Chapter 66: Wishing Materials Into Being
Waking to another morning I soon set about doing my normal activities. Making food, drinking coffee, contemplating the difficulties with Tensura in relation to politics and the angels. Today I was having a day off as I spoke with Rimuru earlier, he would be taking my place as the 'manager' for today. He had learned the Instant Upload spell from me yesterday so he was in high spirits yesterday. Great Sage could have probably helped him do it much easier but he doesn't seem to realise how broken the ability is.
Shaking my head I watched as Milim and Shuna began to argue about what we should be doing today. Milim wanted to do training, promising not to attack me at all, meanwhile Shuna wanted to go to a restaurant or something Romantic. Almost chuckling at their antics I walked up the stairs into our bedroom. Stepping towards the rune beside the bed I activated it and summoned the portal to my demi-plane. My plan today was to use wish to create some Soft Iron, Nickel, Copper, Cobalt and try my hand at some rarer materials.
As I entered my demi-plane I heard feet thumping on the stairs outside of the bedroom, Shuna and Milim appearing seconds later as they both shouted out.
"Silvi! What do you think!?"
"Honey, what do you think!?"
I looked back through the entrance to my demi-plane and facepalmed slightly, feeling lambasted by their insistence in asking my opinion every time. Honestly I found myself questioning why they couldn't sort it out like adults, through a game of paper, scissors, rock. But, before I could tell them my answer they both looked at my demi-plane, stunned.
"W-what is that Silvi?"
"Whoa! A pocket dimension! Neat!" Milim instantly ran up and into my plane whilst Shuna blinked many times, following the pink-haired Milim's movements. Milim was surprised by the interior's size as she soon ran over to the training grounds. I turned back to Shuna and gestured for her to follow, her expression quickly changing and her body moving towards me cautiously.
"Don't worry, I wouldn't make it dangerous to you." She nodded and stepped in, still carefully moving towards me as Milim ran around unphased.
"Honey! Is this a training field for us!?" She was a tens of metres away when she asked that, her form looking small in relation to the massive dummies and objects. I nodded and raised my right hand upwards into a thumbs up. Her energy was unsurpassed as she began to blast away full tilt into the magic shooting range, destroying all of the targets before they regenerated once more. A small screen even appeared in front of Milim showing her the equivalent to how much damage she could have caused.
"Silvi... Is this so you don't affect the city anymore...?" I nodded and smiled slightly, feeling that I had done right to create my demi-plane. Regrettably Shuna didn't see it in the same way and started to look downcast, her expression morphing into an apologetic one.
"I'm sorry... I, really didn't mean to stop you from doing what you wanted..." I shook my head, walking up and hugging her seconds later as I caressed her hair.
"Silly, even I recognised how much damage my spells could possibly do. That's why, I made this." I turned and revealed the full structure to both of them, the 9 sided 200 floor tower glowing in multicoloured glass-like refractions. Shuna was a little bow away but she just accepted it and walked past me, giving me a small peck on the cheek as she went to join Milim.
Wiping my forehead at the luckiness that I had just experienced with their quick distraction I entered into my tower and entered into an elevator in the middle of the room, clicking on the button for floor 200. There wasn't anything special about the elevator, it was a standard one that you could see in any hospital or government building in my past life. Honestly the only thing that made it comfortable was the fact I could put on my own tunes inside of it.
Iron Maiden's Trooper song playing violently inside as I gradually made my way to the top most floor, a floor that was the representation of what I thought was the peak of magic. The elevator slowly came to a halt as the upwards velocity decreased, the song dying out as the doors slowly opened. White smoke slightly wafted through the crack in the elevator, the interior of the chamber being a mess of different colours swirling.
Stepping into the room I found several platforms containing different symbology for the different moments in fantasy, sci-fi and otherwise. One such platform played the fight between Gandalf and the Balrog, staff flashing in pure white as shadowy whip crackled in fire, casting the cave they both fought within in ominous shades of black, orange and white. Looking away to another such platform I witnessed a red haired man named Rand al Thor and a woman named Nynaeve al'Meara doing something with some sort of power. Enemies shot arcs of powerful lightning, fireballs and nature towards them as an almighty flash of white and yellow sundered from them into the sky...
The next was Albus Dumbledore fighting Voldemort in an epic melee magical battle in the ministry of Magic, Harry cowering behind Dumbledore as he cast spells at Voldemort. The next platform, a massive purple giant named Thanos held the power of the universe within his hands and with a single snap of his finger erased half of all life within the universe, destroying many heroes and evils all in his pursuit of balance.
One after another, they blurred together. A man dressed in dark black robes destroying a portal between his world and another. A half-elf man wielding the power of a Valheru and riding on the back of a dragon, taking the previously mentioned robed man to a dimension beyond time and space, one where he would find answers.
Another, a man wielding the power of time with his partner, a dark elf. Turning the tide of the end of the world and ensuring the survival of the entirety of Exandria. In the same span of time I witnessed a group of mighty adventurers fighting a god, Vecna. A raven died and became the matron's right hand, a harbinger of death.
Many scenes flashed in quick succession as many different powerful mages, people, heroes and Villains all flashed before my eyes. This was a room made for me to continue expanding my power, to never forget that I am but a small leaf on the wind amidst a massive gale, a tempest if you will. Whilst I stayed here so many other stories were being told and so much more danger could come my way, I needed to get stronger. WE, needed to get stronger.
"Wish." I summoned a ton of each material needed for electromagnetism, soft iron being the one I focussed most of my effort on. Cobalt, Nickel and other such materials were also summoned but were as if scrap in front of the best material for electromagnetism, Soft Iron. With this step I would draw the attention of Michael, but it was nothing in comparison to Thanos or the horrors of the Dark One... If I had to step over the corpses of Angels and Daemons just to ensure the security of me and my loved ones, I would gladly slaughter away. Half of my magicules were absorbed in the act of bringing these resources to me, but I still had an idea in my mind. I wanted to try and bring forth a metal from a work within my head.
"Wish..." A massive absorption of magicules ensued as the other half rapidly drained. One quarter remained and it continued to drain, one half of a quarter, half of the half quarter... Finally, when I was close to the precipice of draining all of my Magicules for a single day, a small lump of a metal substance appeared in my hand. I exhaled in exertion as my mind became woozy, my entire consciousness fighting to retain its awakened state.
I laughed as my hand held the first ever proof that those other stories existed.
|Adamantium- DND Worlds, Has the strength of a 1000 pieces of steel, resistant to magical damage and impervious to non-magical physical attacks.|
I fell on my ass as the platforms all continued their arrays, various moments from numerous different worlds and stories I had read or watched flittering in my sight. All i could do was laugh, what else was there to do when you found out that every story could be real?
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