A Drift in Time

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

An amused Harry watched on as an infuriated Narcissa walked away with her idiotic husband and her doofus son when the post-match ceremony concluded. He made sure to eye her suggestively as she left, ensuring he left a proverbial mark on her. The silent humiliation she had been subjected to will remain with her for a long time, and it would be well deserved for her stuck-up bitchy attitude.

As he followed the Weasleys down the stairs and back to the tent, he barely listened to Arthur imploring his twin sons about their gambling and occupied himself with planning for what was to follow in a few hours. They were all soon caught up in the crowds flooding out of the stadium and barely managed to remain together.

The crowd was raucous, the Irishmen rowdy as they celebrated their nation's victory, and the noise was so loud that none felt like sleeping. They all took their seats by the firepit that had been set up beforehand and the enthusiasts were quick to start discussing the match.

Harry chimed in on occasion from his place between Ron and Ginny, the latter subtly leaning against him. The little motions went unnoticed by everyone except a certain brunette who, once she noticed their closeness, immediately averted her eyes, pointedly staring into her cup of hot cocoa.

However, Harry remained oblivious to the little glances she kept giving them. He shifted slightly so that his mouth was close to Ginny's ear and keeping his voice low so that only she could hear, he whispered, "I've got to take care of something tonight, and I'd like you to come with me. You'll love it, I promise."

Ginny glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, a hint of excitement shining through, and Harry almost chuckled. He merely smiled, indicating her to silently accept what he'd just instructed her to do. She nodded subtly, a small smirk on her lips.

She glanced over Harry's shoulder and spied Hermione eyeing them over the rim of her cup. Feeling naughty, she glanced around before boldly pushing her tongue out, licking Harry's neck right under his ear.

The emerald-eyed wizard jerked in surprise, having not expected the move, and he eyed Ginny, only to find her smirking to herself. She was the picture of innocence as she pulled away, and it was only because of the Weasley family's fanaticism for Quidditch that kept them too absorbed in their discussion to notice what was going on.

Harry raised an eyebrow in question, and Ginny merely gestured toward Hermione with her eyes. Understanding dawned on Harry in an instant and he smirked.

"I believe you've earned yourself a reward, Gin," he whispered as he leaned closer. Ginny grinned and turned back to the firepit, sipping her cocoa in silence, and amused, Harry rejoined the discussion about Quidditch. He had a bit of time to kill.


An excited grin overtook Harry's features as he lay in his bed in the tent room he was sharing with Ron when he heard the distant screams. Barely a minute later, the tent was echoing with Arthur's screams.

"Get up! Ron Harry Fred, George! Quickly! This is urgent!"

Harry climbed out of the bed and his eyes fell on a broom in the corner. He stared at it for a moment before he shrugged, spanking Ron on the arse with it. The ginger yelped, startled as he shot up in the bed.

"Blimey, mate! The fuck was that for!?"

"Mr. Weasley's calling. Something's wrong. Get up quickly!"

Ron might have been sleepy, but Harry had done a good job startling him, and even he could recognize the shift in the noises echoing around the campsite. The singing and the chants had stopped, replaced by screams and cries as people ran in terror.

Barely a minute later, both Harry and Ron shot out of the room and found everyone else rushing out of their respective rooms as well. As they all met near the exit, Arthur led the way.

They stopped right outside their tent and stared at the abhorrent scene unfolding in the distance. Witches and wizards were running around like headless chickens, fleeing from a group of wizards clad in black robes. The humiliation and the cruelty those wizards in black were inflicting on the muggles churned the hearts of everyone present.

"That's sick," Ron muttered in disgust as they saw a muggle child suspended roughly sixty feet above the ground where he began to spin like a top. If that was not sickening enough, one of the wizards flipped a middle-aged woman upside down with his wand, making her nightdress fall down and revealing voluminous drawers. The woman struggled to cover herself up as the wizards hooted and laughed.

Harry caught Ginny's disgusted eyes and gave her a meaningful look, and it did not take long for realization to dawn on her. She gave him a firm nod, indicating that she agreed with him, and Harry smirked.

"We're going to help the Ministry," Arthur said firmly, standing alongside his three eldest sons who all had their wands out. "You lot get into the woods and make your way over to the portkey site. We'll meet you there once we're done with this. Follow the crowd, and you will be safe."

Bill, Charlie, and Percy moved quickly toward the group of Ministry officials who were on their way to intercept the hooligans and Arthur followed suit, sprinting after them.

"Let's go," Harry instructed and ran toward the crowd of fleeing people. The rest were quick to react and they joined him, intermixing with the terrified crowd. They could barely hear any voices apart from the shouting and terrified crying, and Harry had to shout to make himself heard. "If someone splits up, make your way to the portkey site. We'll all regroup there, as Mr. Weasley said."

They hurried through the crowd, the darkness making it harder to navigate the path. All they could make out was dark figures bundling through the trees, children crying as their parents tried their damnedest to keep them calm, and numerous afraid voices as they pierced the cold night air. They were all being pushed and jostled by the people who could barely see anything in the darkness and their panic.

Harry maintained a silent shield charm around himself as he walked, the people repelled by the invisible barrier, and straightened back to the path when he heard Ron's pained yell. Sensing the opportunity, he reached out and grabbed Ginny's hand, pulling her to himself and expertly swerving to the side, going away with the flow of the crowd.

It was Hermione who found Ron and quickly helped him to his feet.

"Bleedin' hell! Where'd that root come from!?" Ron exclaimed.

"Eyesight getting poor, Weasley? Maybe Scarhead can give you some pointers," a familiar voice drawled and they all turned to see none other than Draco Malfoy leaning against a tree, looking utterly relaxed. His arms were folded over his chest and he looked as though he had been watching the carnage through the gap in the trees.

"Go fuck yourself, Malfoy!" Ron spat.

"Ooh! Steady with the language there, Weasley," Malfoy mocked. His eyes shifted to Hermione and he sneered, "Better hurry on, eh? Wouldn't want her spotted by them, would you?"

His question was punctuated by a blast in the distance, and a flash of green lit up the treeline.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked defiantly.

Malfoy looked at Hermione as though she was a simpleton.

"They're after muggles, Granger," the blonde ponce began as if he was speaking to a child. "You wouldn't want to show off your knickers like Miss Old Hag over there, would you?"

"Hermione's a witch," Ron retorted.

"Ah, and you think they can't tell a Mudblood apart?"

"You watch your mouth!" Ron snarled.

"Ooh, feeling hypocritical today, are we?" Malfoy grinned. "Anyways, do stay behind to find out. I'd be hurrying away if I were you though. Do what Daddy asked me to do."

"Funny, considering you're here mouthing off," Hermione snorted. "Where's your robe and mask, Malfoy?"

Malfoy turned to her and smiled.

"Well… maybe I don't need them. Maybe I've got nothing to fear. As if anything will happen to me," he remarked with a casual shrug, and the meaning was not lost on anyone. Malfoy truly believed that his family was powerful enough that they would be able to get away with anything, and given the political situation of Wizarding Britain, he might as well be right.

"Oh forget it!" Hermione spat with a disgusted look at Malfoy as she pulled Ron with her. "Come on, we've got to see where the others are."

"Keep your knickers hidden, Granger," Malfoy sneered as Hermione pulled an irate Ron behind her.

"I bet his parents are frolicking around with that lot in their old costumes," the redhead muttered.

"Well, here's hoping the aurors catch them red-handed," Hermione said fervently. "Oh God, where is everyone?"

Harry, Ginny, Fred, and George were nowhere to be seen, although the pathway was packed with numerous people huddled in groups, having undoubtedly lost someone as well. They spotted a small group of teenage witches in their pajamas, arguing near a tree. As they walked by, one of the girls turned around and said quickly, "Où est Madame Maxime? Nous l'avons perdue—"

"Er — what?" Ron asked dumbly.

"Oh…" The girl who had spoken turned her back on him, and as they walked on, they distinctly heard her say, "'Ogwarts."

"Beauxbatons," Hermione muttered. "Come on, I don't think we'll find them if we went away. They all must be together, and as Harry said, we'll all meet by the portkey site if we get separated. We've got to stick to what we agreed upon."

"I guess," Ron muttered with a heavy breath.


Meanwhile, Fred and George were of the same mind as they walked with the crowd, having been separated from everyone else. However, Harry and Ginny were on a different course altogether.

"What are you going to do, Harry?" Ginny asked as she walked alongside Harry through the thick treeline, their hands clasped firmly together.

"Tell me something, Gin," Harry began, glancing at her. "How did you feel when you saw what those assholes were doing to those muggles?"

Ginny's face contorted into a disgusted sneer and that was all the answer Harry needed.

"Exactly. Won't you say it would be better if scum like that didn't exist?"

"You're going to kill them?" Ginny asked, and there was zero hint of shock, disapproval, or reluctance in her voice. It was merely a casual question, and it made Harry smirk.

"I'm going to treat them as they deserve to be treated," Harry replied. "They think they're too strong, preying upon the weak. Fucking hyenas. I want to see how well they can hunt when faced with a predator."

Ginny shivered at his tone, her knees weakening slightly as arousal overcame her. The way he was speaking and the determined glint in his eyes stimulated her in ways she could not believe, and her grip on his hand tightened. Harry noticed and turned to her, smirking.

"Oh, getting excited, are we?"

"You did say I'd earned a reward," Ginny grinned.

"All in due time," Harry replied. "Now, I don't want you to reveal yourself, okay? I'll take care of those cunts and you are to remain hidden and observe. This is going to be your first time so take no risks. Got it?"

Ginny nodded, and Harry gave her a peck in approval as he led them through the woods. The mist reached up to their waists and there was no sign of civilian life around them. The moonlight barely passed through the thick canopy as they walked, the sound of their steps on the wet grass and the cracking of twigs and roots cutting the stillness in the air.

"We're getting closer," he murmured, his magical senses reaching out to obtain a feel of their surroundings. The Death Eaters were nearby, and hopefully, Lucius would be with them. "When we get near the treeline, I want you to pick a thick trunk and hide behind it. Here, take this."

Ginny took the Invisibility Cloak from him and quickly draped it over herself as Harry held on to her hand and walked forward. As they reached the treeline, he released his hold and Ginny promptly took up position behind a thick tree trunk. Harry glanced over where he'd heard her go and Ginny pushed her head out of the cloak, grinning at him. Harry smirked and turned around. He nimbly walked forward and broke past the treeline, taking in the sight before him.

Scattered across were several cloaked figures. Their dark robes whipped in the wind, and those silver masks gleamed under the cold moonlight. Bodies littered around them innocent bystanders who must have been caught in the path of their depravity their eyes open and unseeing as they lay on the bloodied ground.

Harry stepped forward, and the Death Eaters were so occupied with surveying their handiwork that his approach went unnoticed. It was not until he cleared his throat mockingly that one of the Death Eaters turned. There was a moment of pause as the two stared at each other, and as Harry grinned ferally, gasps of recognition broke through the crowd.

"Well, well," a voice hissed from beneath one of the masks. "If it isn't the Boy Who Lived himself, gracing us with his presence."

Another Death Eater snickered. "What happened, Potter? Lost your way? Need a hand to guide you?"

Harry stood at ease, eyeing them as if they were lowly trash, which they frankly were.

"This isn't where you want to be right now, Potter," the same Death Eater from before sneered.

Harry smirked, his green eyes glinting with a malice that made their own darkness seem tame. "Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world." He moved forward, one hand sliding to his wand as he locked eyes with the Death Eater who'd spoken.

His gaze shifted when the crowd of Death Eaters parted, and he did not need the man to take his mask off to know who he was. That pale, poncy hair with too much bleach gave away the identity, and a small gleam entered his eyes when the mask came down to reveal the face of one Lucius Malfoy.

He took Harry in with a cold, appraising look, and smirked.

"Ah, Potter," Lucius drawled, voice dripping with condescension. "I wasn't aware we'd drawn enough attention to attract such… distinguished company." His eyes sparkled with a dark thrill, his fingers twitching in barely hidden anticipation. "Do tell, are you here to play hero? Or simply to gawk at those of us willing to fight for the right side of history?"

Harry stared at him for a long moment, a slow, mocking smile spreading across his face. "You think you're making history, Malfoy? Tying helpless people up and torturing them for kicks?" He took a step forward, his gaze drifting over the rest of the Death Eaters. "You know what I think?" He asked in a conspiratorial whisper, eyeing them with a grin. "I think you've got one hell of an idea for a pastime."

The Death Eaters shifted at that, muttering and sneering, but their surprise was palpable. Harry idly twirled his wand around as he kept his gaze locked with Lucius who could not help but feel slightly unnerved at the look in those emerald eyes.

"But there is one little problem, Lucius," Harry continued in the same whisper. "I only like it when it's assholes on the receiving end. Assholes like you."

The Death Eaters bristled this time, and the air grew taut with tension as Harry raised his wand, his grip steady and his eyes locked on Lucius.

"You shouldn't have come here alone, boy," Lucius sneered, flicking his wand, the tip glowing a sickly green. "You're braver than I thought… or dumber. Either way, I'm going to have a lot of fun doing what I would've done if not for that filthy elf."

Harry's eyes gleamed coldly as he eyed Lucius. "Would've done?" He asked, his voice low. "I didn't think you were foolish enough, Lucius."

Before anyone could say or do anything, Harry struck. An ugly, grey bolt tore through the clearing, hitting a Death Eater square in the chest. The man flew back, hitting the ground with a sickening crack as his mask skidded off, revealing a pale, shocked face frozen in death.

No one was laughing now. Even Lucius, for all his bravado and taunts, found himself slack-jawed, his eyes wide as he stared at the corpse.

The Death Eater who had been standing right beside him shifted, his hand tightening on his wand and fury mixing with sudden fear as he pointed his wand at Harry. However, Harry was already moving, stalking the group like a predator stalking wounded prey.

"You better run, Potter!" The Death Eater jeered, his voice shaking as he cast a curse that Harry swatted away with ease, sending it crashing against a tree behind him.

Harry tilted his head as he gazed at the Death Eater who had cast the curse, his expression one of cruel amusement. "Run?" He echoed, his voice icy. "Why would I run when I'm just getting started?"

He flicked his wand again, and a stream of red light hit the masked figure with deadly accuracy. The man dropped to his knees, clawing at his throat, gasping for air as the spell twisted through him, leaving him writhing on the ground. He struggled for barely two seconds before he went limp as well.

Another Death Eater charged, his mask glinting in the moonlight as he faced Harry. However, Harry sidestepped his curse with effortless grace flicking his wand in a motion that sent the man crashing to the ground, limbs twisted in angles that shouldn't have been possible. His scream tore through the night air, agonizingly raw and broken, before his neck twisted, killing him.

The others watched, momentarily frozen, as Harry turned to face them, his eyes dark with intent. "Come on, that's it?" He taunted, twirling his wand casually.

For a long moment, nobody moved, staring at the carnage in shock, but then, Lucius' voice cut through the silence, sharp and loud. "What are you idiots waiting for!? Attack him!"

The Death Eaters started, and as one, they jumped into action. They surged forward as one, sending curses flying through the air in rapid succession. Malicious streaks of green and blue cut through the darkness. Unfortunately for the Death Eaters, Harry was much faster, his wand weaving a deadly dance as he deflected each spell with brutal precision. The spells collided with either tree trunks or the floor, leaving scorching marks over whichever surface they struck.

Harry's retaliation was swift and merciless, each curse laced with a level of cruelty that made their own magic look tame. A Death Eater lunged at him, wand raised and a curse at the tip of his tongue, only to be hit with a slicing hex that tore through his mask and carved a deep gash across his face. He screamed, clutching his face as blood poured down, his mask slipping to reveal a contorted, terrified expression. Harry gave his wand a negligent flick and the gash deepened, tearing through flesh and bones and slicing part of his face off. The man lay dead and bleeding on the floor, his severed face a grotesque display of cruelty.

Lucius Malfoy gulped as he witnessed everything, and he was filled with disbelief. "You think you can get away with this, Potter?" he spat, though his face betrayed the slightest flicker of fear.

Harry turned to him, his smile widening and his voice almost gentle. "Get away with it? Malfoy, I'm here because of everything you've done. Everything you stand for." He took a slow step forward, then another, until Lucius was forced to step back, bumping into one of his comrades. Harry smirked as he watched them. "You're nothing. All of you. Hiding behind masks, attacking the weak… you're as worthless as the dirt you tread on."

The remaining Death Eaters faltered, and the group that was having so much fun not even fifteen minutes ago was now reduced to a collection of terrified men. One of them made a run for it, but Harry's spell hit him square in the back, opening a deep gash all over his body from the back of his head to his waist. The Death Eater fell forward with a strangled cry, crumpling to the ground, dead.

"You're nothing but a bunch of cowards," Harry muttered, his voice dripping with disgust. "This is what your loyalty to Voldemort gets you—death in a dark forest with no one to care."

One Death Eater, desperate, lunged at him with a guttural yell, but Harry's wand flashed, and the man's knees buckled as his legs shattered beneath him. He fell to the ground with a cry, looking up at Harry with horror.


"Please?" Harry mocked, crouching down so that his face was level with the man's. "Do you think your victims got to beg before you killed them?"

The man's mouth opened, but no sound came out. He looked at Harry with eyes filled with terror, and Harry's gaze softened with mock sympathy. "Don't worry," he murmured, almost gently, "it'll be over soon."

He flicked his wand, and the man's body seized, a tortured gasp escaping his lips as he convulsed and went still.

The clearing was nearly silent now, broken only by the faint rustling of robes as Lucius stood alone, the last one left, his face twisted with fury and fear. He forced a sneer onto his face, clutching his wand in a white-knuckled grip. "You… you'll regret this, Potter. When the Dark Lord finds out—"

"Oh? So you do know he survived?" Harry asked with a bright grin, and Malfoy quickly shut up, his eyes wide. Grinning, Harry continued, "I wonder what your dear Dark Lord would do when he realizes you knew he had survived, and yet you did nothing for him. But that's a matter I don't care about."

Harry stalked Lucius who remained frozen on the spot, his body seized with fear. The shock of everything that had transpired in this clearing rendered him unable to move.

He jerked violently when Harry let out a loud laugh, the sound harsh and cold. "Voldemort… your precious Dark Lord, eh?" he mocked. "Even if he doesn't know about your little betrayal… do you really think he gives a flying fuck about a ponce like you, Lucius? You really think you're worth anything in his eyes? You're nothing but a speck of dirt on his boot, Lucius. Vermin. Expendable. Disposable."

Lucius flinched as he felt Harry come to a stop right in front of him, the same damned smirk on his face that had remained there since he'd started killing his companions for the evening. Somehow, gathering whatever courage had remained inside him, he held his ground, his eyes narrowing with hatred. "You don't know anything, boy. The Dark Lord"

"Isn't here," Harry interrupted, his voice a dark whisper. "But I am. And tonight, that's all that matters."

Lucius' face twisted into a snarl and he tried to raise his wand, but Harry's spell hit him before he could even move it an inch. The force of it slammed him back against a tree, his body pinned and his wand clattering to the ground. He struggled, a look of panic flashing across his face as Harry stepped closer.

"You think you're better than me, don't you?" Lucius spat, his voice shaking. "Because you're young, because you're… lucky."

Harry smirked, his gaze unyielding and trained on the fearful face. The sight was cathartic and he felt excitement course through his veins. Oh, how he'd missed this feeling!

"Better?" He asked as he continued to step closer to the blonde ponce. "No, Malfoy. I'm worse. And tonight, you get to see just how much worse."

He flicked his wand, and an ugly crimson bolt struck the terrified man, sending a wave of pain crashing through Lucius' body. His back arched as he cried out, and Harry watched with cold satisfaction as the man writhed and screamed his guts out, his proud face contorted in agony under the Cruciatus Curse.

"Does it hurt, Lucius?" he murmured, his voice soft and deadly as he leaned closer. His face contorted into one of disgust when he discovered that the man had soiled himself. Spitting to the side, he continued, "All that pride, all that power, and you're still nothing more than a sniveling coward."

Lucius gasped, his voice barely a whisper. "You… you'll pay for this…"

Harry leaned even closer, his voice a taunting whisper. "Will I? You wish, Malfoy. Nothing will happen. You know why? Because there will be no one to tell anyone what happened here tonight. Ah, I see you've realized it fully now. Indeed. I'm going to kill you as well, Malfoy."

He straightened, watching as Lucius' head slumped forward, his strength draining.

"And once you're gone?" Harry added, his voice dripping with disdain. "I wonder how Narcissa will feel… perhaps grateful. Grateful to be free of a cowardly ponce. Imagine, Lucius—your precious trophy Narcissa, taken in ways you can only dream of. Stripped from you—mind, body, and soul. Visualize it, Lucius. Your precious trophy Narcissa, writhing under me as I claim her. Your precious trophy Narcissa, begging for my cock as I bend her over and tease her. Your precious trophy Narcissa, brought low from that fucking perch of hers where she looks down on everyone, humbled. Your precious trophy Narcissa, reduced to nothing but my plaything to use as I see fit. That would be a sight indeed, won't it?"

Lucius' face contorted with rage as Harry leaned in, speaking with mocking calmness. "She'll see a new world, Lucius. No more of that undeserving prestige and haughtiness. She will become my bitch, Lucius. And there's not a thing you can do to stop it."

"You… you'll regret this, Potter," Lucius spat, his voice trembling as his body convulsed when the aftereffects of the Cruciatus kicked in.

Harry chuckled, and the low, cold sound made Lucius flinch. "Will I? Tell me, Lucius… did you feel regret when you watched innocents scream tonight? When you terrorized them, just because you could? When you humiliated that poor old woman? And when you slaughtered all these weak innocents?"

Lucius tried to look away, but Harry leaned in closer, his voice a dark whisper. "Oh, but finally, it's your turn. You're going to pay for every life you've ruined. I would've taken multiple lives to make up for all those you have taken, but alas, that is not possible. So, I'll have to content myself with this one, as worthless as it is."

Lucius tried to lunge, his face twisted with helpless rage, but Harry only laughed, the sound cold and echoing in the dark.

With one final swipe of his wand, Harry ended it. Lucius' form crumpled on the harsh ground, blood pouring out of his neck as his head rolled away toward Harry, stopping near his feet. He gazed at the face frozen in an expression of terror and hatred, and gently levitated it in front of himself.

"What are you going to do with that?" Ginny asked, quietly materializing to his left as she gazed at the levitating head with disgust.

"Haven't thought about it yet," Harry remarked with a shrug as he flicked his wand, encasing the head in ice before conjuring an enchanted jar for it. He shrunk the jar and pocketed it before turning around, and with a smirk, he grabbed Ginny by the arse.

The redhead moaned at the feeling of his fingers sinking into her curvy rear and gazed up at him with barely concealed arousal.

"So… looks like you loved everything you saw here tonight, hmm?" He asked in a seductive whisper. Ginny squirmed in his grasp, feeling her womanhood tingle, and a shiver coursed through her as she gazed into his emerald eyes.

"They were lucky you were so merciful with them, otherwise they deserved much worse than they got," she said throatily.

"Is that so?" Harry asked as he leaned down, clamping his lips right over her throat. Ginny's fingers immediately pushed through his hair as she pressed his face against her neck, feeling his lips sucking harshly on her skin.

"Yeah," she breathed somehow, pressing herself up against him. She felt his erection against her lower belly and furiously slammed herself against him, humping against him as she tried to get as much of it as she could.

Harry smirked and his hands drifted lower, pressing against Ginny's pussy from behind. He pushed his fingers against her lower lips over her jeans and began to rub furiously, his lips sucking and nibbling on her throat. He relished her gasps and moans as he stimulated her, feeling how hot and labored she already was.

A mewl of protest left Ginny's lips when Harry pulled his lips away from her skin and gazed into her aroused eyes.

"Good to see you understand then. Now come on, I'm sure there are more of these pricks terrorizing the innocent weaklings who would rather run like cowards than group together and fight," he sneered. "And this time, I'd like to see what you're capable of as you are right now."

Ginny's eyes widened, her grip on his shoulders tightening as the realization dawned on her.

"You mean…?"

"Exactly, Gin," Harry grinned. "You, my dear, are going to get your hands painted red tonight."

A million thoughts ran through Ginny's mind as she gazed up at him, and Harry's smirk widened when he saw her eyes flash a few seconds later.

"Good girl," he whispered, and with a final spank on her rear, he took her hand and began leading them back into the woods.

The night was still young, and it was going to be dark and full of terrors for the remaining Death Eaters.

To be continued…

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