Chapter 5: Chapter 4: The Demon Lord Who Can’t Even Get a Bed
I had been riding high on a wave of delusion. After all, I was Leonard Nightfall—the legendary demon lord! The one who would conquer kingdoms and laugh in the face of heroes. But no amount of that fantasy was going to change the cold, hard reality I was facing.
An F-rank.
I glanced down at the scroll in my hand like it might suddenly sprout wings and fly away. F-rank.
"Good luck, F-rank," the guild clerk had said with a sneer, handing me the scroll that sealed my fate. "There's no room for you here. Try the streets."
Her words echoed in my ears, and for a brief moment, I could almost feel my old demon lord instincts kick in. I should've struck fear into her heart! I should have demanded a room! But no, instead, I found myself out in the world, without a clue where to go next. The embarrassment burned like fire, and my pride demanded I take action.
"Right," I muttered to myself, straightening up. "I'm Leonard Nightfall. I'll just find somewhere to stay, and I won't let this F-rank get in my way.
I walked down the cobbled streets, my footsteps heavy with determination. An inn was my next target. Surely a place that housed ordinary people would not turn away a demon lord, even if I was just a little down on my luck.
The first inn I approached was small but looked welcoming enough. I pushed open the door with exaggerated grandeur, hoping the air of authority I carried would be enough to get me past the front desk.
The innkeeper—a short, stout man with a permanent scowl—looked up at me. His eyes flickered to my worn cloak, then the tattered scroll I was clutching, and he gave me a look that screamed, "You're not fooling anyone."
"How can I help you?" he asked with barely disguised amusement.
"I am here for a room," I announced with an air of pomp. "I am Leonard Nightfall, the mighty demon lord. Prepare to offer me your finest accommodations!"
The innkeeper blinked. "Uh, right. Well, seeing as you're a mighty demon lord, I'm sure you'd prefer the best room we've got, yeah?"
I nodded, puffing my chest out in pride.
He scratched his chin. "We've got a back room for F-ranks. It's only two silver coins a night."
My eyes widened. "Two silver coins?" I repeated, shocked. "I'm a demon lord! Do you know who I am?"
"Yeah, I see the F-rank," he replied flatly. "Take it or leave it, pal. If you're really such a 'mighty demon lord,' maybe you can charm the room into giving you something better."
I stood there for a moment, trying to make sense of the situation. Was I really this far gone? I wasn't about to pay two silver coins for a back room!
I straightened up, deciding to try my luck elsewhere. "I'll go somewhere else," I declared with forced bravado, then turned to leave in a huff.
I trudged to the next inn, still clutching my scroll like it was some kind of sacred relic.
This time, I made sure to look even more imposing. I pushed open the door dramatically, making sure my presence was known. The innkeeper—a young, wide-eyed woman—greeted me with a polite smile.
"Good evening, sir. How may I help you?"
"I require a room," I said, doing my best to sound regal. "I am Leonard Nightfall, demon lord of the underworld."
Her smile faltered for a split second, but she quickly recovered. "Oh! Um… yes, of course. A room for a mighty demon lord such as yourself… well, we have the main room available for ten silver coins a night."
I gritted my teeth. Ten silver coins? A night? The gall! "Ten silver coins?!" I said, almost incredulously. "Do you know who you're speaking to?"
Her smile faded into something resembling pity. "I'm afraid that's our rate for those who don't have a… particular rank. You know, like the F-rank."
I looked down at my scroll, almost as if it were mocking me. "F-rank," I muttered.
The innkeeper stood her ground. "I can offer you the common room for five silver coins if that's too much for you?"
I shook my head, dismayed. Five silver coins! As a demon lord, I should be swimming in gold, not scrambling for scraps. But I wasn't about to let my pride bend that far. Not yet.
"I'll look elsewhere," I snapped, turning on my heel with a flourish.
I walked the streets, now growing visibly agitated. The third inn I approached seemed even worse than the last. The innkeeper, a grumpy old man, barely looked up from his chair as I walked in.
"Room," I said curtly, "for the demon lord."
He grunted and pointed toward a rickety door at the back. "Got one for you. No silver left, though. Ten copper."
He didn't even blink. "Take it or leave it. Or sleep on the street."
After a failed attempt at the fourth inn, I found myself standing on the street corner, defeated. My pride had been trampled over and over again. None of these inns wanted me—a demon lord—in their rooms.
I looked around. The familiar signs of the city, full of normal people living their peaceful lives, only served to remind me of how far I had fallen. Every inn I visited had rejected me, each time with my pride crumbling a little more.
I wandered further, desperation sinking in. The streets started to empty, the evening chill setting in. After a few more failed attempts, I found myself at the edge of a small park. It was peaceful, quiet… and it didn't seem to care about F-rank demon lords.
I sighed heavily, looking up at the stars. "This is my fate now, isn't it?" I muttered to myself. "A demon lord… who can't even find a bed. How low have I fallen?"
And so, I set up camp on a cold park bench, lying down uncomfortably.
I don't have a house.
That thought repeated in my mind like a broken record. A demon lord… with no home, no servants, and no respect.
But at least it was quiet here.