1980s Group-Pampering: Cannon-Fodder Real Young Lady Gets a Divorce and Becomes a Billionaire

Chapter 573 Different Views

Originally, this year, Chang Chunfang planned to live with her second son's family, but after her second grandson Lan Haoran returned home from the winter vacation at the university, something happened between Chang Chunfang and her second grandson, and conflicts arose.

When it was Chinese New Year, she was so angry that she asked the nanny to take her to the capital by car alone——

In Linjiang City, no one noticed Chang Chunfang's disappearance at first.

Lan Xiuming and Tian Na work in the hospital, even during holidays, they are still on duty.

Lan Haoran went out early in the morning, and he finally had a vacation. During the vacation, he met his childhood friends and high school classmates, and the time passed like this.

It wasn't until Lan Haoran returned home in the afternoon that he didn't know that grandma wasn't at home. He even took a nap, and when he woke up in the evening, he found the house was quiet, so he realized that something was wrong.

Afterwards, Lan Haoran found out that grandma and the nanny were not at home, and only then did she know that grandma was gone——

In the hospital, Lan Xiuming and Tian Na also received a call from their son about ten minutes later and learned about the incident.

The half-paralyzed, disabled old lady disappeared together with the nanny. Lan Xiuming immediately asked for leave from the hospital, and then went to find someone near his home.

Tian Na's department is too busy to ask for leave, so she can only stay in the hospital.

While looking for someone, Lan Xiuming didn't forget to call his elder brother.

The nanny who took care of the fuck was found by the elder brother's family. He wanted to find someone through the elder brother to see if he could contact the nanny.

After Lan Dazhuang learned that his mother was missing, he was also very anxious, but the nanny's cell phone couldn't get through, and he couldn't contact anyone.

The nanny did not deliberately not answer the phone, but her mobile phone was a blue screen mobile phone from the early years, and the battery was not durable.

She forgot to charge it when she went out this morning, and the phone was out of power and turned off!

Lan Xiuming searched for a long time but found no news. Until it was getting dark at night, he received a call from his elder brother——

Our mother found it!

Lan Dazhuang said, It's winter, and a cold sweat broke out on the back!

It never occurred to him that his half-paralyzed old lady ran hundreds of kilometers from Linjiang City to Kyoto with her nanny!

Fortunately, the two of them can still find a place, otherwise the mother will really lose it!

On the other side of Linjiang City, Lan Xiuming finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his elder brother's voice on the phone.

But then, he was puzzled about the fact that his mother went to Kyoto without saying a word during the Chinese New Year.

He didn't understand that his mother was living well at home, why did he leave?

And in Kyoto, at Lan Dazhuang's house, Lan Dazhuang also asked this doubt in his heart.

Chang Chunfang was hungry all day and didn't eat much. The nanny cooked the meal. After the two of them were full, Chang Chunfang told the eldest son in that inarticulate voice——

Da Zhuang, Hao Ran is my own grandson~! How could he dislike me?

Chang Chunfang's tone of voice was quite aggrieved, and Lan Dazhuang listened to what the hell was going on, and gradually realized what was going on.

It turned out that his nephew Lan Haoran came home from the winter vacation and found out that his grandma was ill, so he just greeted her.

Afterwards, Chang Chunfang missed her grandson and wanted to get in touch with him more. She asked her how she was doing at school and if she had a girlfriend, but her grandson didn't want to chat with her at all!

Chang Chunfang felt that her grandson found her annoying, so she deliberately avoided her and stayed away from home every day.

It happened to be Chinese New Year, Lan Xiuming and Tian Na went to the hospital early in the morning, Lan Haoran also went out, and when Chang Chunfang woke up, she and the nanny were left at home.

She felt that her life was so boring!

Other old ladies have a group of children and grandchildren during the New Year, and the whole family is by their side, but she is left at home by her son and grandson.

Where is it still celebrating Chinese New Year? !

In a fit of anger, Chang Chunfang asked the nanny to take her to the capital.

The old lady had the same mentality as when she left her third son's house. She lacked this son and had another son!

Chang Chunfang felt that the eldest son was the most filial, so she came to the eldest son's side.

After hearing the reason why his mother left his second brother's house, Lan Dazhuang felt speechless for a moment.

As for this matter, how about dragging his semi-paralyzed body for hundreds of kilometers in a car on impulse?

Moreover, Lan Dazhuang didn't believe that his nephew was the kind of person who disliked his elders.

Although Lan Dazhuang and Lan Haoran haven't met many times, he can also see that his nephew is good-natured, polite and humble, completely different from the Lan Haoran his mother talked about!

So what's going on?

That night, Lan Dazhuang comforted his mother, and after waiting for Chang Chunfang to fall asleep, he walked out of the house and went to the yard to call his second brother.

Lan Xiuming, because of the fact that his mother was lost during the day, even though he was found, he still couldn't calm down, and couldn't sleep at night.

At this moment, Lan Xiuming received a call from his eldest brother, and immediately asked how his mother was doing in Kyoto.

Lan Dazhuang always speaks directly, so he told his second brother about his fucking complaints.

Lan Dazhuang wasn't complaining about his second brother's family not taking good care of his mother, but just asking what was going on.

What he is most concerned about is whether his nephew is really like what his mother said, as a grandson, but he dislikes grandma?

When Lan Xiuming learned the reason why his mother left, he immediately called his son over!

He is not too clear about the situation at home, so he has to ask his son if he is disrespectful to grandma!

At Lan Xiuming's house, Lan Haoran, who was reading a book in the room, was suddenly approached by his father and asked him about his daily relationship with his grandma.

Although what his father said was an inquiry, Lan Haoran could already hear the seriousness in his father's tone.

Lan Haoran knew that something must have happened!

When mentioning grandma, Lan Haoran couldn't help frowning.

Since Dad asked the question on his own initiative, he will answer truthfully.

When talking about grandma, he has almost endless words! ——

From the first day I came home from vacation, I knew that my grandma was sick. I put down my luggage and went to see grandma right away.

Grandma was very enthusiastic about me and asked me a lot of things, such as life in school and whether I had a girlfriend, and I answered them truthfully.

That day I chatted with my grandma all afternoon, and then I saw that grandma was tired, so I went to rest for a while.

After dinner in the evening, I was studying in the house, and my grandma suddenly pushed the door of my room open with a cane, and wanted to continue chatting with me.

The next day, grandma was still enthusiastic. Even if we talked too much and there was nothing to talk about, she wanted me to stay by her side, even if she just stared at me.

Dad, uncle, I want to rest and relax when I come back from vacation, but I am more tired at home than at school!

That's why I went out early in the morning. Instead of being stared at by my grandma at home, I might as well go out to meet friends.

When Lan Haoran said these words, he felt aggrieved!

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