-just, wow, I guess...?" She moved into the kitchen to grab some glass-wear as I began to use prestidigitation to clean the entire house from top to bottom. Along with that I used druid craft to add some flowers and makeshift earthen vases next to the doors and entranceways, making the house seem more lively and vibrant. It was a change I was thinking of keeping. From Shuna's expression when she stepped out to put the glasses on the table she too liked the change.
'I'll keep it!' At this moment I heard Milim fumbling around in the kitchen, she was groaning about how whatever had happened was dumb and stupid. Minutely worried for her I stepped through into the kitchen and found a cabinet ripped off of its hinges, the very wood splintered. Seeing me witness her mistake she began to nervously whistle and tap her index fingers together. I almost laughed on the spot but held myself back as the Repairo spell activated and repaired each crack and indentation in the wood, the cabinet reconstructing itself from its remnants.
"Don't worry, its nothing I can't fix." She ceased being nervous and jumped at me, her legs wrapping around my rib-area as her now adult form kissed me on the lips, Shuna coming in and facepalming straight away.
"Stop it you two! We have guests coming in less than ten minutes...!" Milim dropped down and did a small anime tee-hee moment before running away from a jealous Shuna. My women were cute, kind and many other words that I could use but they were mostly enjoyable to watch... Yes that had multiple meanings... My thoughts were soon interrupted by the rather loud and obnoxious friend that I had invited, Iralia. She knocked on the door repeatedly, a male voice trying to chide her but failing as her force increased.
Shuna looked back at me as Milim leapt on her and tackled her to the floor, getting quite 'handsy' with her, my own eyes locked in on the display in front of me.
"Nyahaha! Take that! And this!" Shuna began to softly cry out as she attempted to free herself of Milim but failed. At this moment another knock came and I had to haul Milim off of Shuna, clean Shuna off and then slink into shadows and reappear at the door. Luckily I was super fast these days and was able to complete all of that within ten seconds.
Opening the door I saw a rather frustrated Iralia and a well-presented and cleaned up Kaijin, the man holding Iralia's hand as if to hold her back.
"Oi, ye haven't been near me pub in days now! Am i ye friend or a bloody acquaintance!?" Kaijin sighed and slumped his head as I looked at her like she was an absolute idiot.
"Are you serious? I'm a bit busy ruling a country, you bloody ungrateful git." Iralia paused and looked at me, as I also looked at her. A smile slowly crept up onto her clean-shaven face as her eyes gained a wicked quality to them.
"Hahaha! Now that's what i been lookin for some fuckin fire in someone's bones! How are ye Silviana?" I laughed and leaned down and forwards, hugging her in a friendly way. We released each other as I stepped back, revealing the house to her and showing them in. Kaijin was a little surprised by my attitude but quickly adjusted as he greeted Shuna on the way in, my little Kijin cleaned up and looked proper despite what had happened seconds ago.
"Shuna-san, its good to see you!" Iralia went and hugged Shuna before stepping back, Kaijin coming and shaking hands with my cute little wife as he also noticed the smell in the room.
"Nice to see you again Shuna-san... Do i smell roast pork?" Shuna smiled and guided them deeper inside as following those two loud mouthed dwarves was a rather happy looking Benimaru who had a human-looking Dragonewt who had combed brown hair in a bob cut, her eyes a bright yellow, and smiled widely to Benimaru's words. I didn't even attempt to hear his words as I knew they'd be either inappropriate or rather sarcastic.
"Evening brother-in-law, please come in." I directed them inside and received a handshake from each of them, the woman looking somewhat embarrassed and also nervous. Apparently people thought I was some task master, a rumour born from the fact that the Aqueducts were close to finishing already and it had been less than a month. Benimaru himself took the woman by the waist and reassured her, smiling at me as he went past and deeper into the house, his greeting of his own sister being somewhat loud as Shuna punched him in the stomach for being an ass.
Rimuru was the next to appear, a smile gracing my lips as I heard Benimaru apologise for his casualness with me. Ignoring the rather happy Benimaru I greeted Rimuru and guided him inside, setting him down at one of the heads of the table, Shion was with him and dressed up rather sexily, Shuna's craftsmanship being excellent no matter the person she had to work with.
"Welcome to my home you two. As you see we have food and drink prepared, please just relax and wind down." Shion showed a rare smile at my words as Rimuru nodded deeply, a small amount of lipstick attached to his neck. Once I noticed it I looked at Shion and saw her lipstick slightly smudged. I excused myself once I saw, my mind really unphased by their relationship. This version of Rimuru was much less obligated to work constantly and completely devote himself to the city so it was natural he was feeling the wind in his proverbial wings. From this stage onwards there weren't many more people to bring in, Hakuro, Kurobe, Rigurd and some other Goblin Elders joining the event tonight.
Hakuro was in an interesting position though as he had two rather beautiful Ogre women of around his age coming with him. His movements were awkward and his face showed its age as the two women held each of his arms and constantly spoke of how manly he was. Hilarity was what filled this scene in my eyes as I laughed out loud, the face of my 'master' turning rather grump and upset. He could do nothing though and simply introduced the two women to me. One was called Red for her red hair, a name not being granted to her yet because of her recent joining with Tempest. The other was a Kijin called Paula who had been among the first named by Rimuru when he got back. She was a rather beautiful woman with dark green hair and a rather demure look about her, the kimono she wore being rather baggy in specific places.
"Not a word of this, understand?"
"P-pahaha... D-don't worry m-m-master... I'll definitely k-keep my words about it, u-under wraps..." He got even more pissed when I couldn't hold back my laughing in mid-sentence and just stepped past me, the women bowing very quickly before following him in.
"What are you laughing at Silvi?" My wife came up behind me, her face showing some happiness and concern as I was barely holding myself together at seeing the bold and usually stern master of mine barely holding back his nervousness and awkwardness.
"I-i, It's fine... I, just saw my m-master... Go in with two women... Pahahahaha." She seemed to join me in the laughter with some giggles as Rigurd and the rest of the invitees all came up to the front of the house. It was winter so the majority of the people were dressed in thick woollen or fur clothing but these goblins were an exception as they wore straight cloth, bearing the elements directly as their muscles twitched in the frigid cold of the night.
"Silviana-sama! It is good to meet you!" Shouts from the other Goblin leaders and Geld could be heard as Rigurd himself was the one to first initiate it. Recovering from my laughing fit I took a deep breath in and wiped my eyes, Shuna walking forwards and greeting them all, one by one. Most of them were similar to Rigurd in the way they were all old Goblins but also muscle bound hunks.
"All of, come in... Festivities are about to start." They all smiled and walked inside, immediately commenting on how warm the interior was. Shuna nodded and laughed at hearing them exclaim so much, taking them to their chairs at the table where all the food was kept. All of the food was still warm and ambient as my spells were keeping it that way until we all started eating, my wards having to stop Milim from stealing some pieces for herself every now and then; she was eyeing the jar of honey and syrup that was positioned in front of her.
Standing behind my own seat at the table, Shuna to my right and Milim to my left I began the feast with a small speech. "Thank you all for coming! We wanted to welcome you all to our home to celebrate Rimuru's successful return home, but also to thank you all and congratulate you all on the work you have accomplished in these short weeks that we have been working, especially Geld and is brothers!"
There was a small applause as they all were pumped to have a night to fully relax and just be around friends. At the end of their applause I clapped and released the spells holding people back from getting at the food. In but a moment the party had started.
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