Chapter 59: Reflection And Certification
59. Reflection And Certification
Good day, this is Jilbagias who looked at my mother who gave praise with a strained smile and then immediately snapped at the warriors who were supposed to protect me in secret.
「Seriously, just what in the world do you think I send you for――!」
Excuse me Platy-san, that expression of yours was ruining your beauty. And seriously, you even emitted a literal black magical power.
My poor bodyguard was enduring Platy’s pressure while sweating like a waterfall. And by the way, the most senior warrior who is also the leader of the group was forced to sit in the 『Self-Reflection Chair』 that was made from spiky bones.
Honestly seeing an adult man sitting in that kind of chair was simply an extremely miserable sight…
Nevertheless, now it was clear. I who didn’t want to get a long ass sermon literally sum up my experience in three words, 『Vini, Vidi, Vici』 ergo, since Platy demanded an explanation from my other attendants such as Vigne, Garounya, and the other maid…
She ended up learning the truth…
About how my squad was almost wiped out by the dragon’s breath, about how the battle had ended when the bodyguard just arrived…
Well it couldn’t be helped, the opponent was none other than the patriarch of the white dragons, Faravugi himself. He was by no means an easy prey.「I DID TELL YOU LOTS TO PROTECT HIM FROM AFAR BUT, WHY AREN’T YOU THERE WHEN IT’S THE TIME TO PROTECT HIM!? NOTHING HAPPEN THIS TIME BUT, A SINGLE MISTAKE MIGHT COST HIS LIFE, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY WHEN SUCH AN INCIDENT HAPPENS!?」
Maybe because she was completely enraged, Platy transformed from elegant wife straight up toward spartan general. None of my bodyguards could say anything to her, they had no excuse for this.
At this point, I had two choices.
To evacuate by saying something like 『I shall excuse myself since it looks like they’re about to receive a long sermon…』.
Or, protect the honor of these warriors from the Reiju clan.
Seeing that this will turn into a long sermon, there was a high chance that the leader would be punished severely for his blunder. Though I didn’t really care even if they’re dishonored, selling a debt of gratitude might work better in the long term.
But, there was a high chance that they would resent me for being too cheeky if I acted too arrogantly, or being regarded as weak if I said that this incident happened due to my own blunder.
I did said 『Don’t worry, I’m the one at fault for this situation』 to Verossa but, I doubt these proud demon races would accept such an excuse.
My understanding of the culture and customs of the demon race was too low. Despite all that knowledge that I read on paper, my real-life experience in that regard was almost non-existence. I mean, the only family members that I knew were my relatives, AKA half-siblings.
What should I do? I wonder.
『Even if they’re not under your control, they still have their own sphere of influence.』
Said Ante.
『Your current situation is akin to a chick raised in a golden cage but, you’ll interact with your clan more and more as you grow up.』
I did get the point of why she said that.
『Moreover… Despite the many types of support you have, don’t you think that there will be a traitor among them?』
Ante-san kept spewing one barbed remark after another.
Alas… She was right on the money.
Thus, I moved along the wall, getting as close as possible to hear Platy’s long sermon to the warriors who sat in the self-reflection chair.
「… Is something the matter, Jilbagias?」
Platy stopped her sermon as she asked me with a bewildered face.
「Well, actually, I think I’m the one at fault for causing that situation.」
I replied calmly.
「I mean, this incident happened because I told the night elves’ scout 『Just see the outside of the fortress』. I should’ve ordered them to scout the fortress too once I heard about the possibility of a human spellcaster, and used long-range magic attacks which can at least prevent the first dragon’s breath that almost annihilated my squad…」
I looked at the warriors as I spoke.
「Though having encountered the white dragon who escaped the pursuit of the other dragon after the assault tactic… Was something that was completely beyond everyone’s expectations. But, my fear of being hailed as 『Coward』 is the reason behind that unexpected situation. I, as the commander of this operation has failed in doing a proper job, and that’s why I can’t just blame the others for this blunder.」
I made an appeal that I would take this blunder as a lesson to not repeat the same blunder in the future.
Hearing my appeal, Platy didn’t speak anything for a while before she heaved a sigh as if spewing all kinds of poisonous curses that were about to be received by the poor warriors before she retracted her pressure and sat back in her sofa.
「… Kvirtal.」
The leader who sat in the self-reflection chair stood up. So his name was Kvirtal.
「Your previous opinion should be something along the line of 『Even if he’s a demon prince, he shouldn’t get preferential treatment and be raised like the other demon race’s children』, right?」
「… Yes.」
「does my son need that?」
「I feel ashamed for my own ignorance.」
Kvirtal bowed his head as he admitted his own ignorance.
「… I think I’ve scolded you enough, I’ll leave it at that since Jilbagias himself admitted it’s his blunder. Go back to your post to wait for further instruction and take this as a lesson so that it won’t happen again in the future.」
「「Yes ma’am.」」
The men replied while straightening themselves. Kvirtal bowed silently at me before he left the room.
「… Their judgment at that time is correct though.」
After staring at them for a while, Platy unfolded her folding fan.
「Be careful, the third party will take you as a naive person if you say something like that so carelessly.」
As expected e~h.
「Honestly speaking, I’m bad at such subtleties. Though it might be because I’ve rarely interacted with my clan.」
「You’re right… But well, I do that to prevent you from receiving strange influence from insolent people.」
Said Platy while looking at me with a slightly dumbfounded face.
「But I guess I don’t have to worry about that.」
… Man, I’m really glad that I had no interaction with the kid or babies of the demon race, thank you Platy.
Otherwise, I might slowly get influenced by the people of my clan.
I guess she would lift the ban of interacting with other demon race after this――
「Well, let’s take that matter one at a time. All that’s left now is the execution of the officer who made such a blunder.」
Said Platy as she folded her folding fan. Damn, her face was hella scary.
The hobgoblin officer who made this blunder was going to die… Rather, they’re nothing but parasites for the current demon kingdom, since they couldn’t even work properly this time, they would really lose their status.
But restoration of the demon kingdom’s government would spell a huge trouble for both me and the alliance. This kingdom was completely dependent on the demon king, once that guy got defeated, the rest would fall apart on its own.
――Knock knock knoc.
「I’m coming to report about this matter, My Lady.」
Sofia returned with a vexed look on her face.
「I’m coming to tear that fucking officer’s limbs off before making him suffer and yet… That guy has already been executed by the 4th child’s faction.」
「Oh my, well that’s natural I guess.」
「I’m not bringing that fuc*ker’s head since it’s filthy, you don’t mind for that right?」
「Of course. Why should I care about that filth.」
… Eh?
「Uhm, did you really mean that you were going to bring that head physically?」
「Hah? Of course, what else then?」
「Ah… No, it’s nothing.」
Man… The treatment for those parasites was harsh. Not only did they lose their job, they’re literally turned into mince meat just for displeasing the landlord.
「… That matter aside, Mother. I want to consult you about a weapon.」
「What’s the matter with your weapon”」
「The knife that I used for the spear tip broke in the last battle――」
I got to the point and told her about my findings during this training. About the fact that I felt comfortable when using his sword as the tip of my spear. About how I wanted a longer and wider blade as an alternative for my spearcraft. About how I wanted to discuss this matter with dwarven craftsmen.
「Uhm… It might sound like an old man sermon if I disagree with you but, there’s nothing lost in trying.」
Platy readily accepted my stories.
「Are you sure?」
「If it was any normal kid who said that, I’d do everything to stop you from having such a bad habit. Alas, you are already strong enough to defeat the patriarch of the white dragon at your age. You can already shut the mouth of anyone who dare to make a complaint about your weapon with your own power.」
As expected of a barbarian! Strength is justice!
「Moreover―― I noticed during our training that your movement is strangely rigid from time to times.」
「Ri-… -Gid?」
「Yes. to be exact, you’re using way too many 『Slash』 with the tip of your spear. When it was the shaft that landed a hit during that moment instead of the speartip, you always have this frustrated look on your face.」
… She saw through me that far already. I guess Platy being an excellent warrior was not for show.
「But still, I’m quite surprised to hear the story about that night elf sword saint. If even that person gave his stamp of approval, it only means that you’re just that talented. Naturally, I still can’t agree with you using a sword but… It doesn’t mean that I will stop you from remodeling your spear to make full use of your talent in swordcraft.」
Platy hit the palm of her hand with her folding fan while smiling lightly.
「If it’s the current you, I can say that 【You’re the man who is suitable to become the demon king】. You may do as you wish to become stronger, Jilbagias.」
――You don’t need to tell me something so obvious.
I bowed respectfully to Platy.
Thus I left the demon king castle along with Sofia―― To visit dwarf’s magic smithy.
Journey of The Childhood Friend Who Got Betrayed by Sword Saint
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